Chapter 378

She was taken aback for a moment: "Your elder brother likes me?"

"No way, you are such a smart person, you can't see it, my elder brother usually doesn't talk to women, only you are very special."

She is in a trance, is it special?

I don't know what it feels like, it seems that there are some inexplicable surprises.

"Hey, why are you blushing, don't tell like my elder brother too?" The flower demon smiled ambiguously.

"Don't talk nonsense, how could I like him, be careful I will sue you for defamation!" She immediately retorted with a guilty conscience.

The young masters near her loud voice all looked here.

Hua Qingrong still leaned over with a playful smile: "Baby, it's just a joke, you don't have to react so much, do you?"

She was even more guilty, glared at him fiercely, and went upstairs slowly.

When going upstairs, I happened to see Feng Tianchou coming down in a hurry, and passed her by without even looking at her.

She stared blankly at the back of him leaving, with an indescribable feeling in her heart.

They were fine the other day.

She saw Feng Tianchou talked to the flower demon and went out.

During dinner, Hai Qigong asked where the boss had gone, and the flower demon said that something happened in the paradise on earth, and he went to solve it.

She secretly asked Hua Qingrong: "Isn't the paradise on earth your domain? Why didn't you go if something happened?"

She was asking casually, but Hua Qingrong thought for a while before answering: "Because I can't solve this matter."

Someone at the table seemed to have heard it, and they all lowered their heads to eat, with serious expressions on their faces.

What happened, she wondered.

I only heard Hai Qigong sigh: "Today is the death taboo of that woman, the fourth child is probably going to go crazy again, the two of them used to be the best friends, how could it become like this now, what a crime, what a crime!"

"Qi Gong, why don't I persuade you?" Second Young Master said.

"Forget it, don't get involved in the grievances between the two of them. They are both brothers of your own family. It was not good to help anyone in the past. It has been like this every year. The boss has a sense of proportion. Nothing will happen. Let's eat." Seven The public said.

So everyone at the table began to eat quietly.

Situ Xue was in a cloud of confusion, not knowing what was going on.

However, one thing can be understood, that is, it must be about the grievances between the Fourth Young Master and Feng Tianchou.

Still because of a woman.

She suddenly remembered that she seemed to have heard the flower demon say that the reason why the Fourth Young Master is in a wheelchair is because of Feng Tianchou.

But she didn't know what it was, and she never asked the flower demon.

After dinner, Yun Zhou was already very sleepy.

These days, Yun Zhou has been sleeping in Feng Tianchou's room, which seems to be specially arranged by Hai Qigong.

Almost everything there has become Yun Zhou's stuff.

After finishing the exhibition of the British royal family in her hand, she plans to take a rest for a while and wants to take Yun Zhou out for a walk. She really owes too much to this child.

Yun Zhou slept soundly. These days, he seems to be like a normal child.

Occasionally, he would act like a spoiled child to her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help smiling. At that time, there was a strange sweetness.

She looked out the window, it seemed to be raining.

I won't go back today, anyway, the luggage is still in the car, and I will be looking for a house tomorrow.

She went to the bed and looked at Feng Tianchou's room.

There are many books, bookshelves connected to the ceiling, and a ladder is specially used to get the books on it, just like a study.

I didn't expect Feng Tianchou to love reading so much.

Anyway, she didn't want to go to bed so early, so she took a book casually.

It turned out to be economic politics.

She wondered, does Feng Tianchou also need to read these books?
She opened it casually, and he did read these books, and read them very seriously, with many notes densely packed on them.

Her frown became tighter and tighter, and she turned the pages one by one, faster and faster. Finally, she slammed the book shut with a snap.

The voice was so loud that even Yun Zhou turned over slightly.

Her heart was beating wildly, her fingers were trembling.

She took a few more books from the bookshelf, and flipped through each one page by page.

However, the more she watched, the harder her heart beat.

Finally, she found a painting in a book, and the inscription of the red seal was impressively - Ziheng.

She finally threw all the books on the bed and slumped on the edge of the bed.

How could this be?
Why are the handwritings exactly the same?Why is it signed by Ziheng? Could it be that these are Ah Heng's books?

Or is Feng Ziheng just... Feng Tianchou?

She couldn't help herself to doubt, although she felt that there was little hope.

Maybe it was because she hoped that this was a fact too much, maybe she subconsciously regarded him as that person these days.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Her mind was in a mess, and she didn't dare to make a conclusion.

She rushed out of the room suddenly, there were some things she had to figure out.

Hai Qigong was still in the study, as if he was talking to the young masters about something.

Situ Xue rushed in directly.

Several people looked at the door together, but what they saw was her distraught appearance that had lost her soul.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong?" Qigong couldn't help being concerned.

She ran over to pick up a book and opened it and asked, "Is this Feng Tianchou's handwriting?"

Qigong took a look: "Yes, Boss just likes to read these books."

Her heart sank, and she took out the painting of bamboo again, pointed to the bright red seal and asked, "Then why is the signature here Ziheng?"

This time, it was the Second Young Master who spoke first: "Don't you know, eldest brother's name is Tianchou, and his character is Ziheng, which was given to him by Qigong. This signature is the name of eldest brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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