Chapter 407
Now the Eight Immortals table that needs to be used in the shop is made by Uncle Dazui and a few uncles who know carpentry.

And this shop still needs to add some wall cabinets and the like. Now, before Mu Yuncheng's uncle has given the results, her father will take the time to do this first.

As for Mrs. Qian, Mrs. Sun, and Yun Chunuan, they started to clean up the shop, tidying up the shop, and kept setting up some new tableware, seasonings and the like in the kitchen. thing.

Started to prepare for the opening of the store in seven or eight days.

After a busy afternoon, the family was so tired that they could hardly stand upright, so they rushed back to Lingshan Village before dark.

When they returned to the village, the village was in chaos again.

Everyone was saying that the Gu family had been attacked by thieves, but some people said that the Gu family had been attacked by wild animals. The family suffered heavy losses. They lost a lot of money and food. The Gu family was so angry that they reported it to the government.

But the most surprising thing is that although Gu Qianshan is somewhat famous in the town, after the old lady Gu and the others went to report to the officials today, no one came from the yamen.

Everyone said that it was the old lady Gu and they reported to the officials that Dayun's house was poisoned, but in the end when Doctor Zhang came, it was clear that they had accidentally touched the wild yam water to get itchy, which made Lin catch the head They ran for no reason at night.

In the end, Catcher Lin and the others also announced that the Gu family had wronged Dayun's family, but the Gu family didn't even come out to say an apology, and completely ignored them.

At that time, they were all very angry. If Dayun's family hadn't given the arresters a lot of fried chicken nuggets to eat, they probably wouldn't come to their Dayun Village in the future.

The old lady Gu and the others certainly didn't expect that their family would report to the government again so soon, which is usually retribution.

This time, the people in the yamen ignored them at all, and the old lady Gu was so angry that she was crying and cursing at home, crying ghosts and wolves.

"Who is this murderer who dared to steal my mother's money? If I was caught, I would definitely dig up the graves of his ancestors for eighteen generations."

"I, I still want to curse their family for cutting off their children and grandchildren. The whole family will die a bad death, and the sky will be struck by lightning, and they will die a bad death."

The old lady Gu was sitting in the yard looking at the messy pots and pans that had been ruined by wild animals, as well as the torn rags, scraps of paper, etc. She was frantic and kept grabbing My own hair, kept crying and cursing.

"..." Su Bao was next to him, basking in the sun and falling asleep, listening to the words of the damn old woman cursing it, it felt fresh in its heart. No one had ever scolded it like that before. It's really interesting.

This dead old woman must not know that she is scolding a cat, oh no, it should be said that it is a system, it has no family at all, no ancestors for eighteen generations, it doesn't matter what it is.

After he came back last night, he went to the back mountain to catch a wolf, a wild boar, a large group of pheasants, weasels, and a dozen miscellaneous small animals.

Under its direction and intimidation, those beasts ruined all the edible vegetables in Lao Gu's house.

He also messed up all the pots, pans, tables and chairs in the old Gu's house. Now this Gu's house seems to have been ransacked, and it looks so miserable.

Looking at it, it feels so comfortable, it's cool, it's so cool!
"Whoa, what kind of inhuman thing is it? He even stole money from a woman like me.

My husband-in-law is still squatting in prison. How will we orphans and widows live in the future? This is a killer. "

Wu Qiufeng also sat paralyzed in the yard, crying and shouting with empty eyes. She had been crying and cursing for an hour, and now she had no strength left, and she almost couldn't make a sound if she wanted to.

"Second brother and sister, did you lose more money than I did? Stop shouting.

We will make a decision on this matter after the people from the yamen arrive. It is useless even if we cry to death here. "

Xu Hongxiu lost a lot of money last night, but to her, although it hurts, the money can only be earned back by her husband in a month at most, and it is still within the range of her acceptance .

So although she is very irritable and angry now, compared to hearing this old woman, there is Wu Qiufeng's crying and noisy voice.

She felt that these two stinky women were the ones that made her most annoyed. She was almost killed by their disgusting voices, and her head hurt.

"Sister-in-law, you really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk, you, you lost more than us, but we lost our entire wealth, but you lost only a drop in the bucket. You are so embarrassed to say that."

Wu Qiufeng didn't have much strength at first, but suddenly, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, he was so angry that he cursed again.

Over the years, she had saved so much money by saving money and spending so much money, and now all of them are gone.

But Xu Hongxiu's money was lost, and when she went back to her husband-in-law, she got it again. Who did she go to?She is going to hell.

It's useless to count on that bastard Gu Dahe, if she can't get back the money, she doesn't even want to kill her!

"How much money did you lose last night? What's the use of you crying like this? If you want to solve the problem, you should explain the whole thing clearly."

Li Daquan was looking at the women of the Gu family from the sidelines. His mind was twitching. He just came back from the outside just now, so he was called over quickly.

"Lizheng, we have lost a lot. Now the family's loss must be at least 2 taels of silver. This is still not liquidated. If it is really liquidated, it will definitely be even more serious."

When the old lady Gu heard the word Qian, her eyes widened for a moment, and she said to Li Zheng in a crackling voice.

"Wow, more than 2 taels of silver, isn't this a bit too exaggerated?
Although the Gu family's house had been redecorated before, it was said at the time that it only cost more than 2000 taels of silver, and now the accident has caused such a serious loss. "

When the villagers heard the old lady Gu's words, their knees softened and they almost knelt down.

Their Lingshan Village is just a poor mountain valley, and the usual houses cost a dozen or twenty taels of silver at most.

Some families are in better condition and richer. It is estimated that they will spend 50 to [-] taels of silver to build a better brick house.

Like Dayun's family, they used to be considered the richest family in the village, and the yard they built at that time only cost more than 100 taels of silver.

In the early years, Gu Qianshan made some money, and in order to save face, he went back to the village and built such a big courtyard.

At that time, I heard that it cost less than 1000 taels of silver, but the old lady Gu kept telling the public that their family spent more than 2000 taels of silver when building the yard.

Even if they are well aware of this kind of thing, but what others say is what they say, can they still refute it?

(End of this chapter)

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