Chapter 459

I remember that it had just rained that day.

Gradually entering midsummer, it was a rare cool day.

That day was the day when Hua Qiangu became the vice president of Moshi.

It must be hard for outsiders to imagine how the Mo family would give such a high position to an outsider.

But we all know that Hua Qiangu is the most reliable. Sometimes I think, if he hadn't got Zishuang in this life, maybe he would never marry a wife in this life.

It was only after this day that I really understood how much he loves Zishuang.

That day I saw Zishuang again.

I think she doesn't want to see me at all, and she won't show up wherever I am.

However, I can always accidentally discover that she is secretly looking at Tang Qiuyan in a certain corner.

I am very sad.

Zishuang is much thinner than before, there is no baby fat on her face, and her eyebrows and eyes are more distinct.

I always feel that we are back when we were young, and she always likes to watch from a distance like this.

I felt very guilty. Everyone saw the two of us in their eyes and could only sigh.

In the afternoon, Qingqing suggested that we go to a resort in Nanyang to play.

Several adults in the family also agreed.

I know what they are thinking, they just want Zishuang and I to spend time together and untangle our hearts.

Now in everyone's eyes, Tang Qiuyan and I are a couple, it's a foregone conclusion.

Zishuang became the loneliest person.

I thought Zishuang would not agree, but I understand how much she hates me now.

However, Zishuang agreed.

I also want to ease the relationship between me and Zishuang through this trip. After all, I am also the daughter of the Mo family. I don't want the two of us to be like enemies and make parents sad.

I heard Qingqing say: Madame often sheds tears secretly.

The wife she talks about is my biological mother, Luo Xiaofan.

The Mountain Resort in the South District is modeled after the Royal Mountain Resort in the Qing Dynasty, and all the places are quite retro.

It's like a scene often seen in court dramas.

There are many lofts here,

Pavilions and pavilions.

There are many courtyards here, just like the concubines of ancient emperors had their own palaces.

The courtyard where I am is the Qingshan courtyard on the south, Tang Qiuyan is on the Huangshan courtyard on my left, Hua Qiangu is on the Chishan courtyard on my right, Qingqing and Yunzhou are respectively the Orange Mountain courtyard and the Blue Mountain courtyard on the east, only Zishuang I chose Zishan Courtyard in the north farthest from us.

I have never spent a vacation here in the future. I only heard that this place in Nanyang is private property. Now I know that it was recently bought by Hua Qiangu.

Now it's time for the Mohists to belong here.

Because Hua Qiangu now half of City A belongs to Mohist.

I really admire this man who doesn't talk much, in terms of ability and infatuation, he can be called number one.

In the evening, we went to "Shangshan Division" for dinner.

It's really retro, full of Han banquets, a total of [-] dishes, dazzling, dazzling.

Standing next to it are many "court ladies" in ancient court costumes, who serve the guests who come here.

I am a little excited, I am a person who loves to eat, and seeing so many delicious foods, of course, my index finger moves and my appetite is whetted.

I especially love Luo Han prawns.

I ate it so happily that Tang Qiuyan peeled it for me.

Tang Qiuyan approached me with a faint smile, and said softly, "I'll peel one for you, and you give me two kisses."

I thought for a while and replied, "Take the two off and give them a kiss."

"make a deal!"

So Tang Qiuyan didn't eat much, and kept peeling shrimp for me.

On Qingqing's side, she has been serving Yunzhou to eat, feeding him with this for a while, and begging him to eat that for a while.

Yun Zhou is an eldest young master who falls asleep even when eating, and Qingqing looks like a concubine, and she still enjoys coaxing him to eat.

Zishuang is far away from me.

She was sitting at the far end of this palace-like long table, eating something dull.

After eating about two mouthfuls, she left first, and then Hua Qiangu followed.

I haven't seen her since.

It's already night.

I wanted to go play with Tang Qiuyan for a while, but there was a knock on the door.

I thought Tang Qiuyan had come to look for me, but I found out it was Brother Qiangu.

I am different from Zishuang, I seldom talk to Brother Qiangu, and he treats me purely as the second young lady of the Mo family.

Because I only met him when I was 15 years old, and Zishuang has been living with him since he was five years old, the relationship between them is self-evident.

The moment I saw him, I felt a little bit at the bottom of my heart.

I could vaguely guess what he would say to me.

However, I was wrong.

He just came to drink with me.

What he brought was a very delicate small jar. I heard that it was found in some mausoleum site. Despite such a small jar, it was priceless.

I was surprised why he asked me to drink, I knew he must have something to tell me.

I waited a long time, but he kept drinking, glass after glass.

I think he will definitely be drunk if he continues like this.

I thought to myself, is there anything he can't say to me when he is sober?

Thinking of this, I understand a little more in my heart.

I even know what he will say next, and I am always mentally preparing for it.

(End of this chapter)

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