Chapter 194 Inferiority
"You girl, what are you talking about? I've lived most of my life, how can I care about this scar on my face, don't waste money, Second Aunt is fine!"

Mrs. Sun was taken aback. She had heard that the ointment for removing scars was very expensive. The expensive ones cost dozens, even hundreds of taels of silver. She shook her head violently and said.

In fact, she was really touched that this girl had such an idea. If a widow like her were in other families, she would definitely be stared at, but this girl is so caring, so heartwarming.

Since her father-in-law passed away, the family has treated their mother and child well enough. Now that the family's situation is so bad, how can she let the family spend so much money for her?
"." Qian secretly gave Yun Chunuan a look, telling her to stop talking.

The second sister-in-law said that she didn't care, but she cared in her heart. She would secretly get it for her when she had money. She always felt sorry for the family, and now she said she would definitely not agree.

At the beginning, the second son of the Yun family had an accident with Mrs. Sun, and the second son Yun was seriously injured and passed away. Because Mrs. Yun was protecting her in his arms, only one wound on the face was the only thing on Sun's body.

Those bad-minded people in the village, especially the old lady Gu and the others, spent all day arranging Sun's outside, and said that she was Kefu, and those words were ugly.

This hit the Sun family so hard that over the years, the Sun family often dared not raise her head to be a human being outside, and lived cautiously everywhere. She always felt that compared with the Yun family, she must not be able to accept it with peace of mind. precious medicinal materials.

"." Yun Chunuan nodded knowingly, she just said it casually just now, so let's prepare it secretly, make it into an ointment when the time comes, and then give it to the second aunt!
Afterwards, Yun Chunmu and the others were all overjoyed when they heard Mrs. Yun say that the bletilla striata was so useful to their daughter.

Immediately, he went up to the back mountain with Yun Dasong, ran more than half of the mountain, and found more than a dozen bletilla striata for her.

At home, Yun Chunuan took the time to discuss with Dr. Zhang how to treat her uncle. She put forward her own ideas, including detailed suggestions on herbal prescriptions and acupuncture methods.

"Wonderful, girl, the two extra herbs you added and the acupuncture points mentioned in the acupuncture method are really wonderful.

According to your method, it will definitely be of great help to your uncle's condition. Did you really learn these methods by yourself by reading books? "

After hearing Yun Chunuan's thoughts, Doctor Zhang was very excited. This girl's method is really suitable, and it is dozens of times better than the medicine prescription and acupuncture method they prescribed before.

"Doctor Zhang, these methods are indeed realized by myself, I didn't expect them to be really suitable!" Yun Chunuan said foolishly.

She had heard before that this doctor's ancestors had practiced medicine for generations, and many ancestors in the family had practiced medicine in big places like county towns, and one of them was a very famous doctor.

The reason why this doctor came back to Muyun Town is because of some personal reasons. His medical skills are quite good in Muyun Town. It seems that the rumors are true.

After reading the prescriptions she prescribed yesterday, Dr. Zhang didn’t question her face like the village doctor did, and he didn’t raise any doubts. Instead, he immediately agreed with her. up.

(End of this chapter)

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