Live 80s daily life

Chapter 198 Her Despair

Chapter 198 Her Despair
Baixue was under a tree on the bank of the river. She was tied to the tree, her mouth was sealed with tape, and her whole body was soaked in the water.

The rain hit her body, and she was drenched, hungry and cold.

She watched the boats drift past her side by side, groups of people looked around, and the light of the flashlight passed by her side from time to time.

She wanted to shout, to tell those people that she was here.

However, she couldn't make a sound at all.

A faint nasal sound was drowned in the sound of rain, water waves, and everyone's shouts.

She saw Si Peilin, Liu Yulong, Xue Dongying and the others.

However, she could only watch them go away, and there was nothing she could do.

Time and time again, she was even a little desperate.

The water in the river is slowly rising as the rain gets heavier.

She was hungry and cold, terrified and helpless.

Seeing the passage of time every minute and every second, she became weaker and weaker, almost unable to hold on.

The fans in the live broadcast room were anxious to see Baixue in the water and the situation, but there was nothing they could do. They just wanted to jump out of the screen and rescue Baixue to the shore.

Bai Xue couldn't speak, her hands were tied, and she couldn't buy anything in the mall. Seeing that she was getting weaker and weaker, fans sent messages to encourage her.
Hundreds of people searched the river all night, but found nothing.

At dawn, Si Peilin asked Ye Hao to organize everyone to go ashore, and went to buy some clothes for everyone to change into, and also bought breakfast.

Everyone floated on the river all night, calling people, rowing boats, sleepless all night, already tired, sleepy and hungry, and when they got the food distributed, they all gobbled it up.

However, Xue Dongying and Bai Qianghua couldn't eat anything. They held the buns in their hands, but their throats seemed to be blocked by something.

"I don't know where Xue'er is, and what's going on now."

Xue Dongying held the bun in her hand and wept.

"My poor daughter, why is her life so miserable? She has been sick and suffering from many diseases since she was a child. She finally recovered, but she has to suffer such a disaster. She is so good, why does God torture her like this?"

"Xue'er will be fine, definitely will be fine."

Bai Qianghua was beside her, comforting her softly, and also comforting himself.

Everyone felt sad when they heard it.

In the past, Baixue accidentally fell and was injured, and she was stupid for a few years. She was cured at first, and everyone thought it was a good thing, but unexpectedly, she encountered various disasters again and again.

"Sister Dongying, don't worry, Baixue is a lucky girl, and she will definitely find her."

A woman from the village comforted Xue Dongying!
"Yeah, don't worry. It was just too dark last night and it rained again. Now that it's dawn, it will be easier to find than last night. Maybe we will find someone later."

Si Peilin came over, patted Xue Dongying on the shoulder, and persuaded: "Auntie, Xueer will be fine, no matter what, I will get her back."

Xue Dongying cried and nodded, unable to utter a single word.

Si Peilin forced a smile, and persuaded: "Eat something, you will have the strength to find someone after eating."

Xue Dongying agreed and took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun.

Seeing that she was willing to eat, Si Peilin felt relieved.

"Eat something too, don't just talk about others."

Liu Yulong came over and handed two buns to Si Peilin.

Si Peilin took it, and looked at Liu Yulong, only to see that he was haggard as if he had aged several years.

But overnight, they were exhausted physically and mentally.

"Thanks a lot."

Si Peilin said.

"Do you need to talk about this between you and me? What's more"

He shut up in time and didn't continue talking.

What's more, he would never allow anything to happen to Bai Xue.

But this sentence cannot be said.

At least, not in front of Si Peilin.

"In short, your business is my business."

Si Peilin chuckled and held his hand.

"We searched all night last night, but found nothing. I think we can no longer concentrate all our manpower and material resources on the river. We need to assign some people to other places. For example, One group of people continued to search on the river, and then two groups were sent to search on the banks on both sides, maybe they hid Baixue in the grass on the bank, it is unknown."

Liu Yulong's careful analysis!

Si Peilin nodded in agreement, "You have more experience than me in this area, so do as you say."

So, together, they arranged everyone into five groups.

One group of people continued to search for boats on the river, two groups searched on the shore, and the other two groups went to other places.

When everyone has eaten, they continue to search.

Si Peilin rowed a small boat alone and checked the situation on the shore.

It rained all night, and the river water had risen quite a bit, Si Peilin felt uneasy.

If it was by the river, then Bai Xue was probably not on the boat at all, but was tied to a tree by the river.

If so, he didn't dare to think about whether Bai Xue's petite body was submerged in the river.

if submerged
Waves of uneasiness welled up in his heart, and his search became more and more eager.

However, the Lingjiang River is so long, no matter how anxious he is and how quickly he finds it, it is still not that easy.

Two hours passed, and there was still no news from Bai Xue, and he became more and more anxious.

All night, life and death are unpredictable.

Inadvertently, he rowed the boat to a dense willow tree.

Thoughtful, he always felt that something was different in front of him.

He lifted the willow leaves and found Bai Xue.

Baixue was tied to a willow tree, her mouth was sealed, and her whole body was soaked in the river water. The rising water had reached her neck.

No wonder they searched on the river all night but couldn't find her.

It's no wonder they searched all over the world for someone, but they still found nothing after such a big commotion.

It turned out that Baixue couldn't shout at all. He couldn't imagine Baixue's despair when she saw them but couldn't call them over to save her.

If he came one step later, the consequences would be disastrous.

And Bai Xue was already in a coma, without any consciousness.

The moment he saw Bai Xue, he was ecstatic and heartbroken.

In desperation, he jumped down the river, swam up to Bai Xue, untied the rope for her, and tore off the tape on her mouth.

"Cher, Cher."

He shook her body, but Bai Xue didn't respond, and fell weakly in her arms, motionless.

Si Peilin was anxious, and hurriedly shouted loudly: "The person has been found, come quickly."

The nearby searchers listened and hurriedly rowed over.

A group of people cooperated with each other to help, and brought Bai Xue and Si Peilin ashore together.

Seeing that Bai Xue had found her, the doctor who was already on the shore at any time hurriedly examined her.

"The patient soaked in the icy river all night and suffered from the cold. There is no danger to his life for the time being, but he must be sent to the hospital for a more detailed examination to be sure."

After the doctor did a preliminary examination for Bai Xue, he gave the answer.

"Also, she must be put into dry clothes now, and her hair must be dried immediately, lest she suffer from more typhoid fever."

(End of this chapter)

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