Chapter 436 Good Opportunity

"Brother, my idea is actually very simple. You all know that I like to study wine very much. Although I got into trouble because of wine back then, I always feel that there is something strange behind this incident.

After all, I didn't drink a few sips of wine back then. If the wine was okay, I wouldn't be drunk at all, and such an accident would never happen.

So I didn't have any bad influence on my heart because of this incident. I still like wine very much.

Lying at home all these years, Moer has been helping me collect all kinds of books about alcohol. After Nuan Nuan went to the town to earn money, she often brought me books about alcohol every time she came back. books.

If it is possible in the future, I really hope that I can engage in a job related to the wine industry.

In this way, I can see more kinds of famous and good wines. Wine is something I like very much. If I have such a good opportunity, I think I can make certain achievements in these industries. "

Although Yun Dongfeng has been lying at home for so many years, he has really studied a lot of alcohol these years, and he is still very confident in himself, so he said what he wanted without hesitation.

"You child, you can like wine, and mother will like you too, but you should not touch such things as the wine industry.

Look at that little bastard Yun Zhengbai, ever since he went to that wine shop, he has been stealing wine from the wine shop all day long, drinking like an alcoholic, and sooner or later he will become addicted to alcohol after working in that kind of place. "

When Yunye heard her son say that, she instantly became disapproving.

In fact, what happened to her son was because of drinking alcohol. Although this incident seemed tricky to them, they didn't worry much about her son's exposure to alcohol.

But in general, she always felt that as long as a man encountered gambling or alcohol, he would develop bad habits sooner or later.

After all, there are too many drunkards and gamblers in the village, just like Yun Zhengbai, Zhu Tianbao, Niu Dali and others, all of them have been infected with stink in the town.

So she doesn't support her son to engage in this kind of industry. After all, the family's business is very good now, and there is not enough manpower. The fourth child is so smart. If he can help keep accounts at home and arrange helpers to work, it will be good for the family. It is also good for business.

And if your family members help you, you can feel more at ease.

"Fourth brother, your illness has recovered a lot now, don't you want to continue the examination for scholar?" Yun Dasong also interjected.

In fact, he always felt that the fourth child was very good at studying back then, and it would be a pity if he gave up like this, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Brother, I am already at this age now. If I continue the exam, even if I pass the exam, I will still have to go to Juren. If this continues, I will be in my 30s and [-]s by then. For me It doesn't make much sense.

I used to like reading, it was all because of my talent in this area, not because I really liked it.

Compared with those poems and songs, I prefer to study these famous wines.

So now I don't plan to continue to take the examination of scholar, but I will continue to deepen my knowledge in the future, and strive to live up to my life.

I really hope that my parents can support my hobbies, but it’s not certain whether I will go to the wine industry or not. Let’s talk about it later. Mom, you don’t have to worry too much about it. I’m just saying That's all. "

Yun Dongfeng said, in fact, in these years, besides studying some wine industry knowledge while lying in bed, he also read a lot of other books brought back by Moer.

It's just that their family's economic situation has not been very good in the past few years, and the family doesn't have that much money to buy any books.

Fortunately, this kid Mo'er is eager to learn. When he usually comes back from outside, he often borrows a lot of books from his grandfather, and sometimes borrows some from some classmates. It is not so boring to watch one or two, and he has learned a lot from it, so he still has some small skills in learning.

"Uncle, are you really sure you want to work in the wine industry?"

Yun Chunuan actually admired her uncle's psychological quality. Back then, her uncle fell into the lake because he was drunk and almost drowned.

But these years, he has not been afraid of wine, and he still loves it so much.

This is not something ordinary people can do, and the family still understands my uncle and knows that he likes alcohol, so even though the accident happened because of alcohol, they didn't interfere much to stop him.

Seeing how persistent and serious her uncle was, she suddenly thought of Xia Haochen. Didn't Xia Haochen always say that he wanted to find a right-hand man who could help him sell good wine?
It's just that Xia Haochen has never been able to find it, because these small places in urban and rural areas are generally very poor in this era, and the number of people who can read in the entire county is actually only about [-]%.

Most of the scholars in this era are very noble, and no one is willing to engage in the sales industry. In their view, this kind of industry scruples belong to the relatively low-level industry.

Even if someone is willing to do it, it is basically because the family's economy is not good, they are very poor, and they do it to support their family, but they may not be able to drink alcohol.

Moreover, these people who can read have certain limitations in terms of culture, and they are not really very knowledgeable.

So if these people use all kinds of gorgeous words that literati like to use to describe the wine, and introduce it to the guests, there are not many people who are competent.

But her uncle is different. His uncle really likes wine. In his opinion, wine is a very beautiful thing with many good things that inherit culture. He really likes this kind of thing .

Just now they were thinking about his uncle's hard work in the past few years. Even though he was already paralyzed on the bed, he still insisted on understanding the culture of wine without any slack, so she suddenly felt that his uncle seemed to be very suitable for Xia Haochen.

Uncle has read countless famous wine books over the years. He has unique insights into all kinds of wines. In addition, he loves those famous wines and likes to work on the wine industry. If uncle can go to Xia Haochen If you help, it only takes a while to get used to it, and you should be able to adapt soon.

Moreover, although his uncle doesn't seem to be very talkative, in fact, every time she chats with him, as long as she talks about famous wines, she makes people feel very comfortable.

In addition, the words he said also have his own ideas. He can introduce you in various ways that you can understand and find interesting. Sometimes he will quote some legendary stories, which are very interesting. Attractive, no matter how I think about it, I feel that my uncle is especially suitable for the person Xia Haochen is looking for.

(End of this chapter)

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