interstellar tomb raider

Chapter 292 The Covenant

Chapter 292 The Covenant
For a long time, the missions accepted by the three major mercenary regiments have always been of the highest level. There are some martial arts monks in the team as the backbone. Although these martial arts cannot be compared with Yi Shuihan and other peaks, they are also considered to be a party in the Federation of Light. Power, small countries often invite Moyan to help, as long as they have money, they can solve many border problems. The strength of Shiwang and Red and Black is slightly less powerful. These three major mercenary organizations have long been famous in the interstellar world.

Many years ago, Mo Yan accepted a mysterious expedition mission. The employer came from a nominal charity organization in the Federation. It is hard to say whether the power behind it has any connection with the twelve chaebols. In short, the remuneration given at that time was quite high. Flame conducted some simple investigations as usual, and invited a wise man to assess the risks, and found nothing wrong.But things are not as simple as imagined.

Later, the more he got in touch with the core of the mission during the operation, the greater the potential crisis, and he had to be forced to unilaterally terminate the contract under the premise of sacrificing many mercenaries.

The terms of employment clearly stipulate that if the risk level rises to a special level, the agreement can be terminated unilaterally. The charity organization expresses its apologies for the loss of Magic Flame, and added part of the remuneration. It is quite satisfied with such a generous employer, Liao Yanwang .

After another period of time, Red and Black, Master King, also participated in this expedition one after another, but they also failed to return. Charity organizations seemed to be eager to get something, and they invited martial arts masters to go several times, but they were able to come back There are not many of them.

Two years ago, the charity organization gathered the three major mercenaries together to prepare for a joint operation. Liao Yan Wang didn't want to cooperate with this kid Benjamin, but he succumbed to the astronomical upfront payment. It was really a huge move. It was once rumored that the royal family of the Angel Empire had invited them to quell the civil strife. There were different opinions for a while, and few people knew their real whereabouts.

For the expedition mission, the only clue is a page of old warm fiber light paper, on which there is a pair of colored drawings, which depict a splendid seven-color umbrella, a golden hut, and a long-necked jade lamp, all of which are explained in words. There is no record of this kind of writing in Zhiwen's archives, everything is a mystery, as long as you are not a fool, you can guess that the employer must have concealed more important clues, but this is not the point, the key lies in strength.

Liao Yanwang, Emily, and Benjamin all participated in the expedition two years ago, and the results can be imagined, and the cooperation with Yi Shuihan now speaks for itself.

The task has not been canceled until today. According to the risk level evaluation, the reward has been increased again, and the amount is as high as 81 billion blue gold credits. Liao Yanwang and the three have even confirmed that there is a big chaebol behind them. This fund is enough to buy a small one. Planet, any mercenary organization would be willing to take the risk for the money.What's more, now that the war between humans and the Morgan clan has begun, the plutocrats are maliciously hoarding strategic materials, and the prices of all resources are rising. The rewards for fighting hard in the Phoenix galaxy are nothing. With a strong financial backing, the three of them thought of Yi Shuihan and his elite organization Mu 24 in desperation.

After hearing the intention, Yi Shuihan nodded. These mercenaries are strict enough, and they cleverly avoided the location and details of the mission. 81 billion is not a small sum, and it would take a few breaths to put it on anyone. It's a tone, but it also shows a problem, that is, the process of performing the task will be very dangerous. I believe that with the current strength of Mu 24, it is no problem to retreat in a difficult situation. This is also an affirmation for Guanghu and others.

Looking at the three bosses sitting opposite, they were eager to know the decision of the honorary elders of the Mu family, and there was no need to be tricky. In fact, encountering such a vigorous expedition was exactly what Yi Shuihan wanted.

"Brother Liao, I've decided that Mu 24 will participate in your expedition mission, but you must also clarify the specifics of the mission. Mufeng here promises not to break the rules of mercenaries, and will definitely fight with all his strength in case of crisis."

Liao Yanwang adjusted his glasses and said happily: "Great, I'm afraid you won't agree. The risk level of 81 billion may not be the limit. To keep the employer secret, I didn't explain the matter clearly just now. Elder, don’t be offended, let Emily explain, Red and Black found some clues during the mission.”

Emily didn't refuse, in fact, she had already prepared for it, and flew a button optical brain from the palm of her hand to prop up a star map.

Xianxianyu pointed to the central location and said: "Elder Mu, please look, this is the area we are going to explore, KG [-] is a small galaxy with no one. The employer provided a very convenient wormhole, which can be done within three or four days after arriving here. However, the first problem lies in the wormhole, which is too stable. It is definitely not a natural product, but a deliberately opened tunnel. The formation age is also very long, and it should be left over from the ancient civilization."

Yi Shuihan raised his hand slightly, and the mechanical beetle on the wall of the reception room flashed a layer of golden light, which was Xiaoliu's thoughts and feelings, and the star map presented by the button optical brain instantly hit the main light screen in the room.

A high-spirited half crystal half mechanical beetle landed on Yi Shuihan's shoulder, and saw it waving its tools and forelimbs excitedly saying: "Boss, I have checked it, this is indeed the KG [-] star system, fortunately, the naturalist!" The copy of the wristband has detailed information, otherwise I would not be able to find this place. Unexpectedly, there are such strange things in the sea of ​​stars. The three planets in this galaxy are surprisingly similar, and the difference in diameter between each other is no more than [-] meters. If it is formed naturally Heck, even man-made creation is a miracle? Unless you use a super-powerful laser weapon to carve it a little bit, it would be impossible for three planets with the same diameter to be born together in the universe, so it’s weird! And there’s a lot of weirdness! Surveying and mapping The star map astronomers should have discovered it a long time ago, and it is impossible for the Morgans to ignore this unique phenomenon when they ruled the Milky Way? There is only one possibility that these three planets were discovered only recently."

Yi Shuihan introduced politely: "This is my think tank Xiaoliu. He is not a human being. He is integrated with the spaceship. Miss Ai, please continue talking. I guarantee that it will not intervene."

Emily and Benjamin exchanged a look. Although they didn't see the true face of Xiaoliu Lushan, they could feel that it was a powerful heresy, and the mechanical beetle was right in their analysis. What the wise man said is generally the same.

The Mu 24 Pyramid is inherently mysterious, even beyond the scope of cognition. I didn't expect there to be unimaginable life on board. It seems that the Mu family of the Xinghui Dynasty is very special.Both of them thought so, but they would never have guessed that the strange pyramid was a cosmic home built by Yi Shuihan with painstaking efforts step by step. Outsiders would naturally attribute the spaceship to the investment of the Mu family, which is also common sense.

After straightening her expression, Emily affirmed: "That's true. The three planets of KG [-] are not accompanied by satellites, and their volumes are surprisingly similar. According to our field investigation results, the materials that make up the planets are also the same, and they are all hard granite. , it is more appropriate to say that it is a stone ball rather than a planet.

When we explored these three planets, we also found some special findings. According to the radioisotope comparison of the granite samples, we can conclude that the KG star has released a large amount of special radiation into the space for tens of millions of years, which caused all observation methods beyond two light-years to be abnormal. , so as to cover up the existence of three planets. I don’t know why, this kind of radiation stopped suddenly 900 years ago, and the international star map was automatically updated by the optical brain. 59 years ago, three more planets were mapped, which indeed caused some astronomy Everyone paid attention, but things were covered up artificially.

As long as the star maps we use today are detailed samples downloaded from the Federal Planetarium within 59 years, they all have the correct appearance of KG [-], but who would notice that they are so different among the vast sea of ​​stars?Even a professional surveying and mapping optical computer will have to run for a hundred years before it can be detected by accident.

Elder Mu, please look at the star map and enlarge it. There is no life-like substance on the surface of these three planets, but in fact there are many terrible crises lurking, and three layers of inner and outer spaces are built with the three-star orbit as the boundary. There are unimaginable things. Outer space breeds a special kind of life that is active in the form of electromagnetic waves, or it can’t be called life. Those things are definitely weapons, a deadly weapon against organic creatures and metal ships.

We can only use 'invisible field energy particle clusters' to describe those things. The mercenaries involved in the operation used to call them 'magnetic wave plague'. These special field energy particles can emit strange magnetic waves and penetrate into the spaceship. With the help of the communication channels between the ships to carry out the "jumping" copying, Brother Liao was obstructed by him in his first action. "

Liao Yanwang interjected: "At the beginning, we only released some satellites during the detection, and three of them did not return. We thought it was just caused by abnormal electromagnetic waves. We didn't realize it was bad until the big team entered. Unfortunately, it was too late. If we had been more cautious at the beginning Some, I'm afraid they won't sacrifice so many subordinates."

Emily was also very sorry, but the loss of Red and Black was not small afterwards.

"For the second time, Red and Black and Master Wang jointly operated. We purchased a magnetic wave interference device. Although it also affected our own actions, it was almost negligible compared with the impact of those magnetic wave plagues. After going through all kinds of obstacles, we finally boarded the outermost layer Planets, at this moment, those hateful magnetic wave plagues have become the best road signs. We can easily find a rock hall thousands of meters underground, but there are too many field energy particle clusters in the hall.

In order to complete the task, we created a batch of magnetic wave interference giant nets. After paying the price of blood, we finally took a crystal egg from the shrine in the main hall. No interest in buying it, as if they already knew what that egg was.

According to the agreement, as long as the mercenary group finds items related to the sun umbrella, golden house, and jade neck lamp, they can get half of the reward, provided that the employer approves it.

After half a month of preparations, Benjamin and I led the team to the second-floor space, which is also fraught with dangers. The preparations have been made very well in advance, but we are still caught in a crisis.There we encountered the damned linear radiation web, which was also caused by the magnetic wave plague, but this time they played the role of spiders. There were not many of them, but they were extremely powerful. As long as they touched any of the field nets laid down, the ship It will be crushed and deformed by the different magnetic waves. In comparison, those field energy particle clusters in the first layer of space are just fleas.

In the third operation, we received strong support from the employer. They invited a young founder to manufacture a wave-frequency fork, just like a tuning fork. We also found a crystal egg on the second granite planet, but unfortunately no other clues were found.

In the third dimension, we encountered even more terrifying field energy particle vortexes, where it is almost impossible to navigate, and those vortexes are constantly changing, which can completely crush matter into a pure molecular structure. So far, our three mercenary groups have been unable to survive. They were about to give up the mission, but the employer continued the agreement, and the people they sent successively did not gain anything, even the top experts, so the price was so high. "

Yi Shuihan pondered for a moment, these field energy particle clusters called "magnetic wave plague" should be alien cosmic life, just like the various ghost communities seen in the sea of ​​souls, according to Emily's description, they should only be extremely powerful Only the spiritual strength of the soul can play a role and be invincible. Now, if you want to summon the soul sea army, you still need a Heavenly Moat Badge. The defense of the Nether Suit also depends on the increase of the Heavenly Moat Badge. Getting a batch of "magnetic wave plague" can fully play a role in the war, but this thing will definitely hurt both the enemy and ourselves, maybe the guardian spirit of the magnetic field can be subdued.

In any case, KG 24 was very tempting to the tomb robbers. The two hit it off and decided to take a risk. Mu [-] had another task in its itinerary.

Xiaoliu made arrangements according to the route. The first stop was to go to the two devil stars to subdue the shadowy beasts and ask the Xingkui giant to come out of the mountain. The second stop was to go to Wanye Kingdom to find Prince Tai Rui to buy supplies. The third stop was to explore Xuanyuan Great Cemetery. The first stop is to cooperate with the three major mercenary groups to explore the KG galaxy, the fifth stop is Skull Star, and the sixth stop is Nether Garden.

The itinerary was packed, and Yi Shuihan even felt a little overwhelmed. He agreed with Liao Yanwang to meet up in the KG galaxy in two and a half months.

Sent away Liao Yanwang and three people, Yi Shuihan returned to the control room, and life in Mu 24 went on as usual. As far as Han Paxing of the Daewoo Galaxy was concerned, he only knew that it was very cold there, and there were ice corals that produced ice mirrors. Other information was pitiful, and he had to admire Fatty is very good at choosing a place to build a mausoleum, but he wants to see what treasures are left behind.

Xiao Liu hurriedly asked: "Boss, are you going to leave? I can't wait, the battle nest has been restored like new, and there is another unexpected good thing, you will be happy to hear it."

"Oh? Good thing? Let's hear it."

Xiao Liu opened the light screen and displayed: "Look, this is our anti-matter duckweed pool. I found it very unusual during the war. After the external mottled energy reached a critical value, it actually transformed a lot of martial arts. The source ability released has become the purest cathodic energy fluid, which I deliberately collected on the battlefield during the stage of repairing the war nest, and currently reserves [-] cubic meters, the evolution of Gulu and the training of Guanghu and others can proceed as scheduled."

Yi Shuihan was very relieved, patted his chest and said: "Gulu, did you hear that? You finally have the hope of becoming a real super-level beast, but I have higher hopes for you and Fatty. Only war beasts can help in the highest level of battle, let us challenge the limit together!"

Gulu understood and let out a slight dragon cry, full of hope for another evolution.

Saying goodbye to Mu Yunhe and Zhong Yaoyao and other seniors, Mu 24 flew towards the devil star. He was not sure about asking Xingkui to come out of the mountain and Yi Shuihan. After all, he was an ancient giant. There is no reason for people to take risks for human beings and drink in the abyss Sleeping, life is nothing but carefree, going to invite is somewhat hesitant, so it is more sure to subdue the shadow beast first.

The pyramid casts a series of lights and shadows in the universe. The speed is unmatched by any spaceship. It only took five days to arrive at the original adventure devil planet. It was several million kilometers away. Xiao Liu suddenly stopped and controlled several light screens in the hall. After being ejected, the outside of the spaceship entered into a camouflaged state, surrounded by a layer of black.

All the members of Mu24 rushed to the hall, Yi Shuihan stared at the light screen closely, his face was cloudy and cloudy, and Luobo raised his eyes, and angrily opened his mouth and cursed: "God damn pig, what a fuck, how can you do this?" Cruel, my shadow beasts! Boss, tell me to kill them."

Yi Shuihan was also very angry. On the light screen, there were more than 500 flat vertical crescent warships gathered in the outer space of the devil star. This is definitely not any national standard ship type. It can be seen from the appearance alone that its combat effectiveness is absolutely extraordinary. I hate these The fleet has set up more than a dozen cages in space, all of which are surrounded by thick electric grids. There are more than 300 martial artists with giant electric forks taming the beasts. As long as they don't obey, they will be bombarded by the artillery fire on the battleship, and the shadow beasts have one eye. They are all stamped with metal seals, and their abilities are useless at all. The older shadow beasts can still withstand the light cannon, but the younger ones are already physically exhausted and ravaged by the low temperature environment of outer space. Dead blockbuster.

The methods of these people were too cruel. After the radish scolded him, he cried very sadly. He had been in contact with the golden shadow beasts so much that he regarded these war beasts as children and relatives. He was originally an orphan. How can we be self-sufficient with such a treatment?

Knowing that there are battle beasts on Devil Star, apart from Mu 24, there is only the Angel Empire Suzakumen who chased after them. Unexpectedly, the deadly enemy also put their minds on the head of Yinying Beast. These are the legacy left by Grand Duke Xuanyuan. In Yi Shuihan Subconsciously, he has long regarded the shadow beasts as his own, but he has no time to take them for a while. Now that he has the superior conditions of the battle nest, he naturally wants to take them out, but how can he be at peace now that this situation occurs?

The picture uploaded back on the light screen was very bloody. Yi Shuihan's body burst into purple flames, not because he was not calm, but because he recalled that Bai Xiaoqing's eyes had been gouged out.

"Xiao Liu, be careful to sneak forward and prepare for a sneak attack. Everyone cheer up and prepare to fight. Beat me to death."

Radish wiped away his tears, took out the scepter of shadows, a huge wave of resentment surged in his heart, and called out to the five golden shadow beasts in a low voice, and after a brief exchange, a roar came from the bottom of the pyramid.

(End of this chapter)

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