Chapter 364

What is broken?
The horror in his eyes suddenly magnified.

But she didn't fall directly to the ground. At the last moment, Situ Yue quickly caught her.

Situ Yue helped her stand up.

The sound I heard just now was obviously the sound of jade shattering.

Ah Heng...

When she saw the face of the person in front of her, she was even more furious.

Without thinking about anything, she slapped him with a snap.

Three fingernail marks were cut on his face immediately, and blood oozes out.

She didn't seem to be relieved, she couldn't help but waved her palm again, but he stopped her: "Situ Xue, you're crazy, but you just broke a box."

But broke a box?
She was really going crazy, didn't he just want to watch her go crazy.

He clearly knew that it was Ah Heng's urn, so he deliberately wanted to drop her.

It was like this last time, he was not satisfied if he didn't let Ah Heng fly into ashes and annihilate him.

He is not satisfied! !

The arm was still tightly held by him, her eyes were red, she lost her mind, wishing she could rush over and strangle him to death.

Many people saw this dramatic scene and had no idea what was going on.

"Situ Yue, you will suffer retribution, and Ah Heng will not let you go." She bit down hard.

He was also angry, snorted coldly, and slowly said with disdain: "I'm just waiting for him to come, pretending to be a ghost, shrinking his head, he is not a man at all."

"Situ Yue, he's dead!!" she yelled.

Ah Heng was already dead, he was the one who forced him to death, and he still said so.

He is an asshole! !
"Really, maybe one day he will be happy and come back to life?" He still had a mocking tone.

"Situ Yue, you fucking won't end well!" She couldn't bear it and burst out a foul word.

Everyone who heard it gasped.

This woman is so hot, she doesn't look like a lady from a big family, a daughter of a famous family!

Situ Xue didn't want to hear a word from him.

Shaking off his arms, he walked back to get the shattered jade box.

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, and then rushed over in a few steps.

Empty, it was empty, how could this be?
She squatted on the ground, turned her head to look at Situ Yue, and yelled hysterically: "Where is Ah Heng, what about him, where did he go, where did you put him?!"

There was hatred in her eyes.

Situ Yue's eyes were terrifying, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said flatly, "Didn't you say that he died?"

She finally lost her mind and rushed over
Choke him: "Give Ah Heng back to me, give it back to me, I want you to die, I want you to die!!"

He Ren Jiu didn't struggle like last time, and looked at her coldly.

It seemed that she wanted to see if she would really strangle him to death! !
However, Situ Xue was using more and more force, she had no intention of showing mercy at all, her eyes were red like a devil.

The venue became chaotic.

Many people gathered around, trying to pull the two of them apart.

Situ Yue's face turned purple.

But Situ Xue didn't intend to let go at all.

Several people wanted to pull these two people away, but they still couldn't.

"Let go!!" There was a hoarse voice.

The devil-like voice, cold and cold, can make people tremble a few times.

The voice came from the door, and turning around was a tall man wearing a white iron mask.

The newspapers these days have also described the uproar, saying that on the day of the engagement, five of the seven sons under Hai Qigong went to five, all of them were handsome and extraordinary, especially the eldest prince Feng Tianchou who was wearing a white iron mask, was even more skilled. .The media didn't take any photos, but they traced the shape of the mask, which was exactly the same as the mask on this person's face.

Isn't this person Feng Tianchou?

This man walks among the gangsters and the white way, and is a dangerous man no matter what.

I have heard that the backstage of this exhibition hall is very hard. Could it have something to do with them.

Most of the people had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, but still had a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

Feng Tianchou stepped over in a few steps, pulled hard, and separated the two people.

Situ Yue rubbed her neck with her fingers and coughed.

The purple lips regained a little color, but the eyes were even more frightened!

She really wanted to strangle him to death! ! !

Situ Yue seemed to laugh at herself and said, "Xiaoxue, your heart is really cruel!"

"What about the stuff inside, where did you put it, Situ Yue, where did you put it?" She yelled uncontrollably.

"There's nothing in it. Are you sure this is the same as the one you want? You can't even tell if it's right or not. What's going on here?" Situ Yue said.

Situ Xue turned around and walked to the side of the broken box.

Certainly not.

Although the color and texture are very similar, but if you look carefully, there are spider silk-like lines on it.

It's not Ah Heng's urn.

She seemed to suddenly breathe a sigh of relief.

But then his eyes darkened again.

If this is the case, Situ Yue did it on purpose, to provoke her, and to watch her lose her composure in front of everyone!
Even so, what good does it do him.

She stood up and walked towards him.

"Situ Yue, what exactly do you want to do in arranging such a play?" She asked coldly.

At this time, the venue had become very quiet. Just after Feng Tianchou came in, the master of ceremonies had already announced the end of the auction.

Everyone left the auction venue with a lot of doubts.

So, at some point, only the three of them were left empty here.

"I just want to see the position of that thing in your heart, how important is it compared to him!" He glanced at Feng Tianchou next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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