Chapter 169

He quickly fell asleep in his arms.

Woke up around four in the morning.

After having the baby, she has been sleeping badly.She used to wake up this early, when she would lie down and think about something, then go back to sleep.

But now, she doesn't want to sleep anymore.

Mo Yinfeng still slept in the same posture as last night, and it hasn't changed at all.

His hands were still around her from behind.

Listening to the even breathing behind me, I suddenly felt very happy, very happy...

The kind of happiness that appears in dreams is also the most illusory happiness.

That most extravagant feeling is so real now.

He didn't know how much she loved him.

Love to be afraid, love to be humble, love to lose yourself.

But, all along, she didn't know what A Feng wanted.

He was so unpredictable, he would softly call her name in his dreams, and she heard it several times.At that time, she believed that he loved her.

However, when he was angry, he would pinch her neck and say, "Damn you." So, she was afraid.

Because only she can bear him a child, so she thinks that everything is for the child and has nothing to do with love.

The days with him are always too tiring, the sweetness is as sweet as a honeypot, he will lift you up to heaven, but those obscure days are still so clear.

So where do they go from here.

She sighed.Moved a bit.

"Why did you wake up?" Mo Yinfeng opened his eyes slightly, and asked a little sleepily.

"Woke you up?" She smiled slightly, her voice soft.

Mo Yinfeng closed his eyes again, tightened his arms, and got closer to her from behind, and replied lightly: "En."

She didn't know that these days were the best time he slept.

In the days when she was not around, whenever he dreamed back at midnight, he would always wake up with a start, each time because he dreamed of her getting farther and farther away.Ethereal to hopeless.

That's why he was so scared and wanted to see her all the time.

Luo Xiaofan turned his head and snuggled into his arms: "Afeng, let's talk."

She never took the initiative to talk to him, maybe because she was more like a child in front of him, she was always inexplicably afraid, she didn't dare to take the initiative to approach, she just waited for him to approach.

"En." He seemed very sleepy, so he responded lightly.

"Afeng, do you remember the first time we met, under the locust tree in the orphanage, I saw you from a distance, and I was stunned at the time, because the way you looked at me was so scary. But almost at the same time, I recognized you, the elder brother who hugged me first, you probably don't remember, we have met before that."

Mo Yinfeng still kept his eyes closed, but frowned slightly.

How could he forget, he recognized the little angel he left without saying goodbye at a glance.

It just didn't occur to her that she still remembered.

"I'm really afraid of you, because your eyes are different from other people's. Your eyes are always cold when you look at me. From childhood to adulthood, although I am very naughty, they always love me the most and say that I am a little angel. , only your eyes are full of disgust, I don't know why you hate me."

His heart ached slightly, do you hate it?
Yes, he hates her, hates her smile is always so pure and free of impurities, hates the feeling of being moved when he sees her, hates that he can never see other girls in his eyes since he was a child, hates when her smile is the most brilliant It's not about myself...

"But slowly I fell in love with you, because you always appeared at the most special time, when I fell over the wall, when I was flooded, when I was lost in the mountains, so that once I got into trouble, I would think: It’s okay, Brother Afeng will appear soon, he is omnipotent. Many times, when I get into trouble, I always think of Aze, but when I am scared and desperate, I always think of you.”

He slowly opened his eyes, quietly listening to these things he never knew.

These words have already set off a turbulent sea in his heart, but his surface is still calm, even his breathing has not changed.

"On the day I turned 20, I think you probably helped me as someone's substitute, or maybe you were drunk and we had sex, but I don't blame you, really, because I vaguely remember that night very happy."

Mo Yinfeng's heart ached, and he pressed a kiss behind her ear, his voice was as gentle as possible: "You are not someone's substitute, I clearly remember that it was you that night."

On her 20th birthday, he made a special trip back from a seminar in Europe.

When she saw that it was herself, a trace of familiar fear flashed in her eyes. She was afraid of him, but he knew it.But when he saw the obvious disappointment in her eyes, he really couldn't bear it.

Then, he intentionally and maliciously poured her wine.

He didn't have any malice at all, but he was a little unhappy.

But I didn't expect that she would get drunk while drinking.

When sending her back, she grabbed him by the collar and yelled, "Ah Ze, why didn't you come, why didn't you reply to the letter I wrote to you, why didn't you come, do you really want me?"

He still remembers that suffocation clearly.

But, there was no way, she started to play drunk, crawled around in the car, and vomited all over him. He really wanted to throw her on the road, but he took her back to his villa after all.

(End of this chapter)

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