Chapter 484

I attended the school's anniversary celebration the next day.

It was really lively, and many former students came back.

As the tutor visited several professors and attended several professor lectures, I met many acquaintances in a day.

But I never saw Tang Qiuyan.

I don't know if I should be lucky.

However, the loss in my heart does not allow me to deceive myself.

Someone booked a table at "Zi Tian Xiang" in the evening.

"Zi Tian Xiang" is a five-star hotel near the university.

It is rare for people in the same class to come. Nine out of ten.

Originally there were about [-] people in a class, but more than [-] people came.

Because everyone has family members with them.

A total of six tables were gathered.

The table I made was almost all people under my mentor, that is, my brothers and sisters.

Qingqing is naturally also inside.

Yunzhou also came with Qingqing.

I met them both at the gate.

"Cousin, it's been a long time, she looks like a woman."

I patted his head: "Brat, after all, I'm your sister, I'm not a woman anymore."

Yun Zhou curled his lips: "I just praised you a few words, and the original shape is revealed."

"Are you complimenting others? Why do you have the time to be a busy person?" I teased him: "I didn't realize that you are so good at loving people before. Sure enough, married people are different. Our Yunzhou grows too." big."

"Ziqing, are you okay?" Qingqing looked at me with a complicated expression.

"I'm fine." I smiled at her.

Hearing what I said, Qingqing burst into tears.

I was flustered, what did I say, it could also make her cry.

Qingqing hurriedly wiped away her tears: "It's been a long time since I saw you, and I miss you a little."

In fact, my nose was quite sour when I heard this.

It turns out that Qingqing and I are so close. After I went abroad, we almost lost contact.

"You are still crying, so shameful." I hurriedly wiped Qingqing's tears: "You were not like this before."

"I'm sorry, she's been a little sensitive recently. You know, all pregnant women are like this." Yun Zhou said happily from the side.

"Are you pregnant?" I asked in surprise.

Qingqing nodded with a smile, as if she was a little embarrassed: "It's been two months."

I looked at the two of them and smiled with satisfaction. I held Qingqing's hand and said with emotion: "You are too late. You have been arguing every day since you were 16 to make Yun Zhou your own. It’s only achieved now, and I’ll figure it out, it’s inefficient.”

"Mo Ziqing, are you looking for a fight?"

We laughed and sat down, feeling like we were 19 years old again.

It turns out that these years, I have lost not only love, but also my friendship.

Before the meeting, everyone was joking all over the place.

After all, everyone is still at the age of 23 or [-]. Almost all of them have boyfriends and girlfriends, and few of them are married. Those who are married naturally become a rare breed that attracts attention, especially those who are pregnant like Qingqing. It was taken out and fried several times.

Inventory the love history, explain the time and place of the first kiss, and other interesting things.

That guy Qingqing naturally talked with great joy, it seems that her temper really hasn't changed at all...

"Ziqing, why are you alone today?"

Big Brother asked me.The eldest brother is now a very famous young painter.

I smiled: "Each each other, why do you have to tease me?"

I looked at him as if he didn't have a girlfriend either.

"My son is four months old, and his wife is abroad." The brother said proudly.

I looked at him with contempt: "My daughter is four years old."

In one sentence, a table of people laughed.

They all thought I was joking, and I didn't comment.

"Sorry, I'm late."

I seem to hear Tang Qiuyan's voice coming from behind me.

"As expected of Mr. Tang, you are so arrogant, let us wait for such a long time for a table." Someone joked with a smile.

Tang Qiuyan greeted the people at the table apologetically: "It's true that there is an important customer who can't open today. After a while, I will punish myself with three cups."

That's how everyone let him go.

Everyone at this table more or less knew about Tang Qiuyan and me.

But these people don't know much, they just know that I was once Tang Qiuyan's girlfriend, and they broke up later, maybe some people know that his fiancée used to be my sister...

Of course, no one concentrates on gossip about other people's lives. The only thing that makes them sure is that I broke up with Tang Qiuyan, and we are strangers.

But after all, four years have passed, even the big things should be smoothed out.

Therefore, they deliberately arranged Tang Qiuyan's seat next to mine.

As soon as Tang Qiuyan sat down, someone booed: "Why did Yan come here alone today? We still want to see Mrs. Tang's demeanor. The newspaper said it was Ms. He Wei'an, a world-renowned star. I really want to see her."

My heart skipped a beat, when will another Miss He appear.

"Miss He is the spokesperson of one of our clothing by-products. I am not familiar with it. The things in the newspaper are not credible." Tang Qiuyan explained patiently.

It seemed that he glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally.

"That's right, people like you are often rumored to be having sex with celebrity models. It was rumored a few days ago that you married a model with a child. I almost took it seriously." Another person interrupted.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard it.

It turns out that there are so many women around Tang Qiuyan! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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