Chapter 393

After being in the officialdom for a long time, he became the kind of sheep that would not move its nest without a whip.

All kinds of slack in government are actually just doing things at the top and muddling along at the bottom.Now under Luo Yan's strict order, the Governor's Mansion has once again exploded with a shocking vitality.In just one and a half days, Hu Cao reported to Yang Rui the various conditions he had agreed to when recruiting the Shanman.

The time interval was so long that Yang Rui himself actually forgot what he promised at the beginning.Now holding a booklet in his hand, he is really embarrassed.

It was originally expected that after finishing this matter, I was afraid that half of the treasury would be taken out.But looking at it now, and with the mountain man who needs to be recruited now, I am afraid that this number will increase a little bit.

However, in less than half a month, a new round of taxes will be paid, so they are not afraid of running out of money.Meeting such an assassin who can find trouble, Yang Rui, who is a long-term historian, really has to worry about it.

The third day is just around the corner.

Not seeing Luo Yan for three days, to be honest, Yang Rui felt a little uneasy.So when Cang Cao came to report that the first batch of resettlement money and food had been sent out of the warehouse in the morning, Yang Rui couldn't wait to call Qiu Sheng and ask him to take him to Luo Yan's place.

Of course, Yang Rui was not as courageous as Luo Yan, who dared to go to the mountain barbarian settlement by himself.So in the name of inspection, he brought four fully armed guards.

When Yang Rui saw Luo Yan again, Luo Yan was watching those guards organize their hands to distribute money and food to the naturalized mountain barbarians one by one.

Perhaps out of caution, the guards stated in advance the reasons for the distribution of the money and food.And also emphatically emphasized that this is only the first batch, and the rest will be determined separately depending on the situation of the mountain barbarians.

Compared with the accumulated amount over the years, the amount of money and food distributed is naturally not much.But if you look at it separately, each person usually pays one stone of rice, which is enough for a family of four for a year, which is not a lot.

However, something happened next that made Luo Yan extremely embarrassed.

After receiving the money and food, all the naturalized barbarians couldn't get out. Then, under the leadership of Qiu Sheng's clan chief, thousands of people surrounded Luo Yan and knelt down.

It's not that Luo Yan has never seen a large crowd bowing down to him.But the previous ones were all floating away, no matter how surrounded they are like now, they can't move at all.What made him even more sad was that those old people knelt down at his feet with snot and tears, which made him feel like a young man.As soon as Biansheng helped one up, the one in front fell to his knees again.

Fortunately, this is not a new society, and there are no newspaper reporters.Otherwise, if another discipline inspection committee comes out, it will definitely be the rhythm of being invited to drink tea.

But the scene has to be controlled.

There was no way, after Luo Yan picked up an old man, he saw those who had been lifted up in front of him fell to their knees again, so he could only grit his teeth and make a big move.

With the corners of his clothes wrapped around him, Luo Yan's figure slowly descended under the astonished eyes of the people, and then, with a "poof" that was so low that he couldn't even hear it, he also knelt down on the ground with the crowd.Not only the common people kneeling on the ground, but even Yang Rui who rushed over was dumbfounded.

This is an official kneeling down.

Although it is said that the emperor of this dynasty has extremely relaxed the hierarchy between the officials and the people, there is still an insurmountable gap between the officials and the people.

Like Luo Yan, kneeling directly to the common people is simply a taboo in the officialdom.

Among a group of stunned people, Luo Yan shouted: "These are what we owe you as officials. The imperial court is doing its best to appease you. Since it has agreed to many conditions, it should be done. It's too late now, but , as long as I am here, I will treat everyone equally in the future."

Luo Yan would be really stupid if he didn't take the opportunity to win the hearts of the people at this time.It was obvious that he was not stupid, so not only did he have to find a suitable reason for himself to kneel down, but he also had to continue to develop things for the better.

The kneeling Shanman didn't dare to kneel any more, the people around Luo Yan hurriedly helped him up, and then stood aside with shame on his face.

Luo Yan walked out of the crowd very calmly, and there was no obstruction at this time.

After getting away, Yang Rui came to meet him.At this time, instead of showing admiration on the face of the official old man, there was a bit of sadness on the face.

"Yang Changshi, why are you frowning? Could it be that doing this will empty the treasury, making it difficult for you, a smart woman, to live without rice?" With a little teasing, Luo Yan asked Yang Rui very easily.

"Lang Jun, disaster happened."

Luo Yan was a little dazed when he said a word.What happened, even the word "disaster" came out.

Without waiting for Luo Yan to ask, Yang Rui explained carefully: "I am an official. When I enter, I will be a subject of the emperor, and when I leave, I will patrol and hunt on behalf of the sky. Every word and deed is related to the emperor's face. Now, Mr. Lang is going to the thousand barbarians. Wouldn't it be detrimental to the state to kneel down? Before long, I'm afraid Yushitai will send the impeachment memorials to His Majesty's case like snowflakes."

Speaking of this, Yang Rui seems to have made up his mind: "It's me, and I have to explain this matter to Your Majesty in detail. Even if I don't say anything about my friendship with Lang Jun, I will definitely not cover Lang Jun. Your disgrace."

Luo Yan thought it was something, and was a little uneasy at first.Hearing what Yang Rui said was this, he couldn't help laughing. "Yang Changshi can remind me, it is already the greatest kindness. As for impeachment and so on, just follow the official rules."

Hearing that Luo Yan was like this, Yang Rui didn't know what to say for a while.

On the contrary, Luo Yan looked at Yang Rui, who was motionless, and continued, "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong. Since ancient times, there have been edicts issued by the emperor to sin against himself. Now, neither the court nor the underworld have done a good job in appeasement of the mountain barbarians. But if you kneel down, if you can get Yizhou's stability for decades, why not do it."

Yang Rui just wanted to say that this is different, but Luo Yan's arrangement has already blocked his mouth.

"Within half a month, I want to see that most of the corresponding compensation has been completed. By then, I have important things to do. If someone still pursues this matter by then, I will go to the school and ask him to come to me in person." and left.

Apart from helplessness, what other words can describe Yang Rui's mood at this time?
For most of the people in Yizhou, the fifteen days were joyful and short-lived.Because I have been harvesting crops during this period, I have paid a lot of labor and sweat, but in exchange for full rice and millet.

But for the officials in Yizhou, it was extremely long.

Following Daliu's memorial to Luo Yan's kneeling that day, many people have sent it out.But until the last day of the deadline given by Luo Yan, there was still no news from Beijing.The mood of waiting can be said to be like years.

But here in Luo Yan, there is still good news.

As for the previous arrangements, those petty officials in the governor's mansion finally did not steal or play tricks, and the naturalized mountain man in Chengdu mansion has been completely bought by Luo Yan.

In order to thank Luo Yan for his kindness, these people wanted to erect a monument to commemorate it.But how to write the inscription has become a problem.No, after thinking about it, there was no suitable article, so many naturalized mountain barbarians brought the problem to Luo Yan.

These people's thoughts are also direct, anyway, they just want to record this matter, instead of looking for someone else, it's better to just look for this person.

When Luo Yan learned about this from Qiu Sheng, Luo Yan almost spit out the tea in his mouth.These people are really real, don't they know that writing meritorious deeds for themselves is the most painful and taboo thing.

But having seen the uprightness of those barbarians, Luo Yan also gave up the thought of refusing.He was sure that if he didn't agree today, he would be surrounded and worshiped by countless mountain barbarians when he went out tomorrow.He is a human being, not a god. He is often worshiped by people, and his life will be shortened.

This time Luo Yan is not going to make a big copy.

He advocated this matter from the very beginning, and he has personally participated in every process, which can be said to be deeply touched.Since the barbarians gave this opportunity, Luo Yan naturally wanted to take the opportunity to say something in his heart.

"Worthy is what the heart thinks. When you are proud of life, you think that there is nothing more than when you are named on the gold list at the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Those who have flowers and candles in the bridal chamber will also get married.The blood vessels continue, and the branches and leaves flourish.A hundred years later, there was someone burning money in front of the grave.The title of the gold list is the foundation of the career.The ancestors are the glory, and the descendants are the shade.Within three generations, there is no need to worry about food and clothing.

However, I have been an official for several years before I know its shallowness.When a gentleman is in the world, how can he rely on his fame and fame to care about his family business.Reading does not help others, and being an official does not take responsibility, as if there were no books at the beginning.

Yizhou mountain man, originally of Yanhuang blood, escaped the disaster of war and entered the mountain forest.If you have been isolated from the world for a long time, you will not understand the world, and you will be called barbarians.Unexpectedly, 500 years ago, they came from the same vein.The Celestial Dynasty was newly established and was eager to appease.All kinds of promises have not been fulfilled.

Now, once the promise is fulfilled, Shanren weeps bitterly.Is it the sadness of people?It is really the tragedy of the imperial court.Those who pay lip service but fail to deliver are officials.For this reason the victims, the compatriots also.And the one who bears the infamy for thousands of years is also the Celestial Dynasty.

Now the mountain people want to set up a stele to record it, and they are more important than Yu Qian.Therefore, it is a book, and it is an official after the police.Year, month, day, Luo Yan. "

There are few readers in Shanman, so most people don't know what Luo Yan wrote.There are only a few scholars who follow the officials of the Governor's Mansion to deal with the matter of naturalizing the mountain barbarians these days, so how can they have the time to take care of this.

So the inscription is almost carved in a situation where no one knows the content.

The stele was placed in front of Guihua Shanman's new residential square city.Luo Yan refused the request to go and watch, but he couldn't stand the fact that there are many indirect flatterers in this world.When the red silk wrapped on the stele was pulled away, many officials rushed to read the article, and then fell silent.

Although the higher authorities didn't say anything about the dishonesty of the Yizhou officials, it was enough for some people to blush.

Many scholars, however, pay more attention to the form of this inscription.There are no gorgeous words and strict rhythms, but the reading is no worse than those parallel prose.The original title of the article was "Inscription on Trees for Guihua Mountain People", but more scholars were willing to call it "Proud Article".

(End of this chapter)

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