Chongzhen chat group

Chapter 1269 Be a Useful Person

Chapter 1269 Be a Useful Person

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing when he heard Qian Fugui's report that Hauge followed his plan, and applauded for Hauge's "following the good".Eighty-nine thousand people, if you count those who sail the boat, there are almost tens of thousands. If the wild boar skin is blessed by God, if it can reach Edo, it will definitely be a "surprise" for Tokugawa Iemitsu.

But having said that, it's really hard to say whether the wild boar skin will bless him. After all, once Hauge really succeeds in beheading, the next scene is likely to be the remnants of the Qing Dynasty.I hope the beheading will be successful. In this way, the country of Wa will definitely be in chaos. This will be very beneficial to Ming Dynasty. Next year, at most, the country of Wa will be able to send troops to the country of Wa.

After thinking about this, Emperor Chongzhen put the matter of the Wa country behind him and celebrated the New Year happily.

This time during the Chinese New Year, Emperor Chongzhen also gave his people a big gift, which was related to the rules of obedience.Daming's economic conditions are much better than before, so he decreed that all the levels of service violations should be raised by one level.This is also similar to the personal income tax of later generations, which has raised the tax collection standard.The people of Ming Dynasty have money, so it is no problem to spend more.

With this decree, naturally everyone in the whole country will be happy!

The Chinese New Year is always very fast. In the blink of an eye, the year is over.During the Spring Festival of the ninth year of Chongzhen, although Emperor Chongzhen was still in the Forbidden City, he could learn through the chat group that there was no snow in many places in Ming Dynasty this winter, it was just bitingly cold.According to historical experience, there will be problems with the harvest in the north this year.

From the perspective of little meteorological knowledge, it seems that if there is no rain in the north, then it must be rainy in the south. I don’t know if this counts as "energy conservation"?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing at himself, and sighed in his heart: Flood in the south and drought in the north!

"Your Majesty, why are you laughing?" Queen Zhou couldn't help asking curiously when she saw the emperor's face.

Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses, looked at Empress Zhou and replied, "This is a wry smile! Judging from the news reported from various places, this year's disaster is not serious!"

Only through the chat group can one know the affairs of the world without going out of the palace. Emperor Chongzhen was able to know the things that the civil servants didn't know yet.

Of course, Empress Zhou knew that the emperor got this information through the chat group, after all, she was also a member of the chat group.

Speaking of which, since Empress Zhou also joined the chat group, either because of a woman's gossip nature, or because staying in the palace is too boring, she watches other people chatting in the chat group when she has nothing to do. Therefore, Empress Zhou can be regarded as staying at home. But he also knows some world affairs more or less, even more than a considerable number of ministers of the DPRK and China who are not in the chat group.

Hearing Emperor Chongzhen's worries, Empress Zhou smiled and said, "Your Majesty, why worry? Isn't the grain from Nanyang constantly being brought back? It should be fine!"

"That's what you said!" Emperor Chongzhen listened, and while knocking on the armrest of the rocking chair unconsciously with his fingers, he chatted with Queen Zhou: "I don't know if the officials below will be obedient, and I don't want to be fooled. In this way, I decided to go out in a micro-clothes in a few days and go see it with my own eyes."

When Queen Zhou heard this, she immediately thought, isn't there factory guard supervision?Also, the reorganization of the Metropolitan Procuratorate has been completed, and the supervisory system has spread all over the world, so it is still necessary for the emperor to go out to inspect the people's conditions in person?Therefore, she immediately replied: "Your Majesty..."

As soon as the word "Your Majesty" was uttered, Empress Zhou immediately came to her senses. Her Majesty was just making an excuse. In fact, she still didn't want to stay in the palace and wanted to go out for a walk!
Thinking about it this way, Empress Zhou immediately changed her words and said, "Safety is the first priority when traveling in micro-services, so don't be negligent."

After a pause, she added with a bit of inexplicable meaning: "Your Majesty, which younger sister you want to take to serve you this time, the concubine should explain in advance."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen did not answer immediately, but sat up, first touched the slightly raised belly of Empress Zhou, and said: "I actually want to take the empress to see this Jiangshan Sheji together. But there is a little guy here, Just change to Concubine Yuan Gui!"

After hearing this, Empress Zhou gave him a blank look. If she really had a heart, why did she sow seeds so diligently that she couldn't get out?
Emperor Chongzhen was a little helpless when he received Empress Zhou's eyes. He really thought so. If the Empress wasn't pregnant, he would have taken her south.However, he didn't make excuses, and lay back on the chair, and began to tap the armrest rhythmically with his fingers again: "Actually, I go on tour in micro-clothes, and there is another purpose, which is to see how the people in various parts of Ming Dynasty are doing? From the news I have learned now Look, there seems to be a shortage of manpower in Ming Dynasty, I was wondering if it's time to liberate the other half of mankind."

Empress Zhou felt a little strange when she heard this, and couldn't help forgetting the rest, and asked quickly: "What liberates the other half of mankind? Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

"Women can hold up half the sky!" Emperor Chongzhen replied naturally, "Over the past few years, Ming Dynasty has developed too fast, the situation in various places is good, and the vassal state is also poaching people everywhere. There is a shortage of people!"

Empress Zhou frowned slightly, she didn't quite understand the words "women can hold up half the sky" combined with the following statement, so she confirmed with doubts: "Your Majesty, do you want women to show their faces? Is this... afraid that it is not in line with etiquette?"

After Empress Zhou took charge of the harem, she has been strictly abiding by etiquette, so she subconsciously said this when she heard about it.

Emperor Chongzhen was taken aback when he heard this, and he immediately remembered that he was probably wishful thinking. This is not a future generation. Letting women go out, the so-called publicity, as long as the family is a little richer and has a higher status, I am afraid that they will not be willing. do it.Only girls from poor families have to show their faces to survive.

In fact, it is not a derogatory term to show your face this time!

Take Empress Zhou herself as an example. She is from Suzhou, and her father, Zhou Kui, is a fortune-teller who is extremely poor.But even she, as soon as she guessed what she meant when she heard "women hold up half the sky", she immediately said "it's not in keeping with etiquette to show your face".

Emperor Chongzhen frowned slightly, and did not answer Queen Zhou, but fell into deep thought.

When Empress Zhou saw it, she felt a little uneasy, not knowing what happened to the emperor, she opened her mouth to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for the emperor to speak.

After a long time, Emperor Chongzhen raised his head, looked at Empress Zhou and said, "According to the Empress, what if I decree that girls from Ming Dynasty should all go to children's schools like boys?"

Empress Zhou was taken aback when she heard this. She felt that the emperor seemed to be unconstrained, so why did she come up with another strange idea.

If this topic was brought up first, she might not even think about it, and just answered it in one bite according to her heart.But earlier, Emperor Chongzhen had asked an unimaginable question, and after she answered it casually, she knew that it was difficult for the emperor, and she seemed worried.

This situation made Queen Zhou more cautious. After thinking about it for a while, she replied softly: "When Li Hongfu, the former prefect of Yao'an, was giving lectures at the Zhifo Academy in Macheng, Hubei, he had thousands of followers, and some of them were women. I listened to the lecture. This matter is quite a sensation, so I have heard about it a little bit.”

Emperor Chongzhen didn't know about this situation. Hearing what she said, he couldn't help being a little curious, so he asked, "Li Hongfu? Is this person very talented?"

As soon as Empress Zhou heard that the emperor did not know, she introduced in detail: "His surname is Li, his name is Zhi, his style name is Hongfu, and his name is Zhuowu.

Upon hearing the name Li Zhi, Emperor Chongzhen immediately remembered it.This person is also a very famous person in later generations.The word deviant is enough to describe this person.According to later generations, he regarded himself as a "heresy" of the traditional Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius. He denounced and criticized feudal society's feudal society's feudal society's men superior to women, emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business, false Taoism, social corruption, and corrupt officials. Thought imprisonment.

But in the impression of Emperor Chongzhen, this person also fell into extremes. Although some viewpoints are advisable in terms of the values ​​of later generations, some viewpoints and his behavior are not advisable.

This was also in the Ming Dynasty, where speech was still free. If it had been in the Qing Dynasty, he would never have lived to be over 70.But even in Daming, he did not escape the doom after all, and eventually committed suicide in prison.

He was thinking about this, and after the Queen Zhou introduced Li Zhi, she continued, "There is another reason why women can listen to Li Hongfu's lectures openly. It is because Li Hongfu lectures in monasteries, and they can use incense as an excuse. But Such a situation is, after all, rare and unacceptable to the world.”

Having said that, she paused, and seeing the emperor thinking, she continued: "However, what Your Majesty said is that girls should learn, which is serious knowledge, and they should learn some "Sushui Family Rituals", "Rituals and Funeral Clothes" "Zi Xia Biography", "Zhou Li Tian Guan Nei Zai", "Nu Nu Jing" and so on, may be possible, but the concubine thinks that it may be better if men and women are separated!"

The so-called lack of talent in a woman is virtue. Under this public understanding, Queen Zhou was able to say these words, obviously considering Emperor Chongzhen's feelings, and she didn't want to hit him too much, so she helped him find a way.

Having said this, Empress Zhou thought for a while, and then said tentatively: "Your Majesty, generally those who are willing to let the girl's family read and write are those who have a little money in their family and can afford to ask the husband to study and read in their own mansion. Instead of Even if His Majesty allows the girls to read and write for free, there will not be many people who are willing to let the girls read and write, so why... why is it so unnecessary?"

Emperor Chongzhen listened, his face was a little serious, he shook his head and said: "I imagined that girls should study, what the queen said is to learn, but science and technology knowledge also needs to be learned. Let's put it this way, boys learn The Four Books and Five Classics, girls learn what the queen said, and then they have one thing in common, that is, they all have to learn science and technology knowledge!"

"This..." Empress Zhou was a little surprised when she heard this, and after thinking for a while, she frowned and asked, "What is the purpose of His Majesty letting girls study?"

Of course, it is to emancipate the mind. The achievements of female compatriots in the scientific world are not weaker than men!Emperor Chongzhen thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it out. Instead, he said in another way: "Naturally let them become useful people! From a young age, after learning knowledge, they can share the worries of the family. From a big perspective, it is Can still become the pillar of Ming Dynasty!"

"..." Empress Zhou was stunned, speechless for a moment.

After a while, after she came to her senses, just as she was about to speak, she saw that Emperor Chongzhen seemed to have thought of something, and said flatly: "No, the word "showing one's face" is wrong, it should be "showing one's face!"

"Your Majesty, what do you mean? Why can't I understand this concubine!" Empress Zhou was a little confused, so she had to hold back what she wanted to say, and asked following Emperor Chongzhen's train of thought.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen looked at Empress Zhou and said, "If a woman can make money seriously by her own ability..."

Speaking of this, he saw that Queen Zhou's face seemed a little ugly, so he came back to his senses and immediately explained: "I mean earning money in a serious way, not about those skinny businesses or selling jokes. For example Textiles, such as inventing something, obtaining patents to make money, such as making high-value products, knitting sweaters, etc., are like this, is it okay to make money?”

As soon as Empress Zhou heard this, she knew that she had lost her mind, her face turned red, and then she remembered her childhood experience. She agreed with the emperor's statement, so she nodded and continued to listen expectantly.

"Reading can make people gain knowledge and become smarter, especially learning science and technology knowledge." Emperor Chongzhen said eloquently, "If women have good knowledge, then they can make money seriously by their ability. I believe that those poor People will always be willing..."

These words are aimed at the fact that Queen Zhou said that poor families do not want their daughters to read and write, and only those rich and noble families would invite their husbands to teach in their own homes.

"...Actually, as far as I am concerned, making a woman like Li Qingzhao is not as good as becoming the kind of woman I mentioned who has mastered scientific and technological knowledge!" Emperor Chongzhen said with a little emotion when he said this, "I hope All people in the world, regardless of gender, are useful people!"

Hearing this, Empress Zhou immediately remembered the grand wish announced by the emperor before: May everyone have books to read!This everyone includes men and women!
Regarding Emperor Chongzhen's grand goal, Empress Zhou was silent, but she was actually a little excited.Although she abides by etiquette, she is still young after all, only 25 years old, and she also has the impulse and passion of young people, just a little.

She thought about it in her mind, what would it be like if such a day really happened as the emperor wished?
After a while, I heard Queen Zhou muttering to herself: "Do you want to be a useful person?"

To be a useful person, everyone has their own understanding, being a husband and a child, being a good wife and mother is also a useful person!However, since ancient times, it seems that there is only one choice for a woman to be a useful person.But now, the emperor seems to want to give women one more choice, and they are also useful people!

 Thanks to Chaoyin 1992 for the reward!Ling Huanhuan's reward will be updated tomorrow, thank you for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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