Chapter 1460

Teaching handwriting, this posture is very intimate.

In addition, Yu Mingxiu's height was about 1.7 meters. After standing in front of Xu Jingxing, he unexpectedly fit him well.

What fit?
Of course, it is the cooperation of teaching handwriting.

Hand-in-hand teaching and writing requires the cooperation of both parties to find the feeling, so that the people being taught can clearly and accurately feel the details such as the power and direction of the hand and pen.

It doesn't matter when teaching children. Children have small hands and people, so it's fine to teach them. But when teaching adults, posture is very important.

Therefore, the posture between Xu Jingxing and Yu Mingxiu was a bit too intimate.

But, the two of them really devoted themselves to teaching the basics of calligraphy. One taught seriously, and the other studied carefully. At the beginning, I was a little uncomfortable, but I quickly forgot about other things and put all my thoughts into it. to teaching work.

Then after the two of them finished the hand-in-hand teaching, they were a little embarrassed.

Xu Jingxing coughed, let go of Yu Mingxiu's palm embarrassingly, took a step back and said, "You have barely found the feeling, practice more when you have nothing to do, and you will be able to learn how to copy in three to five months, and you will be able to learn later. How long depends on your own good fortune and effort."

Yu Mingxiu smiled and said, "Thank you, Master."

"Ahem, ahem, master is just joking, don't take it seriously, we are friends."

"Okay, what the master says is what it is."

For a moment Xu Jingxing didn't know how to answer this question.

Why is this woman so skinny?
Flirting is going to cause trouble.

Although I don't mind dating you for a few games, isn't it a bit too casual so soon?

You don't look like a casual woman, either.

Is it possible that it is also the kind that is not human when it is casual?
Terrible terrible.

A good man is really dangerous, he must learn to protect himself at all times, otherwise he will be wiped out by these terrible women sooner or later.

Forget it, if you can't afford to be provoked, you can afford to hide, can't I admit that I'm cowardly?
Thinking of this, Xu Jingxing abruptly changed the subject: "Then let's see you tomorrow?"

Yu Mingxiu blinked: "Does this mean that you want to go back to sleep? Let me tell you, you old man, don't run around all the time. You can spend the night with me at night. Let's have breakfast together tomorrow morning and then have a leisurely time." How good would it be to find my friend, and have to run around and compete with the busy people all over the capital for such a poor transportation resource? It’s a waste of time.”

What you woman said is really reasonable, and I can't refute it.

For a moment, Xu Jingxing really couldn't tell whether Yu Mingxiu said this for other purposes or if he was really thinking about him.

To put it bluntly, this is indeed the case. It is definitely no problem to go back to the courtyard from here at night, and it will take half an hour to drive there at most; but whether you can walk from the courtyard to here tomorrow morning within an hour, that is up to you. See luck.

But staying here, I'm afraid something will really happen.

So for a while I didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Yu Mingxiu laughed out loud: "What are you thinking about? There are so many guest rooms here, and there is a place for you to sleep. If you feel lonely, you can even call a delivery girl over for a quick meal. I don't mind I will mind, anyway, I have worked hard in the capital business district for so many years, what kind of things have I never seen or heard? I will not laugh at you."

Is this a joke or not?
Also, what is a delivery girl?

Is there a little girl who delivers food now?Why am I so unbelievable? I have eaten so many takeaways over the years, and the takeaways are all little brothers and even uncles. I have never met an aunt. There is no takeaway girl.

I really can't believe what this woman said.

And isn't it just ordering a takeaway to eat a fast food, and it's so unpredictable.

Are you bullying me for a short time in the capital?


Xu Jingxing could only continue to use his wild thoughts to resist the various images that emerged in his mind, as well as what might happen after staying here overnight.

Or stay?
It's a big deal to suffer a little.

It's like paying for one night's accommodation.

Thinking of this, he nodded: "You are not afraid of any accident, then I will stay."

"What accident can happen? My great artist?"

"What do you say?"

"I don't think anything will happen."

"Hey, that's fine."

"But it's too early to go to bed now, why don't you practice for a while?"


"Don't teach me hand in hand, you can write some copybooks for me, and I will follow your handwriting in the future."

"Are you serious?"


"Okay, what content do you want to present?"

"Can ancient poems be used?"

"Of course you can, and it's quite good, especially those familiar ancient poems are the best, because you know what you're writing when you write them. I don’t know what character I am all the time, because the strokes and structure of many characters in ancient posts are different from the simplified characters we use. There is one more stroke here and two more dots there. It is very unfriendly to novices, so be sure to remember it. Hold on, when you come to a post in the future, you must first read the post, recognize each word in the post, remember the stroke order and structure of each word, and then understand the context and the content of the full text. It is best to give it in your mind like reading an article. Posts punctuate, separate paragraphs."

"So troublesome?"

"Of course, otherwise, it's good for you to choose ancient poems as copies? It means that ancient poems are relatively easy to read, easy to understand and catchy. Even if they are unfamiliar poems, you will have an overall impression after reading them a few times. Naturally, when copying It’s easy to be confident.”

"That's the truth."

"Tell me whose poem you want to copy?"

"Li Shangyin."

"Okay, which one? You name it and I'll write the content," Xu Jingxing said while picking up a brush, dipping it in thick ink and preparing to start writing.

Isn't it just to write a post for someone? It's such a simple thing.

But Yu Mingxiu took out her phone with a blushing face: "Wait, I'll check first..."

Well, this is indeed an illiterate, even Li Shangyin's poems have to be checked online.

But it's normal, reading poetry is a hobby now, so students who are still in school will remember some familiar famous poems, who will remember these things after graduation?

It's normal for Yu Mingxiu to not be able to remember these things because he's in the business circle.

At this time, Yu Mingxiu looked at the phone in surprise and said, "Li Shangyin has so many untitled poems."

"Well, this is a patient with severe naming difficulties, just use the first sentence as the name."

"Okay, it's hard to say goodbye when we meet..."


"Jinse, I can also recite this one, but I just forgot the name. Oh, the next one is Ye Yu Ji Bei. I also remember the last two lines of this song. It is untitled. The stars last night and the wind last night. This is an absolutely famous line. I don't have a colorful phoenix or two flying wings, but I have a clear heart, it's really well written..."

Yu Mingxiu babbled on the name or the first sentence, while Xu Jingxing used standard Zhao style to fill in the rest of the content.

After all, it was writing a post, so I didn't play it casually. I used the standard Zhao Kai, which clearly explained every stroke, and the font was enlarged appropriately. Each stroke was rich and full of ink, which was convenient for Mingxiu to copy.

After writing more than 20 pieces in a row, Yu Mingxiu didn't stop, "Here is a long poem, and there are three poems in Bicheng. Are these three poems or one poem?"

"It's three poems, but they are related and put together by Li Shangyin," Xu Jingxing asked with a strange expression when he said this, "Do you really want to write this?"

"Is there any problem?" Seeing this, Yu Mingxiu asked strangely, and read the three poems through: "It's normal, what's taboo?"

"It's not a matter of taboo or not, ahem, it's because I'm afraid you will feel embarrassed after reading it."

"Where is there?" Yu Mingxiu asked excitedly: "Li Shangyin also wrote dirty poems? Why didn't I find out?"

"Ahem, the second song and the third line."

Yu Mingxiu blinked, and read in a low voice: "Zifeng puts Chu Pei on her head, and red scales dance wildly to pluck the strings? What's wrong with this sentence?"

Fuck, do you want to be like this, woman? Whenever you hear about dirty poems, it's like discovering some treasure.

Be reserved.

Shouldn't the normal reaction be to say "hate" with a blushing face, or quietly skip it as if nothing happened?

Why are you more excited than me?

But he still pretended to be well-informed: "Take a closer look and taste these two sentences alone."

Yu Mingxiu read it several times carefully, and said in confusion, "Even if it's a slightly ambiguous hint, it's worth making a fuss about, a great artist with so many confidante friends?"

Slightly suggestive?

Sister, Li Shangyin's car is flying so fast, you still say this is just a hint?

Xu Jingxing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and it took a while to wake up. This woman didn't know the allusions and meanings of "Chu Pei" and "Xiang Xian", no wonder she just felt a little ambiguous.
So, should I tell her?

Do you want her to blow it up?
Or should I protect Mr. Li Shangyin's good reputation in her liberal arts blindness?

Forget it, just blow it up, learning calligraphy is the most important thing.

There is nothing wrong with copying copybooks, starting from reading and understanding copybooks.

I have absolutely no uneasiness and good intentions, God attests.

Thinking of this, he chuckled lightly and said, "Sister Mingxiu, Chu Pei and Xiang Xian were synonymous with certain organs in the mouths of literati in ancient times. ?”

Yu Mingxiu was stunned for a moment, her handsome face flushed instantly, like a morning glow under the soft light of the study.

Then, the woman forced herself to be calm and said, "These literati are not doing their business. They write these little dirty poems all day long. It's so irresponsible. Even Li Shangyin, who writes sad poems, is taken too far."

"Excessive? Hehehe, where is this? It's cool and dewy, and it's dark and fancy. Do you know whose words it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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