God-level Golden Hand

Chapter 234 Wooden Tower Community

Chapter 234 Wooden Tower Community
In fact, painting and building have something in common, that is, they have a good layout of scenery.

Before painting, you must first learn the layout, what scenery will look good with what, what position is more pleasing to the eye, how to arrange it is more common sense, etc. You must consider it carefully. You can find this by looking at the paintings of those masters. , obviously there is not much content in the painting, just a mountain, a river, a stone path, a boat, a person, and a round of the sun, but this is the scenery, but the layout is dense and dense, and the spatial level, dark, near, and other elements are almost impeccable .

And some painters have good techniques, but their works just look uncomfortable. The content in the paintings can be whatever they want, but no matter how messy they look, they can only pile up techniques and scenery.

The same is true for architectural designers. A smart architectural designer can decorate a home and courtyard very comfortably and warmly without too many accessories; while a second-rate designer can only pile up various elements to fill the scene, and the result is often confusing to people. With the feeling of nouveau riche.

This phenomenon is most common in Chinese-style buildings and classical gardens. Some second-rate designers themselves are half-baked, and they can grab traditional elements and stuff them into the yard. Bamboo forest?Come on a set, rockery?Get a set, Pond?Come on a set, flower window?How many sets, slate?Paved all over, landscape wall?Come to a few blocks, Chaoshou veranda?It's full.

As a result, it seems that everything is missing, but there is no aesthetic feeling.

Naturally, Xu Jingxing and Ding Shuhuai would not make this kind of mistake. Both of them were very disgusted with the unaesthetic pile-up. Every scene and thing in the whole resort was the result of their careful design. Ding Shuhuai was in control of the overall situation and the details were handled by He will grasp it.

But this does not mean that he does not understand the overall layout. He may not be able to design such a beautiful overall plan as Ding Shuhuai, but he can understand the good and the bad.

Therefore, seeing the set of wooden pagodas designed by Ding Shuhuai was really shocking.

There are a total of five small islands in the center of the lake. The distance between each other is far or near. At that time, they will all be connected by wooden arcade bridges. Each island will have a wooden tower. The structure of the wooden tower except the foundation part It will also be built with mortise and tenon structure, and will become a landscape integrated with the wooden arched bridge.

And in line with the design concept of "absolutely do not build buildings without practical significance", these wooden towers are not only a landscape, but also a sightseeing platform. According to Ding Shuhuai's design, each floor of each tower can accommodate at least five people, and The number of floors and shapes of each tower are different.

In this way, you can see the covered bridge, wooden tower and waterscape in the distance, you can see the wooden tower and waterscape from the covered bridge, and you can also see the covered bridge and waterscape from the wooden tower, and I believe that seeing these scenery from different angles will be more interesting. There is a completely different experience.

That picture is exciting just thinking about it.

However, the workload is much greater. It seems that the construction of wooden towers does not require much material, but the difficulty of construction is more difficult than that of ordinary traditional dwellings. After all, it is a high-rise building.

There are five wooden towers, the lowest five floors and the highest nine floors.

The five-story one is easy to say, but the nine-story one can be said to be the most difficult building in the entire scenic area. It is so tall, and it must be built with a mortise and tenon structure. Although bricks and stones are also used, the proportion of wood used It will definitely be very large, accounting for almost [-]% of it, so it is more difficult.

If it is not for enhancing the practicability and safety, it is okay to use wood to build it, but in that case, the practicability will be reduced. After all, if people come and go up and down frequently, no matter how strong the wood is, it will be damaged. One day, and it has to be built as high as nine stories, the burden on the wooden tower itself is already heavy.

If it is a simple landscape tower, even if it is a pure mortise and tenon structure, and does not use a single brick except for the foundation, Xu Jingxing can guarantee that the wooden tower will not collapse for a hundred years.It's a pity that Ding Shuhuai must be made into a practical viewing tower. For safety reasons, only a little brick and stone can be added to the building structure.

But even so, once it is successfully built, it will become a miracle of some sort, because there is only one example of a tower building with this structure in China, and that is the Lingxiao Pagoda of Tianning Temple.

The structure of this kind of wooden tower seems simple, but it embodies all the wisdom of traditional French building methods. Many people can't understand it, let alone design it.

Ding Shuhuai didn't have the confidence to build such a wooden pagoda before, but with Xu Jingxing's help, he immediately became full of confidence, because Xu Jingxing's mortise and tenon structure, especially the convenient control of the details, made him admire. He had seen Xu Jingxing's mortise and tenon. Small objects with a shank structure are almost the same as those processed by high-precision machine tools, and they are almost exactly the same when they are set together.

Otherwise, Ding Shuhuai would not dare to make such a bold design.

Not to mention Ding Shuhuai, if there is no skilled carpenter, no one would dare to do this kind of design. This kind of large-scale mortise and tenon structure building not only tests the designer's design ability, but also the carpenter's craftsmanship.Because among so many structures, even if there is a slight flaw, the entire wooden tower may be affected.

Of course, another reason why there are no new wooden pagodas is that there is no market, which is not used in general scenic spots. Larger scenic spots have their own ancient buildings, and garden scenic spots do not need such large wooden pagodas, so over the years However, the only wooden pagoda with this structure is the Lingxiao Pagoda of Tianning Temple.

But it won't be long before a second one rises.

Thinking of this, Xu Jingxing was also so excited that he didn't want to. He didn't sleep all night and kept thinking about the structure and details of the wooden tower. He even drew and marked every mortise and tenon structure that needed to be used.

It's not that he has nothing to do, but that he must be cautious and cautious. This kind of building is a miracle if it is done well, but it is a joke if it is not done well.

The tower collapsed, it doesn't matter if you are laughed at, it doesn't matter if you don't get paid, if someone dies, they will go to jail.

Thinking of this, he felt the heavy pressure while being excited.

With so much pressure on him, can he not be cautious?
This kind of work really cannot tolerate the slightest mistake.

The next day, at dawn, he led the carpentry team to regroup and continue to make the building components that will be used. This time, he personally exerted more power, because he was really worried about letting others do many constructions, so he could only do it himself.

The result is that he sleeps less every day.

After working so hard for another 20 days, the preparatory work has come to an end and the construction can be officially started. This made him breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise he would be exhausted even if he was an iron man.

When strolling by the lake after dinner at night, Ding Shuhuai said in a low voice: "The security guard said that there are often people strolling around these few days, you pay attention to this, and tell your little apprentice, don't run around, what's the matter?" Let Qian Dong handle the matter, and let's protect ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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