Chapter 372

Situ Xue suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Feng Tianchou had prepared so many things, including a birthday cake, wouldn't his work be wasted when she said that.

She hurriedly smiled and said, "Actually, I always celebrate two birthdays."

After speaking, he sat down, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a crystal dumpling and took a bite: "It's delicious, did you make it, your craftsmanship is really great."

With it still in her mouth, she couldn't help but praise it.

The corners of Feng Tianchou's mouth raised slightly, and he also sat down.

"These are bought." He said lightly.

Situ Xue was slightly taken aback.

It suddenly occurred to me that on my birthday, I always wanted Ah Heng to cook something for me, but Ah Heng couldn't cook, so she taught him.

She is naturally talented in cooking, Ah Heng knows everything, but is clumsy in this area.

However, with her as the master in the end, his dishes are not bad.

At that time, she was very small.

However, I just like to see him busy for himself.

Suddenly I miss that taste.

She took another bite, and it turned out to be somewhat similar.

What's wrong with her, she keeps having hallucinations...

She smiled at him: "I thought you did it yourself, but thanks anyway."

The two began to eat, talking and laughing.

There is no romantic atmosphere, but it is very warm.

Situ Xue ate a lot, but she ate quite politely. When she looked up, she saw Feng Tianchou on the opposite side looking at her.

She touched her face: "Is there something on my face?"

Feng Tianchou looked away inadvertently, and said: "Even if you are busy, you have to eat."

Her health has never been very good.

"Look, Boss Feng, who has changed his face when outsiders heard it, would say such a thing. It's really not like you. You know, I was quite scared when I saw you for the first time. I didn't expect that you have become my elder brother now." , being able to eat at the same table, thinking about life is really magical.”

She sighed with emotion.

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked.

"Now, don't be afraid, you are my big brother." She said with a smile.

She seemed to be emphasizing the word "big brother" all the time, maybe she said it for him, maybe she said it for herself.

But the person opposite did smile and said, "I will love you as my younger sister in the future."

Something suddenly flashed in Situ Xue's mind.

She suddenly raised her head and asked, "Did Qigong force you to marry me?"

He is really strange today, just very strange, his whole body feels warm.

She still remembers how she wanted to peel off a layer of skin when she took off the mask that day.

I haven't seen you for a few days, how could it become so... warm.

I always feel that he wants something from her.

Feng Tianchou was obviously taken aback, then lowered his head, took a bite and said, "So, I need to trouble you and Qi Gong to explain this matter."

it is as expected.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little cold.

She ate in silence.

It's not that he doesn't know that the reason why he has been so kind to himself all this time is because of Qigong.

Inexplicably a little complicated, suddenly felt that the taste of this table suddenly changed.

But so what, it was supposed to be like this.

It is only suitable for such identities between them, so it is the best.

She suddenly raised her head and said to him, "I will make it clear to Grandpa, brother, you don't have to worry."

The corners of his mouth seemed to curl up.

When she saw it, she felt a little helpless, never thinking that she was his burden.

But she didn't see the bitterness in his lowered eyes.

Then, he really loved her as much as his younger sister.

It's like a different person.

It seems that everything has become justifiable.

Although they don't meet each other during the day, at night he will take her to eat delicious food in City A, watch TV together in the living room, and then each go back to their own room to sleep.

Every morning, she would get up early to make breakfast, and he would always eat it clean.Occasionally she would come back early at night to prepare some home-cooked food, which he always said was the best thing he had ever eaten.

Every time he spoke, he always kept his book straight, so she was a little child-like.

For some reason, she slowly began to like to laugh.

Because he once accidentally said that you laughed like a child.

She took out a small mirror from her bag and grinned intentionally, her eyes would be like a moon, and she also had a shallow dimple. Although she didn't have a baby face like her elder sister, but when she smiled, she was really cute.

"Young Master! You're here." When Uncle He came in, he saw Feng Tianchou leaning against the door, and called out respectfully.

Situ Xue hurriedly hid the mirror in her pocket, looked towards the door, and sure enough, she saw Feng Tianchou leaning against the door of her office.

Uncle He came in and put a folder on her desk: "Miss, here is the schedule you want."

"Thank you!" she said with a smile.

"Then I'll go first." Uncle He walked out quietly again.

Situ Xue turned his eyes to Feng Tianchou who was leaning on the door frame. Although he couldn't see clearly, Situ Xue knew that he must be smiling.

Recently he loves to laugh more than she does!
She was ashamed, how long has he been there.

She had been smiling in the mirror just now, did he think she was weird.

"Why are you here?" She looked at the clock on the wall.

It was only 04:30 in the afternoon though.Recently, he would pick her up on time at 05:30.

"The Fragrant Milk Bakery you've always wanted to eat has reopened today. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid it will be snatched up by others." He said with a slight smile.

Fragrant Milk Bakery is a very folk snack. Although the place is small, it has a good reputation in City A.

The flower demon once took her to eat, and she never forgot it.

Later, I went with Feng Tianqiu a few times, and two times they were robbed, and then I don't know why, that house went out of business.

Two days ago, she was still thinking about wanting to eat, but she didn't expect it to open here.

She hurriedly stood up from her seat, picked up her bag and said, "Go, go, or you will be robbed."

(End of this chapter)

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