Super Prophecy Master

Chapter 250 Zhang Yang's Personal News Interview Group

Chapter 250 Zhang Yang's Personal News Interview Group

When they learned that Manchester United and Chelsea had tied, the Millwall players became more confident.

In the past period of time, the media has been centered around 'the good results of small clubs cannot last for too long', indicating that Millwall is facing the danger of a decline in performance, and even Millwall players think so, not to mention the strength of the team's lineup , The performance of substitute players is always much worse.

But they were wrong.

When a team beats their opponents in a row, their points have been increasing and their ranking has not changed, which means they have made progress, rather than a 'so-called crisis'.

After returning to the locker room, every player was talking about the team's results, and they kept talking about the league ranking——
"I never imagined that we could stay in second place in the league for so long!"

"Millwall ranked second in the league? It's so interesting, if I'm not in the team, I must feel like I'm dreaming!"

"Chelsea and Manchester United are both tied! If only they lost a few games, maybe we will be ranked first in the league! I don't need to win the championship at the end, and I will be satisfied if I rank first in one round!"

"It's like a dream!"

"Why do you think we can always win when the boss leads the team? Or are we already strong?"

"Boss is an amazing person!"

"That's right, Boss is young, but he's amazing! Some of you probably haven't followed his Weibo, his Weibo fans are so fanatical, they almost regard him as God!"

"I'll take a look when I get back!"


During the discussions among the various players, Zhang Yang had already appeared at the press conference. He came with Benitez. Benitez accepted the interview first and said a few words about the game sincerely, "During the game, it is obvious that It can be seen that our striker ability is still insufficient. This is a problem we must solve in the future. If we can strengthen the striker, the team's performance will definitely improve a lot."

"In today's game, the opponent's performance was great, and they deserved to win. Zhang is also a very good head coach. He is very young, but if he is deceived by his youth, he must be prepared to pay the price."

After Benitez praised Zhang Yang, he talked about Millwall's tactical issues, "That is an unimaginable tactic. It was formulated for Millwall's situation. It can be clearly seen in the game that every Millwall The Wall players are very familiar with the tactics, which shows that they have done sufficient preparation training, and it also shows that the tactics are the most suitable for Millwall.”

"After this game, I found that Liverpool still has a lot to improve. Maybe we should also try to formulate the most suitable style of play according to the differences in the abilities of the players."

Benitez sighed from the bottom of his heart.

During the game, the Spaniard was thinking, if Liverpool can have a set of tactics that is most suitable for the team lineup, so that the players can perform better in the game and the team's performance will be better, then they may have Ability to win the Premier League championship.

Liverpool don't have that ability yet.

The league is different from the Champions League. Benitez is confident that he can achieve long-term results in the Champions League. That is because the essence of the Champions League is a "cup competition". As long as you prepare carefully, the possibility of achieving good results is very high.

Leagues are different.

The league is an entire season of matches, and the fight is for long-term overall performance. It is impossible for any team to prepare for every opponent. A tactical system that allows players to adapt and exert their strength becomes extremely important.

Liverpool don't have that tactical system.

In many games, if you want to have a good performance, you still have to rely on the players' on-the-spot performance. The result is full of various uncertainties. In the second half, you can only compete with the depth of the bench.

Millwall relied on a set of tactics suitable for the team, which has been out of the scope of 'normal judgment'.

After asking a few questions, Benitez shut up and did not speak, and the reporters automatically turned their heads to look at Zhang Yang.

When Benitez was speaking, Zhang Yang still had a slight smile on his face, but he immediately became serious. Just when the reporters were surprised, Zhang Yang said, "After this game, we are closer to the crisis." A step forward! Consecutive wins represent possible losses in the future. There is a saying in China that 'climb high and fall hard'. If we change it to Millwall, it means that the better our results are, the less we will fall in the future. It will be faster, so we are closer to not being able to avoid relegation!"

"Now is the time to prepare for future crises! I'm sorry, I'll go back first..."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he left.

The media reporters in the venue were all stunned.

Some people are still thinking of 'climbing high, falling hard' and 'Millwall wins but is even more unable to relegation', thinking that there may be a causal relationship between the two.

When they came back to their senses, they realized that they had been tricked!

No matter what the causal relationship is, it is impossible to link 'winning' and 'getting worse', the two are diametrically opposite meanings.

This young Chinese is playing them!
Perhaps in retaliation for a previously reported so-called 'crisis'?But no matter how you think about it, the reporters are also very angry, but they can't do anything, because Millwall won the game, and the improvement in league points also means that the ranking has stabilized a lot.

Before the game, many media reporters still thought that when Millwall lost to Liverpool, they would make a lot of reports and criticize Millwall in order to get more attention from the fans. They didn't care whether the analysis was accurate, because They are not column commentators, nor are they famous figures. Fans can't remember their names after reading the comments. The analysis and reports are inaccurate, and they have no effect at all. It is more important to attract more readers' attention.

Now that they have been tricked and can't do anything, the reporters are all suffocated, and the eyes they look at Benitez have become very unfriendly.

"That damned Spaniard!"

"If Liverpool hadn't lost the game, how could that young Chinese have the opportunity to play us?"

"Liverpool! England's giants, the champions of the Champions League last season, lost at home to Millwall -- a newly promoted horse with a winning streak!?"

"Shameful! So shameful!"

Benitez was shot while lying down, and walked out of the venue innocently, still sighing in his heart, "This young Chinese has too much character!" Even he did not dare to 'fool' the reporter so obviously.

Zhang Yang didn't care.

The scene was either the media that frequently reported negative news about Millwall, or the media in the north that supported Liverpool. More than 90.00% of the reporters were not friendly to Millwall, and there were only a few reporters who could be regarded as "friendly relations." '.

In this case, he did not want to be interviewed.

Zhang Yang also has the confidence to do so: Millwall's results are quite good, with eight victories in ten league rounds, and after defeating Liverpool, the media can't even criticize Millwall.

What those reporters want to criticize, the premise is that Millwall's grades are not good. When the grades are good, the reporters can only praise if they want to report.


Almost all the media praised Millwall that day. By the next morning, various newspapers and media published comments that paid attention to Millwall, and there was unanimous praise. Some of them praised Millwall’s current achievements, and some quoted Beni Tess, to praise Millwall's tactical play, and to look forward to Millwall's results this season, even the 'opposition' "British Football News" said, "Millwall this season It is expected to break the monopoly of the Premier League top four on the league rankings!"

These reports made Zhang Yang very gratified.

Everyone likes to see praise reports, rather than getting inexplicable criticism all the time. The praise from the outside world can make people feel very comfortable, but the media reports still have a focus. Millwall’s name is constantly being mentioned, Millwall Various players in Seoul are also constantly being praised. For example, Smicer, who performed the best against Liverpool, is said to have found a second spring in his career after going to Millwall. Braniff, Josh- Simpson and others were also affirmed, and even Livermore's name was frequently mentioned. The media commented on Livermore as "successfully limited Gerrard".

The media's praise for Livermore is definitely a bit too much.

Livermore's performance can only be regarded as mediocre. He gave little support to the team in the offense, and he also showed the ability to shoot from the outside. One-on-one defense of Gerrard was not considered successful. In the second half, Gerrard still relied on himself The ability to help Liverpool complete the goal is enough to show that Livermore's defense is not successful.Gerrard's performance at other times is not bad. Livermore's defense, the cooperation between Gerrard and his teammates, the degree of restriction is very low, and it only reduces Gerrard's personal performance.

But even so, Livermore was mentioned.

Another key role, publicity, has been subconsciously ignored by many media, and this is also a strategy of media reporters.

When Millwall performed well, they really couldn't voice their criticisms, but they praised Millwall and Millwall players, but ignored the coaching role of publicity, making fans feel like Millwall Hall's success is the result of the joint efforts of the whole team, and the head coach did not play much role.

This reporting method is still very effective.

The names of many Millwall players are known by other fans, but Zhang Yang is ignored by many fans. Many fans only hear about Millwall and know what outstanding players Millwall has, but they don’t know the head coach of Millwall. who is it.

But in fact, Millwall is most famous for Zhang Yang, and even Smicer is hard to compare with. From the number of Zhang Yang's European Weibo fans exceeding 80, we can see a lot of things.

What is the population of England?
5000 million.

Most of Zhang Yang's European Weibo fans are England fans. It is unimaginable that the number of fans has exceeded 80. Even if it is ten years later, that is, after 2015, having 80 fans is quite amazing. There are so many The number of fans is enough to show how popular Zhang Yang's reputation is. He alone is equivalent to a big media platform.

Zhang Yang has already discovered the benefits of having more fans on Weibo.

Now that the European microblog has started to make money, Zhang Yang asked Andy to help maintain the microblog, occasionally post a few messages, and participate in discussions on some topics. It's just that in the past two months, he has also received an official share of nearly [-] pounds.

Three thousand pounds was not much, but it was also a lot.

Zhang Yang hardly did anything. He was so busy with work that he seldom logged in to Weibo, but it still brought economic benefits.

After logging into Weibo, Zhang Yang also found a benefit. Some 'local tyrants' started to offer rewards for football questions. For example, a local tycoon fan 'Disvery' asked questions about Millwall's season goals. The reward amount for the answer was one. thousand pounds.

"Rewarded question: What are Millwall's goals in the league and cup this season?"

Zhang Yang looked at the problem and thought about it.

The so-called clear goal of leading the team, even his own players have never mentioned it, because they are afraid of putting pressure on the team and affecting the performance of the players, let alone the reporters. Zhang Yang's consistent answer is, "Our The goal is to stay in relegation."

It's a bit too much to say this to a 'high reward answer'.

In order to live up to the wishes of the fans, ahem, Zhang Yang would not admit that it was for the amount of the reward, which was a thousand pounds, so he answered seriously, "In the Premier League, my personal goal is to compete for the championship. I will work hard for the championship and play every game seriously.”

"As for the cup? The FA Cup will definitely be fought for."

Zhang Yang made a "quite extraordinary" answer, which attracted many fans and netizens to watch unanimously, and was quickly reprinted by major media platforms.

The answer is clear.

Many media platforms have analyzed Zhang Yang's meaning, "Millwall will take every game seriously and strive for every point. In the league, they aim to achieve the best results. Zhang Yang did not mention the League Cup, indicating that the league The FA Cup is forfeited and Millwall will definitely take a serious part in the FA Cup, an ancient competition."

One of Zhang Yang's answers caused a storm of public opinion. While receiving the reward, his name quickly appeared in the online reports of major media.

So Zhang Yang discovered a problem that he had ignored before: those media reporters who covered the game didn't like to report on him, which also caused a lot of trouble, but in the era of the Internet, it was not a problem at all.

Those unfriendly media can choose to report at will, it doesn't matter whether his name is mentioned or not, as long as they have Weibo.

You can post new news on Weibo, and you can also use the Internet platform to accept interviews from "friendly reporters". At that time, it will not be a reporter's problem, but he can say whatever he wants. It doesn't matter if the reporters are not used to it, then Do not interview.

Zhang Yang suddenly looked forward to it.

Open the QQ software that is popular among the public in China, change the random name to 'Millwall coach Zhang Yang', then improve his personal information, and create a group called 'Zhang Yang Personal News Interview'.

"I will be interviewed here from now on!" Zhang Yang made a major decision.

(End of this chapter)

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