Chapter 34
PS: As in the title, there is a high-energy warning ahead, and book lovers who think it’s bloody don’t need to be disappointed, they all said high-energy (I’m not a spoiler~)

PS2: Asking for recommendations, asking for collections, asking for rewards, and asking for book reviews, it’s so lonely to run naked alone~5555~ I’ve been out of shape recently, and I don’t know how to write!

——The beginning of the text

"Game start!"

With the referee's order, the four of Xu Su repeated their tricks and disappeared from sight again.

"Heaven!" Ye Ziye reminded calmly, and at the same time was ready to make a move.

I saw that he didn't condense the nano-armor for self-defense, but just hid in a position behind Wang Qianqian. With a wave of his hand, a dozen silver-white hamsters that were no bigger than a palm fell to the ground, and he wanted to run around nimbly.

"Constructor!" Seeing so many hamsters condensed with nanoworms, everyone exclaimed.

Constructors create nano-organisms by simulating biological structures. Not only do they need various biological organs as structural materials, but they must also have ultra-rare calculus characteristics.

Calculus characteristics are not so easy to obtain, unless human technology can reach the level of purely artificial intelligence brains without the help of nanoworms, otherwise the only possibility of obtaining calculus characteristics is the brain of the insect priest.

And how can the brains of insect-human priests be obtained so easily? As highly intelligent beings that have evolved to be no different from humans, insect-humans are not only powerful in individual strength, but their wisdom is not comparable to that of fusion beasts or ancestral orcs. The tribal form exists, and the insect priest is the supreme leader of the insect tribe, which shows the difficulty of obtaining it.

It is precisely because of the rarity of the calculus characteristic that the fusion person who can become a constructor is also one in a million.

"This guy is actually a constructor? Looks like he's lucky!" Lin Yu, who was leisurely watching the play behind, couldn't help but stare.

He has seen the head of the priest who can obtain the calculus feature. It was in the "Pioneer" of Rubik's Cube Street before, and the price is clearly marked as 100 million credit points. 100 million may be a lot for ordinary people, but for those who are really powerful It's not too difficult for the amalgamators or those families, not to mention other things, even the credit points in his own hand plus the crystal core are [-] to [-].

But being able to buy the head of the priest does not mean that you can get the calculus characteristics. The insect man is a highly intelligent creature without emotion but can simulate emotions. The brain of the insect man priest is similar to the biological intelligence brain, but Borrowing the head of the priest to analyze the calculation characteristics, the chances are pitifully small.

Theoretically, it is easy to analyze the characteristics of the calculus. Even the human brain can analyze it, but this possibility is too small. Even the head of the sacrifice is just a slightly increased probability. I really want to rely on it. Analyzing the head of the priest to obtain the calculus characteristics, I am afraid that hundreds of attempts may not be successful.


Seeing more than a dozen silver-white hamsters nimbly pounced towards the air, trying to find Xu Su and the others, Lin Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong, and the eyes that looked at Ye Ziye were really too much. There was a trace of fear and admiration.

Nanoworms are easy to advance, but the higher the degree of brain development, the safer it is to advance, and some benefits can be obtained after reaching a certain level, so geniuses like Ye Ziye all suppress the same level.

Ye Ziye is only first rank!
And that's the biggest problem!

The first level can only have one characteristic. If Ye Ziye has the calculus characteristic, then it is impossible for these nano hamsters to have such agile mobility. Not to that extent.

In other words... Ye Ziye is now simply relying on his own distraction to control these hamsters to perform different actions.

It has long been heard that Zhi Duoxing's natural brain development speed is beyond ordinary people, but at this time even Lin Yu, who is very unhappy with this zombie face, has to accept that he is distracted to control so many construct beasts to make various completely different actions. It's not something that ordinary people can do, let alone him, who is born with a partiality that can't be distracted.

Of course, while admiring Lin Yu, he also felt a little bit pained.

"Beauty Xu, you have to work harder, brother's great cause of pretending to be aggressive is up to you!"

When others hoped that his teammates would be strong, Lin Yu put on a bitter face and secretly prayed that the enemy would be stronger. I am afraid that if Wang Qianqian and the others knew, they would definitely wish to beat him to death.

Although Ye Ziye didn't mean to be provocative before, but Lin Yu said in his heart that he had no thorns, it was definitely a lie. Although he is usually not serious, he is actually very strong. Still going to train hard.

If the actual combat is not good, then science can no longer lose to anyone!This was his only belief, otherwise, no matter how smart he was, he would not be able to occupy the position of science master all the year round, and the hardships he had put in were definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Now that he clearly has strength, he is still underestimated by others, especially when Wang Qianqian and Zhang Xiaorou stood in front of him. Although he knew that the two had good intentions, he still had a sense of anger in his heart. I just want to show off my prestige in the arena.

Although Xu Su's invisibility abilities are difficult to deal with, they are not disappearing in the process of disappearing. Noah is not just showing off. As long as there is a trace of clues, he can easily calculate the positions of several people. He originally planned in his heart. He came out to pretend to be aggressive when Ye Ziye and the others were invincible, but now that Ye Ziye and the others are so strong, wouldn't he be out of luck.

The words were divided into two parts, but they talked about the people in the ring at this time.

I don't know whether it was out of fear of Lin Yu's unknown strength or because they really believed Lin Yu's words, Xu Su and the others really didn't set their target on Lin Yu who was leisurely watching the theater, but quietly sneaked beside Wang Qianqian.

"Gravity field!" Wang Qianqian yelled loudly as if she felt something, a layer of gravity field around her body that was invisible to the naked eye instantly spread out, compressing the air and distorting it, and at the same time, a few silhouettes of human figures were faintly revealed.

Ding Ding!

The reaction of Xu Su and the others could not be described as unpleasant. Several nano-daggers came close to their bodies at the same time, forcing Wang Qianqian to raise her huge sword to defend.

And taking advantage of this little time, they also adapted to the sudden change of gravity and disappeared again. A series of strong winds appeared, attacking Wang Qianqian and Ye Ziye mysteriously, and even Zhang Xiaorou had to hold two small guns and an invisible The figures wrestled.

Even the attack will not reveal any body shape. It has to be said that this kind of invisibility feature combined with the four Xu Su who have obviously undergone professional hunting and assassination training, is really difficult to deal with.

In addition to three vs. four, Ye Ziye and the others were forced into a panic for a while.

"Hey, it looks like it's my turn to save the world!" Lin Yu was overjoyed at this moment, and two firearms, Hei Prison and Silver Star, emerged from his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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