Chapter 114 Ancient Recipe ([-])
"This is the mechanism that opens the door. There should be another mechanism inside the stone wall that opens the entrance."

Xichen told everyone about her analysis.

"When you go in, check your surroundings carefully and pay attention to safety."

After Long Chenxuan finished speaking, he stepped on the mechanism, and walked towards the opened entrance first, and everyone followed one after another.

The entrance of the stone wall was closed after everyone walked in. Sure enough, an entrance switch was found inside. The switch inside the stone wall was obviously much more than the hidden switch outside. A bright round stone button was conspicuous. mounted on the wall.

After everyone tried the button on the wall to open the switch of the entrance, they looked at the surrounding environment with confidence.

Behind the stone wall is a spacious corridor of more than ten meters. Although it is old and dilapidated, it can still be seen that the decoration should be good.

At the end of the corridor is still a stone door, but the switch of this stone door is obviously embedded in the wall of the corridor.

"The two stone gates are so mysterious. Now I feel that there must be some treasure waiting for us inside. Hey, how could the ancients not build a mysterious thing to entertain us descendants? Haha."

Yang Xifei's curious little heart has already started to get a little excited.

"Everyone, be careful when you go in, and pay attention to safety."

Long Chenxuan who was walking in front turned his head and said to the people behind.

Opening this stone door, the scene inside is still surprising. Behind this stone door is a room.

The first thing everyone entered was the hall of this room, and everyone looked around carefully.

Xichen discovered that the layout of this room was the standard three bedrooms and one living room in the 21st century. This room was different from the dark and humid outside, but dry and ventilated, and the temperature and humidity were not suitable for insects.

Even some of the furniture in the room had been knocked down, looking at those things that had been preserved for thousands of years, Xichen's eyes became hot.

A thousand years is just a moment, and for Xichen, the time of a thousand years is just a memory of opening and closing eyes, and waking up again is already a sea of ​​water.

Even if the temperature is suitable, after all, the time is too long, and the things in the house have been exhausted by time.

"What books are these?" Yang Xifei's voice came from another room.

When Xichen walked in, other people had already gathered around, looking at some dilapidated books in Yang Xifei's hands.

"Here's the recipe."

Xichen walked in and saw the dilapidated book in Yang Xifei's hand. It is very rare that it can be preserved for 5000 years. Because the pages of the book are protected by a protective film, this recipe has not weathered with time.

"There are several more here."

Ouyang Jin found several books scattered on the floor in the corner of the room.

Everyone carefully picked up the scattered books on the ground, presumably the bookcase where the books were placed had weathered and turned into a pile of dust, and these books, like the cookbook, were not weathered because of the protective film on the pages.

These books are all recipes, and there is actually a book on medicinal diet and health preservation in it. It is not surprising that in the 21st century, books such as recipes in bookstores are very delicate and beautiful, and even the pages are covered with plastic film. .

The time is too long, the pictures and handwriting on the pages of the book are a little blurry, intermittent and can no longer make people understand what is on it. Others may not be able to understand the meaning of the above through these incomplete words, because The future is a desert of recipes, but Xichen, who has a thousand-year memory, is very familiar with it.

"Sister, what kind of books are these?"

Yang Xifei just blindly believed in his elder sister, and Xichen really did not disappoint him.

"These are recipes."

"Xichen, how did you know?" Ouyang Jin asked outspokenly.

"Because the words on it are the names of the seasonings."

Xichen said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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