Chapter 417
Under the ravages of jumping clowns and deep-water predators, the entire professional calligraphy and painting market is a bottomless abyss, no one will jump into it, and there will be no splash, unless you are very lucky.

Of course, the calligraphy and painting market mainly depends on the quality of the works, but at a glance, there are so many modern calligraphy and painting works sold every year, with a lot of sky-high prices, how many pieces may catch the eye?On the contrary, there are occasional boutiques in some unremarkable small exhibitions, but unfortunately the number is too small.

In fact, the prosperity of an industry depends not on how much money it can make, but on how many pillars it can have.

In the current calligraphy and painting circle, who can be regarded as someone with a sea of ​​purple gold beams and a white jade pillar?Especially among the younger generation!
Even if Xu Jingxing hadn't been out and about before, he could see through it at a glance. Because of this, he didn't plan to go the way of a professional calligrapher and painter. For no other reason, he just found it boring, so he didn't care to follow him. Those jumping beam clowns are grabbing food on a plate, and the little money they make is not enough to be ashamed.

Therefore, his idea of ​​becoming a professional painter is at best a small bad taste, a bad taste to take advantage of Mr. Lian - you want me to paint for you?Okay, I'll let you help me make a name for myself.

Thinking of something interesting, a smile could not help but flow from the corner of his mouth.

Even the old man's eyes are quite good, so he asked in bewilderment, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing," he quickly waved his hand, "Come on, paint and paint, don't worry, grind ink, old man, what kind of subject do you want?"

"There is no limit, play whatever you want, simple, right?"

"Easy? For most people, propositional composition is easier to write, right?"

"Hey hey, it doesn't matter if it's simple or complicated, anyway, the task is entrusted to you. As for how you complete it, it's up to you," the old man said proudly.

Xu Jingxing thought for a while, "It's fine, but no matter whether it's good or bad, you can't dislike it."

"That depends on my mood," the old man was even more proud, seeing Xu Jingxing's increasingly depressed expression, he couldn't help laughing, and his mood improved a lot.

Xu Jingxing spread out more than 4000 pieces of Red Star Shengxuan, mixed the ink in porcelain ink cartridges that cost tens of dollars each, picked up more than 200 lake brushes, and put pen on the paper for a moment of contemplation. The blending of ink and paper, instantly Inky flowers bloomed one after another, and at the same time they bloomed on the rice paper, they also took away An Xin and Old Man Lian's mind.

In the eyes of the two of them, Xu Jingxing at this moment is like a magical magician, who can interpret the colorful world with just a few gestures, which makes people fascinated.

Even Xu Jingxing himself was a little absent-minded, because he was also taken aback by his own state, because the moment he wrote the pen, he seemed to enter a very mysterious state. Even in the whole world, there are only cat pens dipped in thick ink and smooth rice paper. When the tip of the pen touches the rice paper, when the ink smears in the rice paper, time seems to slow down a lot.

Not only that, in his feeling, the rice paper seems to be magnified many times, and he can even "see" the whole process of the ink spreading along the grain of the rice paper when it comes into contact with the rice paper.

It felt as magical as it could be.

Therefore, even he himself was taken aback. When he came back to look at the ink stains on the rice paper, it seemed to be a solitary mass with no head or tail, but it revealed some very special feelings. A cloud of ink stains imagines the whole picture of the whole painting.

When did my painter become so powerful?

He looked at the writing brush in his hand in surprise, and was a little flustered for a while.Because he knows that this is not something mysterious, it is that his painting skills have increased to a very high level, to the level of "scribing a pen into a scroll".

Putting the brush into a scroll, in layman’s terms, is to completely portray the artistic conception of the whole picture scroll with one stroke, so that the audience can feel the content of the painting and the meaning he wants to express at the moment of seeing the stroke of the brush. Things that even super masters can’t do, because it requires the painter to have a very strong painter, and the content of the painting must also have extremely strong emotional rendering power, otherwise how will the readers of the painting know what you want to express?

Generally speaking, painters use the whole painting to express the meaning they want to express. I have never heard of a painting that can present the content and artistic conception of the whole painting just by starting a brush.

Therefore, Xu Jingxing was frightened by himself.

Ordinarily, it is impossible to improve this kind of soft power through hardware. For example, Ruyi Gloves can improve his physical fitness, but it is impossible to improve his combat awareness; it can improve his memory, but it is impossible to improve his cultural level. ; can improve his finger dexterity, but not his computer skills.

Similarly, the Ruyi glove can improve his control over the brush and indirectly improve his painting skills, but it is only a skill improvement. Even a fool can master the skills through repeated training, which still belongs to the hardware category.

However, the ability he showed just now has been improved in all aspects. Not only has his painting skills been greatly improved, but his understanding of traditional paintings has also reached a level that he has never reached before.

As soon as the pen was written just now, he naturally used those suddenly improved abilities, and then he was frightened by himself.

"Okay!" At this time, the old man Lian shouted a good word, and then he said, "Well, you go on, go on," and then stared at him eagerly, as if watching a soon-to-be-born General rare treasures.

He was taken aback by Mr. Lian, and looked down at the solitary ink stain on the rice paper. It was the rudiment of a big rock, and he hadn't finished painting it yet. He used the big axe method and just painted more than half of it. It looks a little weird.But it's just such a group of ink stains that look a bit inexplicable, but reveal a kind of upright momentum. When you look at it, Fangfo sees a big bluestone that is upright and rooted in the ground.

Moreover, this chapping method is quite clever, the brushwork is twisted and twisted, but it is powerful, and the lines are short and straight, like firewood split by an axe.Imagine that when chopping firewood, when the ax goes down, there will be a "click", and the wood will be split into two, clean and strong, crisp and fierce.

When chopping with this big axe, what is needed is that kind of crisp and cold strength. If this kind of strength is used well, the chapping method will be finished. As for whether the shape is standard or not, it is not unimportant.

Just now, he did this, and that stroke, the method he used is a little different from the standard big axe. He used the big axe, which was originally suitable for depicting large areas of rocks, to use the fine detail of a small axe. The taste is good, but in the bones it still has the momentum of a big axe.

It was a skill he had never mastered before.

(End of this chapter)

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