Chapter 379

"Uncle Tang, Brother Shan and the others are responsible for this express delivery. I am now the granddaughter of Grandpa Shan, and I have a very good relationship with the Shan family.

I think you worked in the town before, not only have some skills, but also are very familiar with the terrain around the town, so I think your conditions are quite suitable for this job.

If you want, I can tell Big Brother Shan to let you try it. If you do this job well, there will be a commission, which will definitely be a very considerable income. "

Yun Chunuan said seriously.

"What? You girl mean that you want me to deliver things to others.

No, no, no, I can't do this, I usually have the ability to scare people, let me humbly give them things, and I have to be very nice and polite, I can't do this. "

Yun Zhengbai never thought that this girl wanted to find him a job partner, so he quickly shook his head in fright.

He has been arrogant and arrogant for half of his life, and now he is suddenly humbled. It is impossible for him to do this kind of work, and this little girl thinks highly of him too much.

"Uncle Tang, I know that you will not be able to adapt to this job for a while, but think about it, you are now in your 40s or [-]s.

You spent the first half of your life living in the way you liked, but what did you gain from this way of life?Are you really having fun in it? "

Yun Chunuan tried to guide her.

"You girl suddenly asked me such a profound question, and I didn't know how to answer you for a while." Yun Zhengbai was stunned for a moment, and he became a little pensive. Was he really happy all these years?

Sometimes when he went to beat people, he was quite happy, but after the beating, although he didn't care much about the worldly eyes, the people around him gave him a bad evaluation without exception.

If there is anything to be said for this, it is to be scolded by the common people and villagers, and his wife also cares about reputation very much, so she is often scolded by her.

If it was before the incident of the wine shop, he might have said that he had at least met many good brothers who could share weal and woe, and he was very happy to be with them! ! !
After all, with them, he can do what he wants, beat people and fight every day, the feeling of being young is extremely refreshing, and it occupies his whole body and mind.

But since he found out that those dogs around him are all wine and meat brothers, his mentality seems to have changed suddenly. He doesn't seem to be so yearning for the life he used to be, maybe it hurts his heart.

I used to think that the feeling of having a group of brothers was really cool, but I never thought that people just regarded him as a fool.

He is also very proud, even if people don't play tricks on him, he won't follow them eagerly. In the past, he still had some affection.

They didn't do anything to him this time, they just didn't want to cause trouble and didn't help him, so he wouldn't beat those people up, but from then on, he really broke his friendship.

"Uncle Tang, we have already had friendship, so I'm not hypocritical when I talk to you, I'll just tell the truth.

I think you are a person, but sometimes you have a bad temper, and you are a little impulsive when you do things.

But you are righteous, I think you are the most righteous among those gangsters I have seen.

If you were someone else, I would definitely not introduce him to work in Suda Express. Think about it, you are not the kind of person who works well and calmly, and sometimes you are particularly prone to temper tantrums when you do things. impulse.

And Renjia Express Express is a service industry, and you must have a good attitude to make the entire industry soar, so someone with a bad temper like you may ruin the whole pot of porridge if you go there.

But because I really believe in you, you used to just do what you want just because you can't find the goal, you want to beat people, you want to fight, but once you find the goal, you will definitely succeed.

And I was the one who introduced you to Suda Express. I also believe that you will not make me difficult to be a human being. I believe in your character.

Anyway, I have already told you my own idea today, you can go back and think about it for a while.

If you are interested, you can tell me. If you still feel that my idea is not suitable for you, then you can choose not to go. This is completely fine. "

Yun Chunuan said affectionately.

"But Nuannuan, let's not talk about whether I can do it or not, just those of the Shan family, both of their grandparents are vicious, if you let me work in their house, can Shan Yehan want me?
I'm not a good talker, and their grandpa and grandson seem to be more violent than me.

If I really go to work in their Suda Express, I think we can easily pinch each other. " Yun Zhengbai gasped and said.

"Uncle Tang, as long as you want to go, I have a way to make them want you.

Brother Shan and the others really have bad tempers, but in their eyes they only have character, as long as you don't mess around and work hard, they will definitely see it.

And you think that they are not the kind of good-tempered people. If they can run this kind of business, why can't you?

Let me tell you, if you do well, you will get a commission in this industry. You are more familiar with the surrounding terrain than others, and you are more courageous. You definitely have great prospects for development.

Besides, even if you really go to work in Suda Express, it doesn't mean that you have to stay there all the time after you go in. If you are not used to doing it, you can leave at any time. "

Yun Chunuan raised his eyes to look at him, and continued to speak patiently.

"Since Nuan Nuan you trust Xiao Tang Shu so much, then I will definitely think about it when I go back, and I will give you an answer tomorrow."

Listening to this little girl's words from the heart, Yun Zhengbai felt that his old tears were about to burst out.

In fact, he has no confidence in his attitude. He has a bad temper since he was a child. If anyone dares to provoke him, he will beat him to death.

But this girl actually believed in him so much, and thought he was just. He heard her say this, and he felt that what this girl said seemed to be another Yun Zhengbai. Could it be that he couldn't see himself clearly?Is he that good?

He touched his conscience and said, to be honest, his wife has never praised him so much. In the eyes of his daughter-in-law, he has nothing but good looks.

Anyway, hearing this girl so affirming him and saying that he was good, he was so moved that he didn't know what to say, and wished he could go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire.

In fact, he knew a little about the dispositions of Shan Yehan's grandfather and grandson. Although they had a bad temper, their character was appreciated by many people, so there was nothing wrong with these two people in essence.

Think about it again, if you think it's okay, give it a try, it's not in vain for this girl to be so considerate of him.

(End of this chapter)

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