Super Prophecy Master

Chapter 351 The first day of preparation

Chapter 351 The First Day of War Preparation

Simpson, Vardy and others are still very enthusiastic. They did not discriminate against "ordinary players", but they have not yet adapted to the status of stars.

Two seasons ago, Simpson was only a youth player, and he couldn't play in the first team. Vardy was still playing "wild ball", and he was not even eligible to participate in non-professional games in the ninth-level league.

So they treated Li Wei very warmly.

In addition, another reason is that Li Wei is Zhang Yang's favorite player. They can become stars. A large part of the reason is that Zhang Yang likes them and keeps giving them opportunities to play. They believe that Li Wei will also achieve something in the future. .

Li Wei is also Chinese.

Simpson, Livermore and others are still very interested in China. They took the initiative to communicate with Li Wei and wanted to know more about China.

It's a pity that Li Wei's English is not good.

Before coming to China, Li Wei signed up for an oral English class, but after a short one-month study, it was difficult to achieve good results, and he could only carry out simple communication.

So Li Wei also learned that in addition to hard training and improvement, he also needs to take extra English lessons. No matter how long he can stay in the UK, his future life will definitely be busy and rich.

In addition to the exchanges between new and old players, everyone who came to the stadium is also training very hard. They are not for improvement. In fact, it is difficult to improve personal training, even with Bruno Burley As an auxiliary guide, the latter can't give any pointers at all, and their training purpose is only to recover as soon as possible.

This is very important.

After a long vacation, they still can't recover from the vacation, their mentality has not recovered, and their physical condition has also been affected.

Although the team will arrange recovery training, it is definitely better to recover earlier, and can better integrate into the team and conduct tactical training better, so as to adapt one step faster than others.

This will give them a head start in terms of intra-team competition.

In fact, it is also caused by stress.

To say that last season, the pressure was not too great. Simpson, Livermore and others were not worried about their number of appearances. If it is normal, you will definitely get the chance to play.

It's different now.

Millwall was the league champion last season, and the goal of this season will not be much lower. They also have to participate in the UEFA Champions League. During the summer transfer period, some star players have also joined.

Livermore is better, the team did not introduce top midfielders.

The Simpsons were different.

Last season, Simpson was the main right midfielder, and the number of appearances was not limited. He could play as long as he was in shape. This season is different, because Quares is here.

Simpson and Quaresma communicated very enthusiastically, but Simpson knew better that they were direct competitors.

In the Portuguese League, Quaresma is the best right midfielder, while Simpson's sense of position is a bit flat in the Premier League, just like some media comments, "Simpson performed very well. But he is more like a striker , not a winger."


Simpson didn't want to compete with Darren Bent.

Others also have competitive pressure, such as Vardy, who did not play many games last season. This season, he has received a certain salary increase and hopes to have more appearances.

This is not easy.

The team did not introduce strong strikers. Darren Bent and Braniff are all very good. Simpson, Smicer and others can also play guest strikers, and their performance will not be worse than him. I want more The number of appearances, we must try to let people see the ability and value.

Vardy knows that he still needs to improve further.

Others also felt the pressure to some extent. Even the newcomer Quaresma didn't know whether he could adapt to the Premier League and whether he could perform well enough, so he had to train hard.

The day before Millwall's assembly date, many players returned to training. They came to train spontaneously, or came to the club to see the situation. Among the new players, Zambrotta and Pires have arrived one after another. They are working Under the leadership of the staff, I got acquainted with the Milwaukee Club and the training ground, and also went to the training ground to get to know the old players in advance.

The next day is the date for the official assembly.

In the morning, the first-team training ground was already full of people. Players were talking about their holiday life, and many people were talking about past World Cup games.

The coaching staff is here.

Frederick, Aldous, and Dennis Wise walked into the training ground together. After gathering everyone, they first helped everyone introduce new players.

Zambrotta, Pires, Quaresma and others were all introduced one by one.

When the first team becomes a "multinational group", the work of the coaching staff will also become complicated, such as making introductions. Zambrotta, Quaresma and others are not good at English, and they can't make introductions by themselves. , It is also complicated for the coach to help with the introduction, because Wise, Aldous and others can't speak Portuguese or Italian.

Fortunately, the club is prepared.

As early as a week ago, for this matter, the club hired two full-time translators. The two translators can speak five languages ​​in total-Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish and English.

With the help of two translators, the work can be carried out smoothly.

After introducing the new players, the coaching staff began to roll the rolls, and they soon discovered that one person was absent, Kevin Braniff.

"Kevin's plane is late. He is probably still in the sky..." Vardy, who has a good relationship with Braniff, helped explain.

This explanation is not very helpful.

Most of the players returned to the team yesterday. If Braniff also returned yesterday, even if the plane was delayed, he should have returned to London.

Frederick and Wise looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

Then the warm-up training officially started.

The holiday has just ended, and what is going to be recovery training, the coaching staff arranged a loose training content, and then at noon, all the players were asked to undergo a physical examination.

Physical examination is still very important.

Whether it is the basic data of height and weight, or simple blood analysis values, it is enough to explain a lot of problems, so that the coaching staff can understand the player's status more clearly. The scientific training formulated by Choderick is the focus of the first team training.

When the time came in the afternoon, the players had gradually adapted to the training, and after getting acquainted with each other, they also started to discuss.

The focus of their discussion was publicity.

Today is the first day of collective training, but they didn't see Zhang Yang, who is the head coach, which would be a bit strange.

The old players are better, but the new players are more confused.

Among the new players, the one who communicates with his teammates more smoothly is Pires. He is a top star in the world. He has been playing for Arsenal before. When he came to Millwall, he only came to the west of London from the north of London.

Pires asked Jody Morris, "Where's the coach?"

"You mean boss?"


"Yes, Boss, that's what we call him," Morris explained.


Pires was a little speechless, it was really difficult for him to call a young man ten years younger than him 'boss', but in order to adapt to the new team, he still said it out, "Where did the boss go? Why didn't I see him."

"If I'm not wrong, it should be staying in the office. He often does this, studying the team's tactics, studying formation changes and so on." Jody Morris guessed.

"So that's the case." Pires suddenly asked with interest. "I saw a lot of media news saying that the tactics used by Millwall are very interesting. Is it to maximize the players' abilities?"

"Yes, the boss is studying this."

"Hearing what you said, I'm looking forward to it."

Jody Morris' speculation quickly spread throughout the team.

At this time, not only the players are interested in where Zhang Yang is, but also the club's management. For the club, the biggest thing today is definitely not the assembly of the whole team, but the club's 'Tai Shang' chairman, Morgan Prince Sad is here.

The reason why I say 'too much chairman' is because Prince Mossad has not formally succeeded to the position of chairman. There are rumors that he does not intend to be the chairman, mainly because he lives in Saudi Arabia most of the time and does not have much energy to manage the club.

Prince Mossad is only the chairman in name, but everyone knows that he is the actual controller of the club, because the club belongs to him.

In order to better integrate into the Millwall team and give people a more friendly feeling, Prince Mossad rarely took off the traditional Arab clothes and put on a formal suit. At the age of more than 40, he seemed to be Very friendly and capable.

Wilkinson has been with Prince Mossad all the time, and other senior executives of the club have also met Prince Mossad one by one.

Prince Mossad went to the first-team training ground and let all the players meet the legendary prince. He personally watched the training for more than an hour and talked with several players and the coaching staff.

After that, Prince Mossad began to care about Zhang Yang.

"Where is Zhang Yang? I want to see him most." Prince Mossad asked Wilkinson.

Wilkinson didn't know either. He could only ask Aldous. Among the coaching staff, besides Zhang Yang, he was most familiar with Aldous.

"It should be in the office." Aldous said, "He has been busy for more than a week."

Wilkinson nodded and asked Prince Mossad, "Do you want to send someone to notify him?"

"no need."

Prince Mossad said, "I will stay in the UK for a while, and I will definitely have a chance in the future."

Wilkinson joked, "Zhang Ke has been thinking about his sports car, and asked me last week when Mr. Mossad will come, but now it seems that he probably has no interest in sports cars."

Prince Mossad also laughed.

At this time, a figure came from a distance, his speed was a little fast, he seemed to be half-walking and half-running, and after getting closer, he quickly called out, "Brand, where is my sports car?"

Wilkinson glanced at Prince Mossad, and his face suddenly turned dark.

(End of this chapter)

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