God-level Golden Hand

Chapter 404 Is Filled With Chicken Soup

Chapter 404 Is Filled With Chicken Soup

Hearing Old Man Lian's words, Xu Jingxing was a little surprised, "Master, do you mean that this new pavilion is better than the old one?"

The old man nodded, "Let's not talk about the material, but the structure. What do you think of the structure of the new pavilion?"

"The structure is very stable and rigorous," he said without hesitation, because the Richi Pavilion left a deep impression on him. He said it when he came here years ago, and the structure of the pavilion has no defects. .

"That's right, it's rigorous and stable," the old man said approvingly, and then asked again: "This feature seems inconspicuous, but it is quite rare for pavilions and towers. Do you know why?"

Is this testing me?

He raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and replied seriously: "Because the structure of this pavilion-like building is relatively simple, if the structure is not rigorous, it is prone to collapse, tilt and other safety accidents."

"Yes, is there any more?"

"There are, but we have to start with the style of this type of building."

"Go ahead," the old man waved his hand, motioning for him to continue.

"Then let me tell you my opinion." He swallowed and continued, "The shapes of pavilions and pagodas are mostly relatively flexible. A kind of unreliable feeling of castles in the air, so when designing and constructing pavilions and towers, they generally adapt to local conditions and try to avoid too flexible architectural styles as much as possible.”

Hearing his answer, the old man nodded with a smile, "That's good, but it's not straightforward enough," he thought for a while before continuing: "In traditional culture, pavilions and pagodas are generally used to suppress Fengshui. If the air of the earth is too floating, not only will it not have the effect of suppression, but it may become an ant nest that destroys thousands of miles of dikes, which is a taboo in Feng Shui theory."

"Um, do you still believe in Feng Shui?" He was a little speechless.

"I'm an old man, what's wrong with the old man's belief in feng shui?" The old man said stubbornly.

Dede, you are an old man, everything you say is justified.

He smiled wryly, "It's a bit against harmony."

"Hey, boy, don't underestimate the number of Feng Shui spells. If you really study and study, you will find that there is a big world in those obscure theories," the old man said in a mysterious way.

"Oh? Did you believe in Feng Shui from the beginning to the end, or didn't you believe it at first, but later?" He thought of a funny topic and asked with a wink.

The old man thought for a while, and a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, "I am also from the countryside, and I once worked in an opera troupe. Of course I believed it at the beginning, but after I learned a lot, I began to doubt it. When I was studying abroad, I completely denied the theory of Fengshui, thinking it was a piece of nonsense and a complete lie, but, before I retired, I changed my mind again..."

He couldn't help laughing and said, "Your thinking process is really similar to Newton and Einstein."

"Hehe, what's the matter, it's just a process of understanding the world," the old man waved his hand, "If you are interested, I can tell you about it."

"No, I'm not at that stage yet. If I'm really interested, I'll understand without you talking," he hastily waved his hand, joking, how could he be in the mood to study Feng Shui theory now?
Moreover, in his cognition, the usefulness of Feng Shui theory is nothing more than the empirical theory of home environment. It is the beneficial experience summed up by the ancients, which can be explained clearly with modern scientific theories. magic.

As for the theory of ghosts and gods in those theories, he can be sure that it is a lie, and he will never believe it.

But it's really strange to say that even an all-round genius like the old man wants to understand the world through metaphysics when he gets old. Is this a trend or a struggle after touching the ceiling of science?
Of course, these things have nothing to do with him. He can be sure that it is impossible for him to engage in science in this life, and he does not want to understand the world. Satisfied.

Seeing him like this, even the old man shook his head with regret, "Yes, you are still young, and you have plenty of time to understand all the unknowns. When I was your age, I was far worse than you."

"That's because you and your generation or even two generations have created a bright world for our generation, so that we have a better environment and conditions to learn and progress. I can achieve a little achievement, but it is only a backward step. It’s like standing on the shoulders of giants looking at the world, it seems to be standing high and seeing far, but without the support of giants, the sky you see may not be as big as the mouth of a well.”

He is really blunt when he is modest, and what he said is quite organized and reasonable, and it sounds very sincere, not the kind of polite words that are immediately false.

There is no way, in front of this kind of fine old man, it is best not to use any small tricks, telling the truth is better than any tricks.

He thought so, and when he said these words, he also expressed his feelings, completely from the heart.

He believed that even the old man could tell whether he was being polite, or he really thought so.

Sure enough, when his voice fell, the old man said with emotion: "It's great that you can think like this. If you can think like this, it proves that all the efforts of those people were worthwhile. Hehe, after all, this world is for you young people after all. Yes, young people are not afraid of shortcomings, they are afraid of forgetting their roots, and if they don’t forget their roots, everything is possible.”

He is really speechless, he likes to get along with these wise old men, but he doesn't like to be taught all the time.

The chicken soup is delicious, even if you drink it every day.

But since this old man is his idol, he doesn't care about it.

He said he didn't care about it, but he quietly brought the topic back to the original path and continued to discuss this small stone pavilion. There are not many opportunities to ask Mr. Lian for professional knowledge in person. If this great opportunity is wasted on cooking chicken soup , that is simply reckless.

The old man is Mr. Liang's student. If he can listen to the old man's teaching, it is equivalent to accepting Mr. Liang's instructions indirectly.And who is Mr. Liang?That was a real powerhouse in architecture, what Mount Everest is to mountains in the history of modern architecture.

When the old man talked about what he was happy about, he stood on the stone railing of the small pavilion and pointed to the overhanging eaves, explaining to him the specific structure of those overhanging eaves.

Where is he in the mood to listen to the class at this time?I just took care of the old man, and I was afraid that the old man would accidentally fall down. At such an old age, it is really possible that if you fall, you will be completely devastated.

What's more, there is a cliff next to the pavilion, if the old man falls, he will be responsible for every death!
(End of this chapter)

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