Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 139 Outer Chaos

Chapter 139 Outer Chaos
The sudden change caused the outer area to become a mess in an instant. The players were so anxious that they threw overwhelming skills on the light screen, but they still didn't see any effect.

"Damn it, how can this light screen not be broken! I'm going to be driven crazy."

"The black mist is coming soon, if we don't go out, we will all die here."

"Planning the dog, you are making wool, quickly see if there is a bug in the map, and let me out quickly, I miss my mother."

"It's over, it's over, we can't escape, we all have to die, whoever saves me, I can't breathe soon."


The players' faces were ashen, and after trying for a long time, seeing that the light screen was intact, their hearts were half cold.

"Everyone, don't panic, go to the mall to buy anti-virus accessories, make anti-virus suits, and you will be fine after wearing them." Chen Hao shouted.

He quickly took out the previous anti-virus suit and put it on, feeling a little lucky. Fortunately, he had prepared it earlier, otherwise it would be difficult.

Players heard the words and hurriedly followed suit, but many of them bought the accessories but couldn't assemble them.

There are also some people with empty pockets and no money to buy accessories, so they have to beg their parents to find someone to borrow money. Those who cannot borrow money simply give up struggling and dig a hole in the ground to bury themselves.

A few people took the lead in completing the assembly of the anti-virus suits, dancing and laughing happily.

"Brother Mie, what's going on? Why did the black mist come suddenly, and there is this light screen, which was not there last time!"

Chen Hao looked at the black mist covering the sky and the sun in the distance. This battle made people feel numb.

Annihilation Tan Tanshou: "You have to ask the planner about this. He designed the game, not me."

He took off the quiver on his back, checked the bow and arrow carefully, and said to Chen Hao: "Buy a few grenades, I'll use them later."

The fall of the black mist not only means that the bloody plain has turned into a Jedi, but also that the evil spirits living in the ground will come to the surface in large numbers, and the danger factor will soar.

The last time they entered the Scarlet Plain on a dark foggy day, they encountered hordes of evil spirits. If they hadn't used their wits in the end and took the risk to hide in the evil spirit's lair, the whole group would have been gg.

When it comes to buying grenades, Chen Hao grinned. He likes to be a bomb expert, throwing a grenade to anyone who is upset, and easily solving troubles.

Annihilation stared ahead, his face slightly dignified. This time the black mist looked even blacker than last time. Wherever it passed, the light was swallowed up, and nothing could be seen.

Those players who were still running for their lives were miserable. Many people couldn't run away from the black mist, and were covered by it, and died within a few breaths.

"Tsk tsk, this black mist is so scary, it disappears when you touch it, and it makes me not want to come to this place anymore." The scalp tingled when the spear went straight in, and tremblingly said.

Chen Hao hooked his neck and said confidently: "Don't be afraid, brother is covering you, you can't die."

Annihilation withdrew his gaze, and said to the two of them: "Take another anti-virus suit and put it on. There is something wrong with the black mist this time, and one suit may not be able to prevent it."

The two felt awe-inspiring, and hurriedly followed suit.

After finishing it, Chen Hao told the other players the news.

"Although the black mist is dangerous, it is not without benefits. The evil spirits from the ground have come out, so it is easier to spawn monsters."

Annihilation wiped his bow and arrow, and said again: "This is a crisis, but also an opportunity. If you grasp it well, it will not be a problem to upgrade a few levels."

Chen Hao eagerly said, "Explosion is art. My grenade is ready. Evil spirit bastards, wait to be harvested!"

He roared in the second class, which attracted the attention of many players.

A few minutes later, black mist flooded the entire plain, and screams sounded, and then subsided quickly.

The surviving players cling to the light screen, their eyes are covered by fog, their visibility is extremely low, and they can only roughly see things within one meter.

Some players were clever, and took out a flashlight to illuminate it, and the dazzling beam shot out, like a light blade.

There was a strange movement on the ground, and the evil spirit crawled out from the ground. Pairs of blood-red eyes lit up in the darkness one by one like two lanterns.

They roared with joy, and ran around in the black mist. To them, this mist seemed not to be poison, but the water of life.

"Fuck, there are too many evil spirits this time! Brother Mie, what should we do?" Chen Hao touched Annihilation next to him, and said in a low voice.

"Don't move around, they probably haven't found us yet, let's see the situation first." Annihilation replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, some player yelled, "Damn!" In the next second, countless evil spirits turned their heads around, their eyeballs remained motionless, and the crowd immediately exploded and fled in a hurry.

"Idiot! Hope you die first."

Annihilation is exhausting, how can someone be so stupid!Blindly call a wool.

The three were forced to flee for their lives, and the evil spirits swarmed in, killing people when they caught them, and many players died innocently.

A few evil spirits rushed over, Chen Hao swept his sword, knocked the opponent back, and then ran away. He is not a fool, he must be the one who dies if he loves to fight.

"Step aside!"

Annihilation shot out an arrow, and the bow and arrow were shrouded in blue light, and the temperature in the air suddenly dropped by a few degrees.

The bow and arrow did not shoot at the evil spirit, but fell on the ground in front of the evil spirit. The ground was frozen, and the frost spread. The evil spirit that was chasing and killing suddenly stopped and was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The skill used by Annihilation is the Holy Ranger's Freezing Frost, a powerful control skill.

"Little Five, fight back!"

Chen Hao stopped, and went straight in with the long spear and turned back. The two of them used the skill Shatter at the same time, and the huge sword shadow burst out, cutting off the ice sculpture transformed by the evil spirit, and successfully fought back.

In other places, various players are also trying their best to survive. The rich players hang grenades on their waists and keep throwing them out.

Civilian players report to the group to keep warm, and temporarily form large and small teams to fight against evil spirits together.

But there are too many evil spirits. As the fighting continued, the players suffered heavy losses and were defeated.

However, no matter how dangerous the situation is, there are still unusual people appearing. With their excellent operation skills and perfect cooperation, some players have benefited a lot from this battle, and they have been promoted several levels in a row.

In the City of Stars, Ji Xian stood in front of the suspended palace with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

"Don't you need me to save your people? The black mist is not easy to deal with. With their cultivation, they will be buried in it in a short time."

Chen Yu came, his eyes fell on Ji Xian's Gujing Wubo's face.

Ji Xian shook his head: "No need."

Chen Yu was surprised, at least tens of millions of people were trapped in the Scarlet Plain, and they were all Ji Xian's clansmen, could he bear it?

"It seems that you are also a cold-blooded person." Chen Yu sneered.

"Death is not a better rebirth. They died, but it doesn't mean they are really dead."

Ji Xian said a series of inexplicable words, the reason why he didn't save people was because he wanted to take this opportunity to cultivate more strong people by raising Gu.

The times make heroes, and he believes that after this bloody baptism, most of the survivors will become new high-end combat power in the players, helping the players to develop better.

(End of this chapter)

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