Chapter 1498

But it’s normal. Natural gemstones such as bloodstone and Hetian jade have a huge gap between high and low grades. High-grade materials look beautiful, but low-grade materials look ugly. Low-grade Hetian jade looks similar to stones, and chicken bloodstones are the same. , The low-grade bloodstone has no blood, and the texture is also very rough, which looks even uglier.

In this era where beauty is paramount, ugly means that no one cares about it, and the competitiveness is low. It is normal to not be able to compete with fakes that are also cheap but look good.

Of course, although these seals made by Xu Jingxing are low-end products, they are not so low that they are completely uncompetitive. They are more or less blood-stained, and the texture is quite satisfactory. It is still a bit playful, but the premise is that There must be buyers who know the goods.

Satisfied, Xu Jingxing put away these freshly baked seals, took off his overalls, and slipped back to the main room to take a shower, then slipped into the kitchen and hugged Zheng Sijin who was cooking porridge from behind, and took a deep breath. Tone: "It smells so good——"

Zheng Sijin was not used to such intimacy for a while, twisted slightly, and then asked: "What have you been up to all night?"

"I made a few chapters."



"Boss, you are so versatile, you can do everything. According to netizens, there is no one in this world that you can't do."

"Worship me, hehe."

"I have always admired you, boss."

"So as a qualified fan, there is nothing you want to do at this moment?"

"Yes—" Zheng Sijin winked, turned to face her boss and squatted down slowly.


When did you learn this trick?

This is self-taught.

It's really... great to have such a studious personal assistant.

The breakfast was quite simple, but the pot of porridge was very fragrant. After all, it had been boiled for so long, and the yellow millet was boiled until it was soft and rotten.

After breakfast, Zheng Sijin drove, and the two came to the handmade shop on the pedestrian street together.

Jin Xiaoxiao in the store glanced at the two people who came in, and asked blankly, "What are you doing here?"

Xu Jingxing grinned and leaned forward to hug Jin Xiaoxiao: "Last night I was busy all night, I made some small objects, let An Xin put them in the store after finishing them, and see the effect."


"The bloodstone seal."

"Since when did you start playing bloodstone?"

"Master, his old man sent some materials yesterday."

"Where is Zhang Zi?"

Zheng Sijin on the side obediently handed over the plastic bag containing the freshly baked bloodstone seal.

Jin Xiaoxiao gave Xu Jingxing a disgusted look: "You're so lazy, can finding a better bag tire you out?"

Xu Jingxing smiled apologetically, "The proprietress, quickly open it and have a look. If you are not satisfied, I will redo it."

The seal can be redone. It is nothing more than shoveling off the engraved seal and re-engraving it. It will only waste a little material, and the loss is completely acceptable.

Of course, he said that to enliven the atmosphere.

However, Jin Xiaoxiao opened the bag seriously, took out a bloodstone seal made of ox horn jelly, looked at it carefully, and then asked a little embarrassedly: "What, what is engraved here?"

"The proprietress was very lucky, and she picked out my favorite one right away. Hehehe, this is the word 'Longyou', in big seal script, arranged up and down."

"Longyou? He has a loud tone."

"emmmmm, in fact, this tone is not very big, it is very big. Longyou does not simply refer to the dragon's friend, but is taken from the last sentence of "Yuefu Poetry Collection · Tianma · One". A horse, a dragon as a friend, is a description of a heavenly horse, it is said that the heavenly horse is free and easy, has a free and unrestrained temperament, and runs extremely fast. There is no horse in the world that can match it, and only the dragon in the sky is qualified to be friends with it."

Jin Xiaoxiaobai gave him a look, "Smell is showing off," but happily put the seal carefully in an empty brocade box, and then asked: "How much is it suitable to sell?"

Xu Jingxing thought for a while, then stretched out a slap.

"Five thousand?"

"Fill in another zero."

"Isn't it a bit expensive?"

"Hey hey, lady boss, the seals of this batch of seals are all in big seal script, and the content is also carefully designed by me. They are all small boutique-level existences. Most people don't know the goods. The expensive price just excludes those who don't know the goods. Basically, there is no shortage of money, and the price is high, and we will not treat these chapters badly, and we can make a small profit, so why not do it?"

"What if it can't be sold?" Jin Xiaoxiao asked back: "Although I have no education, I can tell that the quality of these bloodstones is very average. This one is quite fine, but there is only a trace of blood."

"It doesn't matter, if you can't sell it, you can't sell it. There is no cost in the first place," Xu Jingxing said nonchalantly. It has to be doubled."

"Look how beautiful you are," Jin Xiaoxiao curled her lips, "You said just now that you have to finish with peace of mind, what do you mean? You need to polish it?"

"Well, they are all small items, and one or two days is enough."

"You said it's easy, the time of peace of mind is worthless?"

"Hey, isn't it natural for an apprentice to help the master? It's vulgar to talk about money or not."

"All right, all right, don't be poor, is there anything else?"

"Accompany you."

"anything else?"

"Check An Xin's homework again, and teach her how to deal with these chapters by the way."

The same is the grinding process, but the grinding process of different materials is also different, and needs to be adjusted according to the difference in texture and hardness.

Of course, the difference is not only the grinding process, but also the maintenance process.

Because of its special structure and composition, bloodstone is dickite with cinnabar strips, which contains minerals such as cinnabar, quartz, chalcedony, hematite, magnetite, etc. The composition is relatively complex, especially cinnabar, which is what people often say The "cinnabar" is even more special, so it needs special treatment.

Especially chicken blood stones with high blood content must not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, and the lights should be avoided as much as possible. Put it on the counter and use a gorgeous counter lamp to illuminate it every day, which will cause the bloodstone to fade and fade. Over time, the bloodstone will lose its lively, bright, and bright characteristics, and become what experts often say "dead blood". ", it is worthless.

Xu Jingxing took these chapters to the workshop, carefully instructed An Xin to polish and maintain them in various details, and made a demonstration by himself.

Then take a few polished badges to the counter, and ask Jin Xiaoxiao to take photos and archive them to make an identity badge. Put it in front of the brocade box for customers to read.

(End of this chapter)

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