Chapter 646

In the outside discussion of the Champions League, Millwall is ready to welcome the championship.

There are only five rounds left in the Premier League. As long as Millwall can beat Aston Villa in the next round, they will be able to win the league championship in advance.

Millwall has prepared a lot for this.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering an opponent like Aston Villa, the coaching staff does not need to prepare anything, but this game must be taken seriously. No one wants to drag the championship to the next round. The whole team is looking forward to winning the championship time.

Millwall is fully committed to preparing for the game.

Two days before the game, Millwall held public training. Zhang Yang said in an interview with the media, "We are sure to win the league championship in the next round, and the whole team is focused on preparing for the game."

"This game is very important. Both the fans and the team can't wait for the championship."

If Zhang Yang directly talked about the championship in the past, he would definitely be considered arrogant, but now no one would think so. The league championship is in Millwall's pocket. Arsenal has no chance at all, and Manchester United's championship is only a theory. possible.

Millwall won the championship, the only suspense is sooner or later.

For example, if Aston Villa wins the next round of the league, Millwall's victory will be postponed by one round.

That's it.

It is certain that Millwall will win the championship, so the media does not care about the league, but the Champions League. When asked about the Champions League semi-finals against Barcelona, ​​Zhang Yang directly staggered and said, "For us, Now the league is the most important thing. The Champions League is something that needs to be considered after winning the league championship."

Millwall didn't have to think about it the next day.

Due to the influence of the game time, the national team match day, and the team's intermittent rest, the 34th round of the Premier League is divided into two days, and Manchester United's game is scheduled for the first day.

Then Manchester United drew.

It was at the Riverside Stadium, home of Middlesbrough, C-Ronaldo was outstanding, he scored his seventh goal in six games, but Middlesbrough also performed well, their striker Alvi Rooney scored two goals to help Middlesbrough overtake the score. It was only at the end of the game that Rooney helped Manchester United equalize.

Evening is meaningless.

After Manchester United drew with Middlesbrough, Millwall can be said to have completed the championship ahead of schedule, and the game against Aston Villa is not important.

This is quite unexpected.

The night before the Millwall game, Millwall fans began to celebrate the goal excitedly, even if the championship came suddenly, they felt quite excited.

The third champion!
Manchester United failed to win, and Millwall didn't know whether it was depressed or happy, but the whole team became very relaxed. No one wanted to face a stressful game. No pressure is definitely the best.

Of course, the awards ceremony will still be after a round of competition.

Millwall still played against Aston Villa normally, but the team's performance has obviously deteriorated. Almost all players are thinking about the awards after the game, and they are not in the mood to continue the game.

Zhang Yang has nothing to do about it, he can only use his voice to remind the players to be serious.

That makes Aston Villa feel good.

Aston Villa is currently ranked seventh in the league, and they hope to enter the top six. If they can get points from Millwall, it will still be of great help to them.

The game situation is not optimistic.

Millwall doesn't care about winning or losing, and the players don't care about the game; Aston Villa attaches great importance to the game, and every player is very active.

Comparing the performance of the players, you can imagine the appearance of the game.

Millwall failed to play an advantage, but Aston Villa looked for a chance to score a goal and took the lead in the first half. At halftime, the score was still 0 to 1.

During the intermission, Zhang Yang emphasized the importance of the game, "It is true that this is a game that is meaningless to win the championship. Everyone of you is thinking about the trophy. But this game is still meaningful."

"You know, we are still unbeaten in the league. I think it is very meaningful to continue the unbeaten game."

"Aside from this point, it is definitely better to win the championship at home than to win the championship. I think the fans will also hope that we can win the league championship with a victorious posture!"

Zhang Yang boosted the morale of the players, which was of great help.

After the start of the second half of the game, many people found that Millwall's performance improved, the cooperation between the players was able to play, and the midfield became much stronger. Among them, Livermore was the most active. This big guy kept running, It not only helps the team to stabilize the defense, but also can directly threaten the opponent's goal.

In the 61st minute, Millwall scored.

This time it was Livermore's long-range shot that hit the opposing player, and then Braniff made a pass to the penalty area, and Simpson followed up with a strong shot to complete the goal.

"The ball is in!"

"Simpson, he equalized for Millwall."

Under the shouts of the commentator, no one cared about Millwall's goal. Even the Millwall fans looked sympathetically at the defender who blocked Livermore's shot with his body--
Ashley Young.

The courage of this black and skinny boy is commendable, and he rushed to the front of Livermore and blocked the shot with his thigh in time.

There was nothing.

Ashley Young didn't fall to the ground, but his body was a little unsteady, but after Simpson finished shooting, everyone saw him lying on the grass with his thighs in his arms, baring his teeth and mouth.

The team doctor enters.

After a brief check by the team doctor, Ashley Young stood up again, letting everyone in the audience breathe a sigh of relief. If Livermore kicked his opponent, whether it was a Millwall fan or an Aston Villa fans will feel very sorry.

After all, the two sides have no deadly enmity.

Ashley Young can also be regarded as one of the outstanding young players in England. Many media believe that he can be selected for the England national team and may become a member of the England team for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

So even Millwall fans don't want to see him injured.

After standing up again and running for two steps, Ashley Young still grinned a little. He said to his teammates with a wry smile, "My thighs are red. If it is more serious, it may swell."

The way the Villa players looked at Livermore changed.

This is horrible!
I blocked the ball with my thigh and almost got swollen from being kicked. If I was kicked on the forehead, I might just say goodbye to the football world?They vowed to wait for the other side to shoot again, and they would never block the hole of the gun anyway.

The opponent is too scary, and there is nothing they can do.

Compared with the outcome of a game, his career is more important. If he is really kicked out of his career, it would be too tragic.

Livermore's kick didn't score, but it had a huge impact on Aston Villa's morale.

Millwall continued to perform better and better, and 10 minutes later, teenager Suarez helped the team score a second goal.

Before the end of the game, Livermore broke the suspense of victory with a long shot.


Millwall defeated Aston Villa and won the No. 30 five-round victory in the Premier League.

But winning or losing doesn't seem to matter.

From the beginning to the end of the game, the fans of Millwall never stopped celebrating. Many fans started celebrating the team's championship as soon as they entered the stadium.

At the end of the game, the cheers were only louder.

Some fans regretted celebrating too early. As a result, at the end of the day, their voices were hoarse and they couldn't shout at all. The commentator kept holding back until the end, "Congratulations to Millwall! They won the Premier League championship four rounds ahead of schedule." !"

"It's a great honour, but it doesn't seem like a big deal for a brilliant Millwall team who already knew they were going to win the title and it's their third league title in a row."

"Since the start of the Premier League, only Manchester United has won three consecutive championships. Now there is one more Millwall. At the same time, they have also tied the number of Premier League titles won by Arsenal - three times, becoming the first in history to win the Premier League title. Two more teams."

"It only took Millwall three years to catch up with most teams. Their achievements even only existed in imagination, but now they have become reality."

"Thinking back three years ago, Millwall was just about to fight for the promotion qualification of the British Championship. They worked hard to upgrade to the Premier League. At that time, not many people were optimistic about them, but now three years later, Millwall has won three Premier League titles. champion."

"It's all thanks to head coach Zhang Yang."

"Under the leadership of Zhang Yang, Millwall has risen at a rapid rate. Their brilliance has reached a peak this season. Since the Community Shield in mid-August, they have won the Community Shield, the European Super Cup, the World Club Cup, The Carabao Cup, including the current league, adds up to five titles."

"Of the remaining two titles, many people think that the FA Cup is already in Millwall's bag, because their opponent is only Cardiff City."

"In the Champions League, they also entered the semi-finals..."

Amidst the shouts of the commentator, Millwall began to celebrate the championship. Regardless of the excitement on and off the field, all Millwall players lined up in a neat row, went to the surrounding stands one by one, and bowed to the fans.

Then all the players took a group photo.

When the time was almost up, the players returned to the locker room. The stadium was also constantly building the podium, and the materials were prepared in advance, because it was known before the game that they would win the championship. Many personnel had been waiting before the game started, and everything had been arranged. it is good.

After all Millwall members returned to the stadium, the awards ceremony officially began.

Each player goes up in turn to receive their own medal.

Zhang Yang was the last one to go up. He received the gold medal symbolizing the league championship from the FA chairman Burton. He didn't hang it around his neck, but put it in his trouser pocket.

It seemed a little indecency, but no one cared about Zhang Yang's actions.

Burton instead smiled and said, "I remember before the season, my family asked me which team would present the league award this year. I said I was optimistic about Millwall and Manchester United. In fact, I hope that Manchester United can win the championship. They It has been many years without a championship, but I only watched the first game of the league, and I have a hunch that you will win the championship this year."

"Sure enough, I'm not surprised at all." Burton smiled wryly. "Actually, I'm disappointed because other teams seem to have become uncompetitive. Millwall is really good."

"But you have heard what the media in other countries say, and the FA is under a lot of pressure, so I hope you can successfully defend the Champions League this year." Burton's voice is very sincere, "Don't talk about winning the championship, At least beat Barcelona and reach the final, then the Premier League teams will meet in the final."

Zhang Yang nodded affirmatively, "Don't worry, Mr. Burton, we also aim to win the championship."

"That's good."

Burton smiled wryly, "Your way of showing weakness in the media is really distressing. I am afraid that you will really lose to Barcelona, ​​but I believe that as long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to enter the final."

Zhang Yang laughed.

At the moment of receiving the championship trophy, the atmosphere at the Neal Stadium reached its climax, every player was shouting, and the whole Millwall was in a carnival.


The picture of Millwall winning the championship ended with captain Morris lifting the championship trophy.

There was no celebration at Millwall.

According to the official website of the Millwall club, "Head coach Zhang Yang decided to postpone the championship celebration ceremony until after the Champions League final. In the previous time, the team must concentrate on preparing for the Champions League."

Millwall fans are looking forward to it.

It was the same last season.

After winning the league championship, there was no celebration. It was not until after the Champions League final that the Millwall Club held a grand celebration ceremony.

Now the fans are looking forward to Millwall being able to defend the Champions League trophy.

If the Champions League defense can be achieved, Millwall will win all the championships. That will be the most glorious moment, and many people feel excited when they think about it.

Millwall did not celebrate the championship, which did not affect the media reports. Not only England, but also the whole of Europe reported that Millwall won the championship.

Because it is a three-peat.

The influence of three consecutive championships is undoubtedly much higher than winning a championship, just like the FA Chairman Burton said, "European media believe that the Premier League has been ruled by Millwall."

At the same time, many media are also reporting Zhang Yang.

The honor of Millwall's greatest contribution to winning the championship undoubtedly belongs to Zhang Yang as the head coach. When they found out that Zhang Yang was only 25 years old, many people couldn't help sighing, "Football coaches may usher in the era of young people!"

25 years old!
Most players at this age are just about to enter their peak period. Regardless of the football field, some people are still studying in school at the age of 25, and those who have left college for a few years are still young in the workplace. Meat.

However, Zhang Yang has already won many honors that a coach would never get in his lifetime.

Zhang Yang is not the only example.

In fact, football coaches have become younger since the beginning of 2000. Before 2000, many people believed that "the older the coach, the more trustworthy he is." more stable.

After 2000, young coaches continued to emerge.

Mourinho's age of fame is only about 40 years old. Robbie Keane, who has just retired, has also become the Premier League coach. He is only 37 years old. There are many other top league coaches who are only about 40 years old. , the average age of top-flight coaches is five years younger than it was a decade ago.

This is the biggest example of rejuvenation!

But Zhang Yang is still very special, because he is too young, much younger than his 'younger' age, and his success is amazing enough.

"This is Zhang Yang!"

"He is not only young, but he has also proved his strong leadership ability with his results. This year, all European clubs should consider competing for publicity instead of introducing a top superstar..."

(End of this chapter)

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