Chapter 186 Underwater World ([-])

"What luck?"

Xichen turned around and asked Long Chenxuan suspiciously.

"We also go to pick pearls, and go to places with deeper water, where there are fewer such aquatic plants, and Li Xing people seldom go to those places, because they can't go to those places without high-tech equipment."


The two of them dived down to about 30 meters, and now the water depth is about 50 meters. As Long Chenxuan said, the water plants below are not as lush as above, and the light is a little darker.

Xichen started to look for shells, but he didn't find any after searching around. Long Chenxuan looked at Xichen looking around, and it seemed that he was wrong, so he told Xichen.

"We are used to calling the pearls of Li Xing seashell pearls, but they are not taken from the bodies of creatures like shells on Earth."

"Where do pearls not come from shells?"

It seems that I know very little.I used to say that there are all kinds of wonders in the world, but this year's experience has gone beyond what I can imagine.

"It is a predatory animal like a crab. It often hides in the seaweed and attacks all kinds of small animals that can attack. It moves very quickly. Once it is disturbed, it will quickly flee. It runs faster on the seabed than a person on land. It’s fast, so if you want to pick pearls, you must be quick-sighted, or attack suddenly, or drive it out and attack it with long-range weapons.”

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder I saw those Li Xing people still carrying bows and arrows on their backs. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

"It doesn't matter, we have tools. You use the golden bow I gave you to shoot, and I will drive them away. Don't be afraid of wasting arrows. We have plenty."

As he spoke, he took out several bundles from the ring, shook them in front of Xichen, and handed two bundles to Xichen.

"You stand here, I'll go over there and rush over here."

Long Chenxuan climbed up, then swam to 50 meters away from Xichen, pulled out a long sword from the space storage, and hacked wildly at the surrounding rocks and bushes. Sure enough, there were dozens of crabs, big and small. The animal jumped out from the grass and fled in all directions, but the crab was a little bigger.

Even the smallest body part is at least as big as a washbasin except for the legs, and four or five of them came running towards Xichen. Xichen saw so many of them, picked up a bow and arrow, didn't know which one to aim at, and shot randomly, one at a time. They didn't hit it, but there was a bigger one that rushed towards Xichen directly.

Xichen was in a hurry, swung the bow in his hand and slashed at it, this time it was effective, although it didn't slash straight, but the three legs on one side of the crab were chopped off, but the guy didn't stop , Gua ran non-stop, but the strength of the side where three pieces were cut off was much weaker, and the crab turned in one direction and circled in place like a car with a flat tire.

Layers of turbid waves rolled up on the calm and transparent seabed, I was a little startled watching this scene, seeing the circling crab, not knowing what to do, Long Chenxuan swam forward and approached the circling crab, As the sword fell from the hand, a wave of black water surged up, Long Chenxuan dragged the crab body up, and pulled Xi Chen to the surface of the water. At this time, the two of them were already 500 meters away from the boat. Because of the propeller, they swam up. It didn't take much effort, when they got to the side of the boat, Long Chenxuan threw the crab carcass onto the boat, then pushed Xichen onto the boat, and he was the last to climb up.

Long Chenxuan reached out and took off all kinds of accessories on Xichen's body, and said, "Hehe, it's getting late, go in and change your clothes, let's go back, it's so big, I'm sure the pearls inside are not too small, We can still have a big meal."

Xichen was about to agree, when she heard the voice of Hun Ling, and there was some excitement in that voice.

"Chenchen, hurry up, go to the bottom of the sea!"

(End of this chapter)

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