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Chapter 178 [182] Don't Want to See You Again

Chapter 178 [182] Don't Want to See You Again

The familiar sound of the doorbell wafted melodiously, which was particularly harsh in the empty corridor.

Anxiously waiting and trying to smile.

A moment later, the thick anti-theft door opened without warning.

It was Su Cencen who opened the door!

Tang Mogu's enthusiasm was poured with a bucket of ice water, and he was frozen in place.She stiffened her body and thought about thousands of possibilities, but she didn't expect that the first thing she saw was the possibility of Su Cencen.

"What are you doing here?" Su Cenchen folded his arms around his chest, with the same arrogance and disdain as last time.

Tang Mogu was startled, then said, "I want to see Mo Yan."

"Stop joking, what qualifications do you have to let him see you?"

"I..." She bit her lip, then raised her head suddenly: "Please tell him to come out, I have a few words to say to him, and I'll leave right away."

Su Cencen was a little taken aback, and then returned to his normal contempt and said: "Tang Mogu, why are you so thick-skinned?"

Tang Mogu was silent.

"We've already broken up and you still come to pester Brother Mo Yan, don't you know what courtesy, righteousness and shame are?" Su Cuncen's voice became a little more frivolous, while Tang Mogu held his lower corner tightly and endured.

"I told you a long time ago, Brother Mo Yan doesn't like you at all, why are you so stubborn? It's annoying to see."

The head drooped even lower, Tang Mogu sniffed, with a heavy nasal voice: "I know." She looked up at Su Cencen again, and asked in a low voice: "Please let him see me again. I will never pester him again."

Her eye sockets were already glistening, and her nose was red, as if she was trying to control something.

Perhaps it was her appearance that made Su Cencen feel embarrassed, Su Cencen's bright eyes looked at Tang Mogu's face, and there was a guilty look on his face.

"Okay, I'll ask brother Mo Yan if he would like to see you." Then he closed the security door under Tang Mogu's expectant eyes.

In the corridor, only the dim yellow lights accompany her.Tang Mogu took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped his nose and eyes. After looking around for a week, he found no place to throw garbage, and put the tissue back into his pocket.

Thinking about the last time I told Su Cencen that she believed in Mo Yan arrogantly, but this time I humbly begged Su Cencen to let her see Mo Yan, this really verified the saying that Feng Shui turns in turns.

Looking at the door intently, although I was looking forward to it in my heart, there was more helpless panic.What should you say when you see him first?What should I do if I can't see him?
My heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

Tang Mogu smiled, in her expectation, the door opened, and it was still Su Cencen who came out.

She is alone.

"Brother Mo Yan doesn't want to see you."

Yes, that's what she said, her sweet voice was like a sharp knife to Tang Mogu.

Then, Su Cenchen put on the anti-theft door again without hesitation, and the heavy impact sound of the anti-theft door seemed to be still echoing in Tang Mogu's ears over and over again.

Suddenly, Tang Mogu's smile turned into a deep sense of loneliness, and she blinked.

It's okay, Mo Yan doesn't want to see her, she can wait, she still has one night to wait.

Quietly, the pale yellow light in the corridor was extinguished, and the boundless darkness and emptiness made her feel more sad and depressed.She squatted in the corner and hugged herself tightly, but in this situation, she would still shiver with cold in winter.

From initial expectations and disappointments to final despair.

At that moment, Tang Mogu began to feel that her world was only black, because she was surrounded by boundless darkness from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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