Chapter 477

Tang Qiuyan's words left me speechless.

He wasn't so thick-skinned before.

I said, "If you really want to sleep here, you'll have to sleep on the sofa."

I pointed to the location of the bathroom.

Then he turned and went into the bedroom.

"Mama, where have you been?"

Little Strawberry seemed to have been awakened, and sat up rubbing his Xingsong eyes.

"Go to sleep baby, mama is always here."

Little Strawberry was coaxed by me and fell asleep again.

There was a small lamp by the bed.

Little Strawberry has such a habit, he doesn't like the dark, and always sleeps with a light on.

I stroked the hair of the little guy in my arms and watched her.

In fact, Little Strawberry really resembles Tang Qiuyan in some ways.

For example, her eyelashes are very long, fluttering like a small fan.

In fact, I have always felt sorry for Little Strawberry.

Although Little Strawberry's name is Junsi Papa, she knows that her real father is not Junsi.

In fact, her concept of her father is very vague, and her status is not even comparable to her favorite Winnie the Pooh.

And these are all caused by me.

I didn't give her a normal family, and I didn't give her a perfect growth environment.

"Little Strawberry, do you want a father?"

I asked her gently.

"I want the big, biggest strawberry's delicious..."

The little strawberry actually caught my words.

But when I listened carefully, I burst out laughing.

The little guy is talking in his sleep.

My only relief is that I gave her a healthy body, and she did not suffer from diseases like I did when I was a child.

I turned over and faced the ceiling.

It was almost eleven o'clock.

I could vaguely hear the sound of water coming from the bath outside.

Tang Qiuyan is outside now, in the same space and under the same roof as me.

It's an amazing feeling.

This is a scene that has appeared countless times in my dreams, but when it really comes true, it seems like a dream.

I listened to the little noises outside, and imagined little by little what Tang Qiuyan was doing now.

After a while, there was no sound outside.

I think Tang Qiuyan must have fallen asleep.

However, it suddenly occurred to me that there was nothing outside.

There were only two pillows on the sofa, not even a blanket.

Although it is early summer, the nights are still a bit chilly.

My heart softened for a moment.

Cautiously got up, took out a thin blanket from the closet, and tiptoed to open the door.

Little Strawberry turned over on the bed, hugging her big bear, and was not awakened by me.

I slowly closed the door behind me, and let out a soft breath.

There is no light in the living room.

But the moonlight shone faintly through the floor-to-ceiling windows.It's a little bit brighter here.

I saw Tang Qiuyan lying on the sofa.


He has long hands and long legs, so it must not be very comfortable to nest in such a small sofa.

But after thinking about it, he deserved it, and he insisted on staying.

I walked over gently, apparently Tang Qiuyan had fallen asleep, his breathing was steady and long.

Even now, looking at him, I still have that feeling of stability in my life.

It turns out that his influence on me has not changed in the slightest over the years.

I put the blanket over him.

Then he turned around and wanted to leave, but he was a little bit reluctant.

Occasionally, I squatted next to Tang Qiuyan and began to look at him.

Have to admit, this is a rare opportunity.

I feel like it's been a long, long time since I've seen him in such detail, as if it's been centuries.

Tang Qiuyan really hasn't changed at all, she's still so good-looking, with such an irresistible brilliance, so perfect, it's as if you can't take your eyes away after one glance.

I reached out and touched his eyelashes lightly.

It is as long as my little strawberry, which is really enviable.

Tang Qiuyan's face was a little cold, especially his lips.

Probably stayed in this cold air for a long time.

I don't know what's going on myself.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't control it, and my own lips covered his lips kissingly.

I just miss his taste very much, the faint and elegant breath like orchid that makes me addicted.

I didn't think about the consequences, I don't know why.

I'm just sad.

I just want to kiss him.

Four years, the first time in four years I was so close to him.

But when I found out what I was doing, it was too late, completely late.

Tang Qiuyan had already opened his eyes.

Against the backdrop of the moonlight, his face was especially handsome, but cold.

At this moment, he didn't have any expression, just looked at me fixedly.

Like looking at an object, objective, emotionless, without any expression.

I suddenly woke up and realized how outrageous what I was doing now.

I stood up as if I had been burned, and looked at the person Ren Jiu was lying on the sofa.


How could I be like this, why on earth would I be like this.

It's so useless, it's really a loss of points.

I didn't know how to explain it, and I tried to escape in a hurry.

Before he could take a step, his arm was suddenly grabbed by the person behind him.

I almost fell over.

His voice was calm and sharp: "Tang Qiunuo, what exactly do you mean? Tell me clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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