Chapter 226

In order to make money, Xu Jingxing and An Xin didn't dare to appreciate the night view here, they would sleep in the shed after strolling around the reservoir.

It was the first time to sleep in this kind of place, Xu Jingxing really couldn't fall asleep for a while, he could only lie on the bed and close his eyes to rest his mind, and he didn't fall asleep until a long time later.Then, he was quickly woken up by the phone's alarm, which he set for five o'clock.

It’s not that he likes to get up so early because he has nothing to do, but he is the team leader and must arrange the things to be done for the day before the workers get up, because the workers have to work when they wake up, and they don’t eat until around seven o’clock.

It’s like this on the construction site. I get up to work at dawn, eat breakfast when breakfast is cooked, and then work until lunch is cooked at noon. There is only a two-hour break in the middle of noon. I go to work on time at two o’clock, and then directly Busy until dark.

Of course, if you have more free time at night, generally speaking, you don’t need to work overtime, because construction in the dark has certain risks, unless it is some relatively special work, such as interior decoration or something.

He got up quietly, without disturbing An Xin, and tried to let her sleep a little longer - on the construction site, it was also a kind of happiness to be able to sleep an extra half an hour every day.

After a brief wash, he took out the drawings he had drawn, listed today's task list on the paper, and went outside to check the wood needed, and then began to call the workers to get up.

He is the team leader, so he can’t feel sorry for the workers. He has to get up when he should get up, and he has to work when he is supposed to work. If someone is caught stealing, raping, and slipping, he will train them as they should, and even deduct wages or drive them out directly. .

People say that kindness does not command soldiers, leading any team is the same, you must be clear about rewards and punishments, unless your team is full of high-quality talents, they will not steal, cheat, or care about personal gains and losses, and will consciously contribute to your team own everything.

But does such a team exist?
Of course, the workers are also used to it. They come here to make money, not to enjoy themselves, and they just want to be lazy, and they will not choose to be lazy at this time. Isn't that obviously a problem with the team leader?If you don't go with the team leader, it is equivalent to not going with the money.

What's more, they were holding back their energy today to compete with Xu Jingxing in their skills. Although they were overwhelmed by Xu Jingxing's super strength and ingenious ideas when he built the building block house yesterday, carpenters still depend on their hands in the final analysis. What kind of qualified carpenter is a carpenter who is not skilled enough?Not to mention being the leader of the carpentry team.

So everyone got up quickly, washed up and gathered in the pergola he thought their carpentry team had built.

The carpentry team has to do a lot of carving work. Although they are not afraid of the sun, it is always good to have a shaded place, so when Ding Shuhuai built the work shed, he built a special pergola for the carpentry team. Although it is simple, But I am not afraid of the sun or the rain, and when it rains, I will not delay my work.

Xu Jingxing stood behind a table holding the blueprints and the list of the carpentry team. He called the names first to get to know each other, and then said loudly: "Let me introduce myself again. My surname is Xu and my name is Xu Jingxing. You are all older than me. Just call me Xiao Xu, and then, what you said yesterday, you want to know how a building component is qualified, right?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"I said, it's very simple. I see the real chapter. There are also materials, tools, and drawings. One copy per person. Start now and stop before breakfast. Then you will know what the standards I set are. "Xu Jingxing said, pointing to the blueprint in front of him, "This is the corbel column I drew. The size and pattern are very clear, should I understand it?"

Everyone nodded again. If you can't even understand the drawings, you can't be considered a qualified carpenter. Besides, the corbel columns are not too complicated to build, and you can make a lot of them without looking at the drawings.

But everyone still obediently received the blueprints, and the new team leader still needs to give some points, but when they got the blueprints, their expressions immediately changed, because the pattern is a bit complicated, not a simple pattern, but an exquisite landscape figure Patterns, and none of them are the same, which requires not only superb carpentry skills, but also carving skills.

Although these people are not professional engravers, it is no problem to engrave simple patterns, but it is beyond their ability to engrave such exquisite landscape and figure patterns. Here I work for Xu Jingxing, setting up a street stall to sell wood carvings is better than working for others.

Lao Bai immediately put forward his opinion, "Captain Xu, I can't make this picture. We are all carpenters, not wood carvers."

After all, Lao Bai's age is there. Although he was asking for an opinion, he called Xu Jingxing as the Xu team. This is an acknowledgment of Xu Jingxing's position in this team. It's nothing, but calling Captain Xu is taking the initiative to help Xu Jingxing establish his prestige, and it can be regarded as flattering without any trace.

Xu Jingxing was amused in his heart, but he had to admit that this "Captain Xu" made him feel at ease physically and mentally, because no one had ever called him that before, not even a similar one.Of course, the main reason was that he had never been the leader of a small group before.

But at this time, he didn't really laugh out loud, but nodded calmly, "I know, but the components used here are all like this, so try your best to start from scratch, every link Do everything well, don’t be afraid if you can’t finish it, but if you can’t even do the most basic, I’m sorry, I will directly recruit people again.”

When he said this, his expression became very serious in an instant, and his eyes swept over everyone's faces. This time, even Mao Jianyong didn't dare to look at him.

"Do you know what to do?" After scanning it once, he asked.

This time, the expressions on everyone's faces were not as relaxed as before. They obviously felt the pressure. Not only was the difficulty of the work beyond their imagination, even Xu Jingxing, a young man, behaved more sophisticatedly than they had imagined, like Lao Bai. People with a scheming mind have faintly realized that from the first time they met Xu Jingxing to now, they have been led by the nose by Xu Jingxing.

But it's too late to say anything at this time, and there is nothing to say, the real thing is to show your skills obediently.

Seeing this, Xu Jingxing heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he was very satisfied with the atmosphere he created, and also very satisfied with the image he established in front of these subordinates.That is to say, he has this ability. If another young man comes over, he may not be able to hold down these old fritters.

(End of this chapter)

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