Reborn 1980 peach blossom

Chapter 127 Its Name

Chapter 127 Its Name

After returning to the room, the smile on Tang Tang's face disappeared immediately, and worry gradually dyed between his brows.

She knew that Tang's father was easy to talk, but Tang's mother was not so easy to talk.

If the matter becomes serious, it will not be the matter of Tang and Feng's family, but other in-laws will also be involved.


Such was the custom of the period.

Fight brothers, fight father and son soldiers.

After encountering a tearing situation, it is basically a tear and a nest.

Hit the young ones and come to the old ones.

We don't reason with you, we talk to you more than anyone else.

In her memory, Fengjia Village used to have the whole village go out to fight another village.

This is also the place that gives her the most headaches, and it is also the situation that she is most worried about encountering.

"I hope it doesn't develop into that, otherwise it will not end well..."

Tang Tang sighed softly, and vigorously rubbed the fluffy kitten in his arms.

At her age, let alone change anything, she doesn't even have the right to speak.

This is also the reason why after she woke up in this time and space, she was poor and empty, but she didn't make money immediately.

If you are too young, no one will care what you say. Even if you try your best to prove your words, the adults will at most just smile and put them aside.

Not to mention that the countryside is still a particularly serious area of ​​patriarchy, who would listen to a little girl's advice.

If someone really listened to it, they would only be skeptical and would not believe everything.

She thought of those people who imagined that once they returned to their childhood, they would turn their hands into clouds and rain, and then compare their real situation now, and there would only be two hehes with no expression on their faces.

Thinking about things in a mess in his head, but the action of stroking the cat in his hand didn't stop for a moment.

When she came back to her senses, the kitten in her arms had already squinted its eyes slightly, snoring happily.


"Little thing, you really know how to enjoy it..."

Tang Tang smoothed the kitten's fur, then stretched out his fingers and gently scratched the cat's chin.

The kitten in his arms was a small ball, but it was extremely soft, and its fur was smooth, not at all like the stray cat that the man said.

Thinking of the stray cat, she only paused in the movement of smoothing the fur in her hand, and began to look down at the kitten carefully.

This is a beautiful three-color civet cat. Its pupils of different colors, one yellow and one blue, are very mysterious. The hair on the top of the head is divided into two colors, one black and one yellow, from the middle. It was a black semicircle, and when it squatted up, its two front paws just formed a complete round black mass.


The kitten noticed that she had stopped stroking its fur, and touched her hand with its paw in dissatisfaction.

Tang Tang's thoughts were interrupted, and he slowly turned his gaze to the kitten in his arms.

"Kitty, I can't keep calling you Kitty like that, can I? How about I give you a name?"

After whispering to herself for a while, she felt more and more that this idea was feasible.

"What shall I name you?"

She ran down the cat's fur with one hand, and gently scratched the cat's jaw with the other, making it purr in enjoyment.

After pondering for a moment, she thought of a name.

"Why don't I call you Meow?"

When she said this query to the kitten, the cat suddenly opened its eyes wide and looked at her with innocent round cat pupils.

"What? Don't like it?"

Tang Tang twitched the tip of the cat's ear lightly, and asked with a smile.

She was just joking and didn't expect the other party's answer, but the kitten nodded slightly after hearing her words.

"No...then what name do you want?"

As long as she can understand cat language, she can completely listen to the kitten's own opinion.

"Master Meow, you can call me Baozi Meow."

"Baozi meow? This name..."

With an uncontrollable smile in her eyes, she held the kitten's body with both hands, and looked up and down at the petite body of the kitten.

"It's not meow, it's Baozi, not Baozi meow."

The kitten shook its head vigorously, expressing its opinion loudly.

After confirming that its master can understand what it says, it is very happy. After all, among the many humans it has met, the current master is the only one who can understand its own words.

As a stray cat, it has its own rules of survival.

However, it has become more and more difficult to find food recently, and the mice have been wiped out by rat poison. It is also very helpless and distressed.

Tang Tang looked at the kitten struggling in his palm, smiled lightly and tapped the tip of the other's nose.

"Okay, okay, it's Baozi, not Baozi meow. Then you will live with me from now on, a little cat named Baozi."

"Master meow..."

Kitty Baozi has its own name, which means that it will be taken care of for the rest of its life.

So after scratching its ears, it narrowed its eyes in satisfaction.

Seeing the docile kitten in his arms, Tang Tang curled the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile.

She is a fluff lover, so she naturally likes these small furry animals, but for cats and dogs that are most commonly kept by ordinary people, she prefers cats.

The cat's soft limbs, beautiful cat eyes, clingy and petite appearance, I really like it no matter how I look at it.

After confirming the kitten's name, she stretched out her hand to smooth the cat's fur, and grabbed the cat's two front paws so that it was level with her.

"Baozi, why do you want such a name? Do you like to eat buns? The buns made by my mother are delicious..."

She asked with a smile while shaking the kitten's front paws.

Kitty Baozi shook his beard and looked over expectantly.

"Meow, the steamed stuffed buns are the best to eat. Meow, I have eaten big steamed stuffed buns made by the old lady in the village next door. They are white and fat..."

Tang Tang looked at the gradually dilated pupils of the kitten Baozi, convinced of the kitten's love for Baozi, and he couldn't help but want to tease him.

"Baozi, do you like dried fish?"

"Meow, dried fish?"

Kitten Baozi came to his senses and looked at her expectantly.

"Do you like buns or dried fish?"

As Tang Tang asked, he reached out and scratched the kitten's soft belly.

"Meow likes everything..." Kitten Baozi said, looking at her with sparkling eyes.

Tang Tang stretched out his finger, and said cruelly: "You can only choose one of the two..."

After such a long conversation, she was convinced that this cat had a higher IQ than ordinary cats.

At least after facing her simple questions, you can express your preferences.

"Why meow?"

Kitten Baozi tilted his head and asked in confusion.

In its mind, liking is liking, and there is never a so-called choice.

"No reason, you just say what you want to eat now."

Tang Tang stretched out his fingers and gently rubbed the cat's paw on the pink pad of the kitty bun.

"Bun meow, I want to eat buns..."

Kitty Baozi once again expressed his wishes.

Tang Tang kept stroking the cat, but he was already sure that it was a kitten that liked to eat buns.

(End of this chapter)

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