Chapter 215
Naturally, Xu Jingxing knew these legends about Ke Cheng, so he told An Xin while driving.

In fact, Kecheng has more than just this one interesting story, there are many more. For example, the legend of "Three Monsters of Kecheng", even the founder of the country, the old man, knew it. When passing by, he asked the local cadres if they knew know the story.

The so-called "Three Monsters of Kecheng" are actually three monsters in the legend, a big-headed monster in the bell tower, a white cloth monster in the county school pond, and a duck monster in Jiaochi Street. If you chase after it, you will die of exhaustion, if you are entangled by the white cloth monster and dragged into the water, you will drown, and if you hear the call of the duck monster, you will die of stomach pain.

There are similar stories in many places, but most of them are not as famous as the "Three Monsters of Kecheng". Perhaps it is because Kecheng itself is such a mysterious city, so so many magical stories have been born legend.

Of course, Kecheng is most famous for its mountains and rivers and its culture. Just look at the list of tourist attractions to see how beautiful the mountains and rivers are.In this small city, there are 1 world natural heritage, 4 national key cultural relics protection units, 5 national 1A-level tourist area, 4 national 7A-level tourist areas, 2 national industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration sites, and national forests. There are 5 parks, 1 national geological park, [-] national nature reserve and [-] national key scenic spot.

There are so many national-level and world-class tourist attractions alone. One can imagine how beautiful the mountains and rivers here are. The title of "magical mountains and rivers" is not for nothing.

As for culture, let’s take a look at the academies here. The ones that have left their names in history include Mengshan Jingshe, Kezhai Lecture House, Qingxian Academy, Luming Academy, Jinglian Academy, Zhengyi Academy, and Keshan Academy Among the founders of these eight academies are Zhu Xi, Zhou Ji, Xu Lin, Ma Duanlin, Yan Yanzhi and other famous people, and some of them are county schools or government schools.

It can be seen from this that Kecheng's literary style is flourishing.

You must know that although Kecheng could not be said to be a remote village in ancient times, it was also a remote town far away from major cultural and economic centers, and it was mostly populated by ethnic minorities.To be able to breed such a strong style of writing in such an environment, I have to say that this city is indeed loved by the world, not only the mountains and rivers are beautiful, but also the people are outstanding.

As for the celebrities born in Kecheng, there are more.

Can such a city not fascinate people?

Xu Jingxing checked the relevant information of Kecheng before he came, and he didn't think much of it at the time, but as he talked, he felt more and more the extraordinary charm revealed by this city.

I can't wait to learn more about the city.

Of course, what excites him the most is that the famous "Kaihua paper" is produced in Kecheng. For people like them who like to play with writing and ink, "Kaihua paper" is a luxury in rice paper, especially the top-level rice paper. Many calligraphers and painters can't ask for high-quality Kaihua paper, so they can only use ordinary Kaihua paper of poor quality to pin their desires.

Before he came, he had made up his mind that he must get some high-quality Kaihua paper before leaving Kecheng, no matter how expensive it was.

After getting off the highway, before entering the city, Ding Shuhuai's Audi stopped and started talking to the owner of a Range Rover parked by the side of the road. After a while, Ding Shuhuai waved to him.

Seeing this, he also called An Xin, "Come together, that person is probably the benefactor. How much money we can make depends on how happy the benefactor is to give the money, haha."

The gold master is a half-old man in his 50s. If you say old, you are not old, if you say young, you are not young anymore. He has a big back hair, a rosy complexion, and is full of energy. Although he is not tall, he seems to be giving orders. A character with a bit of undeniable toughness in his gestures.

Seeing Xu Jingxing, the suspicion in his eyes was not hidden at all, "Mr. Ding, is this the master sculptor you mentioned? It's not that I look down on him. At his age, no matter how talented he is, he won't be able to make a name for himself. "

Ding Shuhuai smiled, "Mr. Qian, do you think I'm the kind of person who jokes regardless of the occasion? And how could I joke about such a big thing? If this thing gets messed up, it's not just a matter of my embarrassment, It also involves a large investment of tens of millions."

"Mr. Ding's character and ability are trustworthy, but..." Mr. Qian glanced at Xu Jingxing as he spoke, but he didn't continue, but nodded, "Well, anyway, this job Mr. Ding is all inclusive, I will not interfere with who you use or not, but Mr. Ding, let’s be a villain first, and then a gentleman, and put the ugliness first. There must be no problems with this job. If there is a problem, you are responsible , This is what we discussed before."

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of the little face I've saved so much in this life," Ding Shuhuai said to Xu Jingxing, "Xiao Xu, this is the boss of our job, Mr. Qian Dong and Mr. Qian." The host said: "Mr. Qian, he is Xu Jingxing. You can call him Xiao Xu. He has a good temper, but his craftsmanship is really good. Once you have seen his craftsmanship, you will know what it means to be immeasurable in sea water."

Qian Dong stretched out his hand to shake hands with Xu Jingxing, "Young man, don't blame me for being straightforward. This project is really important to me. I have invested almost all of my wealth in it. If something goes wrong, I don't even have the capital to make a comeback." No."

Xu Jingxing smiled, "I can understand Mr. Qian's thoughts, but I still have some confidence in my craftsmanship, and I will do my best to do the job well."

"That's good," Qian Dong nodded, and said to Ding Shuhuai: "Mr. Ding, I booked a hotel in the city, you put your luggage in first, and then let's have a meal together, let me welcome you, how about it? "

Naturally, Ding Shuhuai didn't have any opinions. Although he started working as a reporter, he didn't even make the design drawings, so he wasn't in a hurry.If you want to do design, you always have to visit the site. You must know that ancient buildings are most concerned with harmony and nature, and the best buildings must be the ones that can perfectly blend with the surrounding environment.

Therefore, before designing, site exploration is a must and the most important link.

If you are more particular, you will also invite a feng shui master to come and have a look at feng shui.

Of course, Ding Shuhuai doesn't pay much attention to this, or he is a brilliant "feng shui master" himself, so he doesn't need to find those crooks to come here to make up for it.

A few people drove into the city, put their luggage into the hotel for a brief wash, and followed Qian Dong to a restaurant. It happened to be meal time, and the business in the restaurant was very hot. The seat took two sips of tea, and various dishes were served on the table like flowing water.

(End of this chapter)

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