Chapter 430

I turned around and waited for him: "If you have the ability, you open this door, what sarcastic words are there."

Tang Qiuyan walked to my side and checked around, "Don't open it, the door is locked from the outside."

"What? Then how do I get out?" I yelled.

"My phone is not here, is your phone here?"

Tang Qiuyan reminded me with one sentence, yes, I still have a mobile phone, so I can call for help.

I excitedly took out my phone.

Looking at the black screen, I was dumbfounded: "It seems that the battery is out."

Tang Qiuyan had a disapproving expression on his face: "Don't you usually check it out? What if I need to ask you for something serious?"

"Hey, you don't seem qualified to talk about me. Anyway, I have a mobile phone with me. It seems that someone doesn't even carry a mobile phone with him."

"My phone is broken, so I sent it to be repaired." Tang Qiuyan explained in a muffled voice.

What kind of stupid reason is this: "Your young master still repairs mobile phones, you can buy several mobile phone factories with a wave of your hand."

"That's different." Tang Qiuyan looked at me: "That's the phone you picked for me."

I froze.

The phone I picked for him?
By the way, I have never noticed that Tang Qiuyan's mobile phone seems to be the same old white antique mobile phone.

That was Tang Qiuyan's first mobile phone, and I picked it for him.

We were very young then, about seven or eight years ago, and I picked two, one black and one white.Instead, I gave Tang Qiuyan the white one.

That kind of poor old mobile phone with few functions, in fact, I have used it for several years.

I didn't put that phone away until Tang Qiuyan went abroad.

Over the years, I've changed countless phones, and it's always the most stylish, the most powerful, and the best looking.

However, I didn't expect Tang Qiuyan to still use that cell phone. ,

"Aren't you ashamed of that broken phone?" I said sullenly.

Tang Qiuyan said with a smile: "There are too many precious things in it. I really can't bear to change it."

I was moved by his words.

"What now?"

I felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, and I couldn't help but want to change the subject.

This is the auditorium of our school, and it is also the place where dramas will be performed for half a month.

I heard that it has a history of 80 to [-] years, so all the buildings are very old, and even the doors are of the type that are locked from the outside.

Now only me and Tang Qiuyan are left in the huge auditorium.The rest are empty.

Tang Qiuyan checked the door again: "There is no other way. It seems that we can only spend the night here today. Someone will open the door at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

I yelled: "I don't want it, I want to go out, I'm going to starve to death."

"I don't care, Tang Qiuyan, you open the door for me, I don't want to sleep here, I'm hungry, I want to go out to eat." I feel like a rascal,

And it's a habitual rogue.

Perhaps what Tang Qiuyan said just now brought back my previous memories, and I naturally regarded him as my former brother Tang Qiuyan again.

Or maybe Tang Qiuyan felt the same way.

He came over and rubbed the broken hair on my forehead, with a helpless and doting tone: "But, what can I do?"

I slapped his hand off angrily: "Men and women don't know each other, Mr. Tang, please respect yourself."

"You are my sister, what's wrong with me like this." Tang Qiuyan said it as it should be.

"You still remember that I'm your sister, don't you get tired of me?" I felt that I was very narrow-minded, and I would choke him with this sentence every now and then.

Because, every time I say that, he feels guilty.

However, this time I didn't see his previous reaction.

Instead, he smiled and said, "You are really not suitable to be my sister."

Anger was inexplicable: "I don't care who will be your sister."

I'm so stupid, Tang Qiuyan has changed, he doesn't care at all.

Why should I be hard on myself.

I'm furious.

I angrily punched around the auditorium to check if there was any other place I could go out.

"I said, can you be quiet for a while, I'm dizzy from you turning around, is it useful for you to knock on the wall?"

Tang Qiuyan sat on the edge of the stage, propped his forehead, and asked unbearably.

"Maybe there is a secret way?" I argued.

"I really don't know the structure of your brain." Tang Qiuyan sighed.

I don't care about him.

I just can't calm down, and only me and Tang Qiuyan are left.

Could it be that the two of us sat on the ground, and then recalled our happy childhood together.

Thinking about it makes me feel weird.

Also, I'm really hungry.

I'm afraid that when I calm down and look at Tang Qiuyan, I will regard him as delicious food.

I imagined Tang Qiuyan turning into a turkey and I put it on the rack to roast, and I feel so happy just thinking about it.

Just when I couldn't extricate myself from fantasies, a melodious piano sound suddenly came from behind.

There was a piano in the corner of the stage, and Tang Qiuyan was sitting beside the piano at this moment.

Elegant and pleasant sounds flowed from his fingertips.

At this moment, there seemed to be light on his body.

The focused eyes, the corners of the mouth with a slight smile and the handsome face seemed so blurry but inexplicably clear at this moment.

I was almost dumbfounded.

The whole auditorium was filled with melodious and moving piano sounds, and my heart seemed to calm down all of a sudden.

Just looking at him quietly like this, looking at the person on the stage glowing with soft light.

The name of the piece is "Dream Wedding."

It is almost beautifully interpreted by Tang Qiuyan, like coming to a world where flowers are blooming everywhere, wearing a garland, sitting on a swing woven with flowers, breathing the air full of fragrance, refreshing...

(End of this chapter)

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