Phoenix that can't smile

Chapter 51: Fishing in Troubled Waters

Chapter 51: Fishing in Troubled Waters (1)
Queen Jiang's face suddenly turned pale, and her whole body seemed to be in a fog. "Nonsense, Hei'er, who ordered you to frame the queen?" Hei'er was slapped on the face before he finished speaking, and Imperial Concubine Jin yelled at Hei'er angrily.

"What are you doing? Let He'er finish talking!" Ming Gong's face was gloomy like a thunderstorm was approaching.

"Don't talk about it, Your Majesty, the concubine is guilty, and the harem is negligent." Queen Jiang collapsed to the ground like a deflated ball.

"Don't stop, keep talking, why did the empress deliberately turn black and white and frame the concubine Bao, and what happened to the corpse in the Jianjia palace well?" Ming Gong continued to ask regardless of Empress Jiang's gaffe.

"Because, because the Queen Empress is jealous of Concubine Bao, as for the corpse in the well, the servant found someone to release it on purpose. That corpse is the painted painting that Empress Jiang punished to death half a year ago!" Heer said with certainty.

"What? She is really painted!" For a moment, there was another burst of shock in the warm pavilion.

"This palace can't agree, how could the corpse be painted?" Empress Jiang stared at He'er angrily.

"Stop talking, come, arrest all the eunuchs and maids of Kunning Palace, I will interrogate myself!" Ming Gong's eyes were almost red with anger, and he immediately ordered loudly in front of all the concubines.

Seeing that Ming Gong had almost lost his mind, Xinyue and Xiao Dezi didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly took people to Kunning Palace. After a day of interrogation, the maids restored the murder of Caihui.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager punished Caihui for helping her comb her hair and she accidentally lost her hair. If Caihui was not beaten, she would die with dozens of leather whips. So the slaves followed the instructions of the empress and hid the body. stand up."

"What a vicious shrew! Not only does she have no remorse for treating her servants like this, but she even uses this to frame Concubine Bao. What qualifications does such a vicious woman have to be a mother to the world?" Ming Gong suddenly became furious.

"My lord, my concubine is just killing a girl. In our Jiang Manor, what is a servant? The king wants to be so angry? Besides, we have been husband and wife for more than ten years, isn't it worth a lowly girl? !" Empress Jiang retorted regardless of her status.

"My queen, maybe you don't think it's a big deal to kill a girl at will, but you have to think about it. Girls are also human beings, and they are also the darling of their parents. Just imagine, if you were beaten to death, what would happen to Prime Minister Jiang?" Bao Si angrily refuted Queen Jiang.

"Report to Your Majesty, the medical officer who disguised himself has also found out the real appearance of the corpse, there is no doubt that it is painted." At this time, the imperial physician also entered the hall and knelt down and said.

"Your Majesty, although the Queen has committed a serious crime, please, for the sake of the prince and the prime minister, please give her a chance to reform herself!" His face turned blue, and he quickly knelt down to intercede for Queen Jiang.

"Nonsense, the prince committed the same crime as the common people. Empress Jiang is so lawless in the palace, how can the widow forgive me lightly. This is not over yet. Who else is spreading rumors in the palace and who is falsely accusing Concubine Bao of bribery? It is still not clear. Come here, send Empress Jiang to the cold palace to be grounded." Ming Gong flicked his sleeves angrily, and was about to leave.

"Your Majesty, the courtiers and concubines just made a small mistake, and they will be beheaded and grounded. That Bao Si sold his official position to accept bribes and colluded with foreign ministers. He is so lawless and has no king's law, but you don't care about it. It's hard to convince the people of the world! "Empress Jiang protested loudly, crying and fussing.

"You still want to continue to make false accusations, well, I will let Die Tu convince you!" Ming Gong left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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