Chapter 353

Many people came.

The wedding between the Situ family and the Nie family is naturally another world wedding.

Business and government have joined forces, celebrities and guests from all walks of life are present, and there are also many media, including financial media and entertainment media, almost none of them are missing.

It's just an engagement ceremony so grand and luxurious that it's staggering.

The two couples are also talented and beautiful, and they were childhood sweethearts, which are enviable.

As soon as the two came out, they were blocked by the media present.

In fact, this is also the only time for interviews. Once the engagement ceremony officially begins, no questions will be asked. This is what Situ Qingyuan said three days ago as a big gift.

Therefore, all media must seize this opportunity fiercely.

Questions came one by one.

Situ Xue was almost expressionless and ignored her.

However, Situ Yue covered it up seamlessly.He always smiles and can resolve all kinds of sharp problems invisible, as if any difficulties can be easily solved in front of him.

It is worthy of being the heir who can accept the huge family business.

Sometimes, Situ Xue would think that with his ability to hide a knife in a smile and hide a needle in his cotton, even if he was pulled from the position of president, he would still have the ability to climb up.

So, she is really stupid and not his match at all.

Is it the best way to plunge the knife directly into his heart?

She sneered in her heart.

However, she wouldn't do that either.

Although she thought she had no heart, she still couldn't be cruel.

However, she has too many relationships involved, and she can't get away, so that's fine.

Just marry him, torture each other for the rest of your life, two lives would be better than death, it's always good...

When asked about his ex-wife, Miss Nian Jiaojiao, who married an ordinary university teacher a few days ago, and I heard that the teacher looked a lot like Tang Zehan, the perfect boy back then, how did he feel as an ex-husband? .

He took Situ Xue's hand and kissed it on his lips, and said with a smile: "There is no ex-wife, my only wife in this life is by my side."

His affectionate words made the audience applaud.

In fact, the media knew not long ago that he and Nian Jia were just a fake marriage. They can make a big fuss again.

The media gradually dispersed in every corner, preparing to record the happy moments of the couple.

The engagement procedure is not as complicated as it was held, but still retains some ancient customs.

After all the guests were seated, the old man Situ Qingyuan and the others sat on the main seat, and the two couples served tea to the elders.

Both of them were happy from ear to ear, as if they had completely forgotten about the fuss at home yesterday.

In fact, they thought that if the two of them even gave birth to a child, there would be nothing they couldn't solve.Now the two children are just arguing, don't pinch them, they are young, and they will die if they encounter small things.Think back then, Xiaofan and Yinfeng were also like this, now they are not the same.

Situ Xue offered the tea to Nie Bangguo.

The old man took it cheerfully, and when the tea was on his lips, he was about to drink it.

With a bang, the door of the venue was suddenly pushed open.

The sound was as loud as if the door had been kicked open.

Hundreds of guests looked at the door together.

The noisy living room immediately fell silent.

It wasn't just one person who came, but a bunch of people.

Standing in the middle is an old man in a tunic suit, but he looks very energetic. Behind him are five young men in white suits, and there seem to be two rows of men in black suits behind him.

Such an aura——

Even the media was stunned, and there was no movement.

Soon someone recognized that the five young men in white clothes turned out to be the Fifth Young Master who is both good and evil now.Especially seeing the white iron mask on the face of the man on the far side——

Feng Tianchou! !

The Great Prince of the Matrix! !

Then the old man in the middle, isn’t he——

The overlord of the underworld, Hai Qigong?

Some people can't help but take a breath when they figure it out.

How could this group of people be offended by the engagement ceremony of the Nie family and the Situ family?

Although they have "bleached" many years ago, and Hai Qigong also washed his hands in the golden basin 30 years ago, everyone knows that the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. Their business has spread all over the world. A few days ago, the second son has been aboveboard In order to dominate Southeast Asia, the eldest prince, Feng Tianchou, has already taken control of almost all black forces. Although he has made many enemies, he is ultimately the overlord of one party that makes people change faces.

Such a group of people suddenly appeared at such an engagement scene.

Moreover, judging from this posture, he came prepared and came in a bad way.

The venue was quiet for a moment, and suddenly the pot exploded.

Speaking of which, some people may be unlucky.

It turned out to be those famous ladies who were boiling.

Seeing Hai Qigong bring several sons in, some even screamed excitedly.

The legendary Seven Young Masters are indeed very charming, and today I saw five of them at once.

Hai Qigong led the five sons from the aisle of the seats on both sides to the chairman at the front.

That's where Old Man Nie was sitting, and now Situ Xue was serving him tea.

Several people also looked here.

The old man's face was sullen, his eyes immediately shot a cold light, and his whole person exuded a majestic aura.

But Situ Xue stood there in a daze.

She actually saw a few familiar faces.

Isn't the person in the middle Hai Qigong, the flower demon's godfather, and the masked one next to him is...Feng Tianchou.

She still has a lot of questions about him.

For example, how could she have that lighter, for example, how could she have a necklace that was exactly like hers and belonged to Ah Heng.

Then I saw the coquettish flower demon.

He was dressed in white, and his handsome posture was not seductive. He just walked over in such a heroic manner, showing a heroic spirit. It is rare to see him with such a serious appearance.

As he walked, he squinted his seductive peach eyes slightly, and swept across the tables on both sides as if inadvertently, which caused a lot of screams.

It's really hard to change! !

Hua Qingrong turned her head and looked at her, the corners of her mouth were half drawn, and she even winked mischievously at her.

She was a little dazed, what is going on?

Could it be that the flower demon knew that she didn't want to marry Situ Yue and brought a group of people to rescue her?

Sure enough buddies!

Isn't this scene bigger?

(End of this chapter)

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