Chapter 555

With a bang, a small light bulb lit up above Dudu's head.

"Can I go during lunch break?"

"Yes." Xiao Luoli raised his eyebrows and said with a bright smile, "Eat whatever you want, as long as you have money to pay the bill."

"Huh?" Dudu was very disappointed, "We're already at work and we still charge money."

"It's because you go to work, so you have to charge more. We have to learn to treat people equally. Think about our uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters on the mountain. Every time we go shopping in the supermarket, we pay money, right? We have to learn to lead by example." Xiao Luo Chestnut prudish education twins.

"When you get off work today, you can get your wages, and then use your labor income to buy snacks. Isn't it more fulfilling?".

Dudu couldn't figure it out, so he agreed without thinking, "Mom is right."

Ton Ton looked around and said, "Mom, where is my dad?".

"Dad is already at work, what can I do for him?"

Ton ton, "Dad is an adult and earns more money than me, can I credit my dad's account when I go to the supermarket?".

Xiao Luoli's pupils shrank slightly, good guy, the little brat has potential, even ten fingers can't figure it out, and he has learned how to swipe his face.

"No, Dad is a free labor force, without wages."

The twins looked at each other, Dudu said distressedly, "The father is too pitiful, I will work hard to earn money to buy delicious food for my father."

Xiao Luoli secretly nodded in relief, and then looked at his son, only to see that Tonton was clutching his pocket and didn't know what he was thinking.

After breakfast, Xiao Luoli was responsible for the work of Xiao Luoran and Huihui's sister-in-law. After telling the two children to be safe and not to leave with strangers, they were allowed to move freely.

When the twins were just about to leave, He Yidong was equipped with a positioning watch phone with a sense of crisis. As long as it exceeded the safe range of Phoenix Mountain, the watch would send out an alarm and automatically transmit it to the parent's mobile phone.

In the morning, the twins ran all over the mountain excitedly, and used their titles as small leaders to give lectures at various work sites. They didn't stop showing off to their parents until they had lunch at noon.

Dudu, "Everyone praised me for being very capable and even gave me snacks, but I didn't take them away."

Xiao Luoli was quite surprised, there are times when snacks are not greedy, and she just followed up and said, "Dad said, you can't eat cheap food."

"What did you say?" Xiao Luoli's eyes widened, he couldn't laugh or cry and exchanged his thoughts with He Yidong, "Interview, did you expect to be used like this when teaching her idioms?"

"I really didn't expect this." He Yidong couldn't help laughing, and rewarded his daughter with a chicken leg, "Dudu is great, it's right not to eat food from strangers, tell Dad what you want to eat, and Dad will buy it for you."

Xiao Luoli imitated the example and gave his chicken legs to his son, one per person is only fair.

Dudu bit the chicken leg and sighed, "Dad, you are so poor, you still give me chicken legs. When I get my salary today, I'll invite you to the supermarket."

"Why?" He Yidong said, looking at the boss next to him, wondering what his identity is today, the latter smiled back, and mouthed, "Free labor."

"Because you have no money."

Seeing that his younger sister had already made a statement, Tonton, as an older brother, couldn't be at a disadvantage. He struggled for a long time and said, "Although Dad didn't give me the chicken legs, I still want to invite you to the supermarket."

Ton Ton lowered his head after he finished speaking, feeling a pity in his heart that he would have to pay for it if he failed to clean his face.

After a snap, the old mother was so distressed that she hurriedly hugged her son to comfort her, "It's okay, I'll give you all of mom's chicken legs."

Dudu, "Give mine to my brother too."

He Yidong, who was isolated, tightened his grip on the chopsticks. If it wasn't for his own son, he would have suspected that he was being targeted, but what his son said made him feel a little bit sour.

"If I remember correctly, all the Hainan fruits brought back from Zhiweixuan yesterday were eaten by you alone, and I even covered for you, right?"

When his words fell, the two girls on the table fell silent. Xiao Luoli sat down again and started to eat. As for Dudu, he took the chicken leg back with a hurt face, "I don't want to eat it for you."

Ton Ton innocently looked at the chicken legs that came and went. He was stunned for a moment by the warmth coming and going. He looked up at his old father and said, "That fruit is delicious, I still want to eat it."

"Okay, someone will deliver it in the afternoon." Although He Yidong loves his daughter, his own son also likes it, as long as it can be done, there is nothing wrong with it.

At the end of the day's work, the siblings had already passed their initial enthusiasm, and they were sluggishly queuing up to wait for their wages. They were all dirty, and they didn't know where they did it.

The short-term workers in front of them were amused by their serious appearance, and offered to let them jump in line. Unexpectedly, the child was not happy, and stood obediently at the end of the line.

The speed of distributing money is still very fast. The couple cooperated with one to give the money and the other to register. It didn't take long for the children to turn. There were many people around who were not in a hurry to go home and waited to watch the fun.

Xiao Luoli held the money and didn't rush to give it to them. He lowered his head and asked, "What have you guys done today?"

Dudu, "Let me say first, I supervised everyone's work today, and I went to the greenhouse to see the vegetables. Everyone has worked hard."

Ton, "The animals are fine, and so is the boar."

Xiao Luoli's heart skipped a beat, and now he knew where the dirt on his son's body came from, "From now on, you are not allowed to enter the wild boar's territory, even if the administrator is here."

Ton Ton half understood, but he was obedient, "Got it."

Xiao Luoli was relieved now, and solemnly handed over the wages to them, "Now go to Dad and sign your name and you can leave work."


"I'll write first."

The twins were happy again, the happiness of a child is as simple as that, counting the money over and over again with grinning lips, discussing how to spend it.

The curiosity of the casual workers watching the excitement was satisfied, and they all joked, "Why is the salary the same as ours? The young boss is the leader, so we should distinguish between three, six, and nine grades."

The child didn't understand, and looked at them with a confused face. Among them, the old aunt was too cute, so she quickly explained, "Auntie means that the wages you receive are low, and the leaders have to pay more."

I understand this, knowing that I have less money, my first reaction is to turn around and ask for money, "Return our hard-earned money."

"Isn't that given?" Xiao Luoli settled the last salary, and took the time to argue with them, "The salary was negotiated before going to work, and it's not okay to go back on it now."

"Did mom say that you are child laborers and cannot pay the full amount, and now I have given you all the money, so you have to keep what you say, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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