Chapter 115
Xu Zhikang's understanding of Xu Jingxing can be said to be from superficial to deep. At first, he looked down on Xu Jingxing, but now, when facing Xu Jingxing, he unconsciously took on a flattering taste.

He didn't know what the relationship between Xu Jingxing and Zhou Zhenshan was, but he knew that the relationship must be unusual.

Of course, this is not the main reason why he pleases Xu Jingxing. The main reason for him to please Xu Jingxing is Xu Jingxing's superb craftsmanship. From the time Xu Jingxing built him a set of furniture, it was out of control and produced many high-quality goods in succession. There are two sets of furniture and a statue. The two sets of furniture are made of Ketan material by Fatty Liu and the set of small-leaf red sandalwood by Zhou Zhenshan. These two sets of furniture have caused quite a stir in the furniture industry of Daocheng.

As for the statue, it was naturally the seated statue of Lu Zu in Xiaoqingshan, which was carved with golden silk. Under the publicity of Ou Zhengguang, the seated statue of Lu Zu also attracted a lot of attention from the carving industry in the island city.

Xu Zhikang has been paying attention to Xu Jingxing all the time, so he naturally knows the wave caused by Xu Jingxing. He realized early on that the current Xu Jingxing is really different from what it used to be, and has a bright future, so his attitude towards Xu Jingxing unconsciously changed even himself. No noticeable change.

Xu Zhikang didn't notice it, but Xu Jingxing vaguely realized it, but he didn't point it out. He nodded with a smile, "I dare not lie to you, brother Xu," he said with a half-smile, "Your brother?" It means, let me help you build a set of small-leaf red sandalwood furniture to test the market reaction?"

Xu Zhikang nodded hastily, "Brother, please, brother, my future is entrusted to that set of furniture."

Xu Jingxing said with a smile, "I agree in principle, but I have work on hand now, and I won't be free for about a week. In addition, you should give me a general idea, and put forward all requirements and restrictions on styles, so as not to panic when starting construction .”

Seeing that he agreed so happily, Xu Zhikang was overjoyed, "Okay, okay, I'll get it right away, come, I'll unload the car for you."

unloading?He laughed. Does such a small thing need help from others?He rolled up his sleeves, hugged a log and lifted it up, then stood firmly in the corner.The small-leaf red sandalwood has such a large proportion, one piece weighs two hundred catties, but it is like nothing in his hands. After unloading it, his face is red and he is not panting. He smiles at the stunned Xu Zhikang, "Carpenter work, there is no need for it." How can I do it with a little effort?"

Xu Zhikang looked at Xu Jingxing's not-so-protruding muscles, swallowed involuntarily, and gave a thumbs-up, "Brother, this is you."

"Haha, it's so-so, come in and have a drink," Xu Jingxing greeted.

"My batch of materials hasn't entered the warehouse yet, so I have to keep an eye on it. It's all my belongings. If something goes wrong, I'll have to live on the street with my daughter-in-law," Xu Zhikang refused with a smile.

When Xu Jingxing heard this, he didn't insist anymore. As for what Xu Zhikang said about "all his wealth" and "living on the streets", he naturally didn't take it seriously. Tens of millions of net worth, otherwise how can afford to live in a big villa?How to play a full set of Ketan material furniture?

After sending Xu Zhikang away, he circled around these small-leaf red sandalwood logs a few times, couldn't help feeling fond of them, and wondered when he could afford a full set of small-leaf red sandalwood furniture.But after thinking about it, I really can't afford it without a net worth of hundreds of millions. Anyway, it's impossible in this lifetime. It would be nice to be able to play with some gadgets made from leftovers. As for a full set of furniture, just think about it.

It's not that he underestimates himself, but that he really doesn't think he can make so much money. After all, he only has two hands. No matter how efficient he is, he can't make many items in a year, and each item can be sold at the price of a luxury item. That's not much money, and it's only 80 a year, which is still far from a net worth of hundreds of millions.

After all, the wood carving industry is an unpopular industry, and the threshold is relatively low. It is impossible to be as popular as the jade carving industry.

He had also thought about becoming a jade carver part-time if he had the opportunity, but after learning about it, he discovered that although both jade carvers and wood carvers are sculptors, their carving skills are completely different, and the forms of artistic expression are also different. Engraving tools are quite different.

In the past, jade carving masters used a kind of equipment called "dump" to polish. Now that the technology is advanced, all of them have been replaced by electric grinding heads. It came out better and looked brighter.

Knowing this, he lost interest. One is because it is difficult to change his career, and the other is because his arm strength advantage is completely useless when carving jade. As long as he is a normal person, he does not need a lot of strength to The jade is easily carved into the desired shape.

Without the strength advantage that Ruyi Gloves brought him, he is no different from ordinary people in the jade carving industry. In addition, he has never learned jade carving, so it is really difficult to change his career.At least, currently he doesn't have the energy to toss about. Although the income of wood carving is not as high as that of jade carving, it is much better than the general industry, and can completely reach the level of Xiaofu.

According to his current market situation, it is quite easy to earn hundreds of thousands a year, surpassing most of the white-collar workers. Compared with him a few months ago, he has made a qualitative leap.

Speaking of being unmotivated, he is actually quite satisfied with his current life. If it weren't for the possibility of his sister's illness recurring, he wouldn't even bother to open a shop.

There is no way, he is such a person who gets rich when he is a little rich.

In fact, it's not that he is really unmotivated, but that he is too eager for a comfortable life.After his father passed away, he independently shouldered the burden of the family. After his sister got sick, he worked desperately to make money. The purpose was very simple. He just wanted to live a peaceful and peaceful life. In his heart, living a healthy and healthy life was more important than anything else. .

Therefore, although he is eager to own a set of furniture made of small-leaf red sandalwood, he will not force it if he can’t afford it. There is no small-leaf red sandalwood, and there are other sandalwoods. There are luxury sets, but it is no problem to get one or two.

This is Xu Jingxing, his attitude towards life is very clear, what he gains is my luck, and what I lose is my life.At the same time, he has high requirements for material life, but not too high. He will pay attention to conditions, and he will make do with them if conditions are not met.

When the daydreams are over, he gets to work, still burning the midnight oil, and his energy keeps him fresh when he stays up late.As a result, it only took him five days to complete Zhao Changgeng's custom-made Buddha cabinet.

After it was finished, I couldn't wait to call Zhao Changgeng and ask him when to pick up the goods.

Zhao Changgeng was very surprised, and explained that tomorrow is Saturday, so just pull the cabinet to Changle Road.

(End of this chapter)

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