Chapter 217 You Are Corrupt Too

Thinking about it this way, Wang Yuwei's mood was not so depressed anymore, and she asked a little bit shyly with a smile, "Caiyu, don't you think that young master doesn't want to go out for a walk with me?"

Caiyu didn't know how to answer. She could see the young master's attitude very clearly. She obviously didn't like Miss, but if she said that, Miss would definitely punish her. You know, she still has to be scolded.

"Miss, this servant didn't hear clearly, which young master are you talking to?" Caiyu hesitated for a moment, and said this, hoping that the young lady would let her go. In fact, the moment she saw the young master, she was glad that she came with the young lady. .

But the fox didn't know that now not only Miss Qianjin liked her, but she also captured the maidservant's heart.

The rain washes away the mood and makes the sky brighter.

Yuwen Tiance didn't expect someone to come to see him ostentatiously, but Prince Zuo Chenfeng. When he was in the study, he was stunned when he heard the name of Prince Zuo Chenfeng from Lin Chao's mouth.

"My lord, the prince is in the main hall." Lin Chao said in a low voice, which was also a reminder that since the prince came, no matter what he said, the prince should go to see him, but what is the matter with the prince coming to meet the prince in private?
"Let's go and have a look." What is the so-called reason for coming so early in the morning? Is it because of the drinking that I said casually yesterday?
Lin Chao followed the prince to the main hall, and a maid had already brought tea and pastries.

"I didn't know the crown prince was coming, so I'm not far away to welcome you." It's still necessary to say polite words, anyone can save face.

Surrounding Chenfeng with an indifferent look, with a faint smile, "I came to disturb the prince today, because I want the prince to accompany me for a walk. This is the first time for me to come to Jincheng. I heard that Nantian Temple is very spiritual." , if you want the prince to lead the way, the prince won't mind, right?"

I don't mind what I said, if the prince doesn't agree, I don't know what's wrong, Lin Chao thought to himself, for this smiling tiger, it's better to explain to some young man, at least he will tell if he is unhappy, no Like this person, he sees everything very lightly, but the devil knows what is actually going on in his heart.

Lin Chao, are you complaining?If Lin Feng knew it, he would be surprised for a long time. The first sentence would be, Lin Chao, you are also corrupt, but Lin Feng is not around, and Lin Chao will not say what is in his heart to Lin Feng.

Yuwen Tiance smiled, and his voice was hearty with a hint of confusion, "The prince really thinks highly of me, if I don't agree, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the prince's special invitation?"

"Since that's the case, let's go together, my lord. I have heard that Nantian Temple is very effective. As for how effective it is, I will try it." Although Zuo Chenfeng knew that Yuwen Tiance would agree, for He agreed without hesitation. He felt that there must be something in it?Or are also interested in.

Yuwen Tiance smiled, and his voice was hearty with a hint of confusion, "The prince really thinks highly of me, if I don't agree, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the prince's special invitation?"

"Since that's the case, let's go together, my lord. I have heard that Nantian Temple is very effective. As for how effective it is, I will try it." Although Zuo Chenfeng knew that Yuwen Tiance would agree, for He agreed without hesitation. He felt that there must be something in it?Or are also interested in.

I recommend Xiaozi's several finished articles, don't need to wait, one read is enough, "Beautiful Garden: The Supernatural Farmer Daughter Wants to Train Her Husband", "Cold-Blooded and Proud Concubine: The Pure Love Emperor Chases the Evil Wife", "Scary Marriage Every Step: A Big-name Rich Man Comes to a Blind Date"

(End of this chapter)

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