Chapter 166

The tip of Mo Yinfeng's tongue lightly brushed her fingertips, and finally pulled it out, and pressed a kiss on the place where he had lightly bitten just now before letting her go.

Luo Xiaofan was really ashamed and angry, after being let go by Mo Yinfeng, he took a few steps back before he dared to look at Mo Yinfeng who was lazily lying on the sofa.

Mo Yinfeng turned his head away and closed his eyes.

She looked unwilling to talk to her: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

"I, I..." After Mo Yinfeng made such a fuss, she even forgot her purpose of coming down.

Her heart was beating violently, and she always felt that the finger bitten by him just now seemed to be on fire, which made her brain confused.

"What do you mean by watching me secretly for so long?" He sat up.There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's not because you miss me too much, right?"

"No." She blurted out, almost yelling, but such a big reaction almost had a taste of trying to hide it.

She hadn't felt such embarrassment for a long time, and she ran upstairs in a panic.

Mo Yinfeng looked at her slightly embarrassed back, with a hint of tenderness at the corner of his mouth, and lay down with his hands on his pillow, really couldn't sleep, because a faint happiness was slowly overflowing from the bottom of his heart.

Luo Xiaofan would be annoyed in the room, and now she always has such emotions in front of him.

Always a little panicked, I don't even know how to face him.

I always feel that Mo Yinfeng seems to be a little different from before, but I can't tell.

Normally, he is still so cold, with that inviolable iceberg expression.

Just, just now...

Luo Xiaofan shook his head, don't think about it, it's all over, and the involvement between them is only limited to the children, finally, their relationship has come to this point, there is no more entanglement, I really don't want to get involved anymore up...

She lay back on the bed, and suddenly remembered that she asked Mo Yinfeng to sleep in Aunt Rong's room.

She forgot everything just now, she only blamed herself for not living up to expectations.Not immune to every tease from him.

Thinking of this, my face became hot again.

She raised her right hand and looked at the small tooth marks bitten by him, and a trace of warmth overflowed from the bottom of her heart. She pressed her fingertips to her lips, and it seemed that there was still a faint breath unique to his mouth.

There is an indescribable complexity in my heart...

When Luo Xiaofan woke up in the morning, breakfast was still all ready.

Sitting opposite Mo Yinfeng, it was the first time in these days that the two of them ate quietly, and they didn't know what to say for a while.So, she buried herself in eating.

However, since Mo Yinfeng came, her appetite has indeed improved a lot. I don't know if the dishes he cooks are really delicious, but they have a habitual taste.

Luo Xiaofan looked up and saw Mo Yinfeng stroking his neck with one hand, twisting slightly, his expression seemed to be in pain, and he obviously had dark circles under his eyes, probably he really didn't sleep well.

There was an inexplicable movement in her heart.

"Aunt Rong is not here now, you go to stay in her room for a few days first." Luo Xiaofan said casually without even raising his eyelids.

Mo Yinfeng glanced at her, and said in a cold voice, "I'm not used to sleeping in someone else's bed."

She curled her lips, she's still a young master, forget it.

"But if it's your bed, I can still make it up." Mo Yinfeng seemed to add inadvertently.

"Forget it, you'd better sleep on the sofa." She continued to eat breakfast.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he liked to tease her more and more now.

I always feel that there is less heartbreaking between them now, just like this, sometimes, they even feel a bit like friends, this feeling is really not bad.

"Do you want to go to the company with me?" Mo Yinfeng asked suddenly.

She was taken aback.

"Go to the company, why?"

"Won't you be bored at home alone?" In fact, he was not very relieved.Aunt Rong is not here.Her body is already very inconvenient.

Her eyes flickered, "No need, I don't know many people there, it's just as boring."

"How many people in our company don't recognize you?" He laughed.

She had malicious intentions, so she didn't make a sound.

His face became a little colder, as if he didn't think such a joke was funny: "Then I'll stay with you for a few days until the nanny comes back."

Luo Xiaofan was surprised, how could such a big company let it go, he is the top management.

"Don't be kidding, the company is up to you if you don't want to go." She said lightly, to be honest, what he said is quite touching now, but she doesn't know how much of it is true.

"Of course I don't have to go if I don't want to go to the company. If I go on strike for a few days, the company won't go bankrupt."

"I'm going back for a few days. Grandpa ordered me to live there two days a week. You don't have to worry about it. The driver will pick me up later."

"Okay." He hummed lightly, not knowing what to say.

They ate in silence for a meal.

After the driver picked up Luo Xiaofan, Mo Yinfeng also went out.

When Luo Xiaofan returned to Nie's house, when eating, the old man said: "I heard that you hired a nutritionist, he is a man, he looks very handsome?"

She was shocked, probably Aunt Rong reported it.

"Xiaofan, men and women are different, no matter how much you like to eat the things he made, you can't let people stay here, girl, reputation is so important. Is that person safe, do you want grandpa to send someone to check?" The old man said earnestly. .

Luo Xiaofan put down his chopsticks without even raising his eyelids.

"What's wrong?" the old man asked hurriedly.

"I can't eat it."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, you can eat more." The old man sighed helplessly, he couldn't see her like this the most. Pregnant women may be like this. If they want to eat something, they especially want to eat it. I remember her grandma was the same way back then At that time, he was a big man who was fighting in the battlefield, and it was a rare time to go home, and he had to coax her.

Two special guests came tonight, Nian Shaokai and her mother.

That is Luo Xiaofan's mentor in France, Nian Rongxin.

(End of this chapter)

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