Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 314 The Conspiracy of Pang Shilang's Family

Chapter 314 The Conspiracy of Pang Shilang's Family

Swearing a servant of the Huangmen to the point of being stunned, many people in the shilin accused Luo Yan of being sharp-tongued, and at the same time secretly listed him as someone not to be provoked.

Originally, no matter whether we were fighting openly or secretly, it was a mental competition under the same language conditions.Now that Luo Yan is such an unscrupulous bastard, it's like a mudslide in the officialdom.If you reason with him, it seems that you really can't reason.If you can't make sense, let's talk about power, but this is not a person who can be overwhelmed by power at all.Neither of these makes sense, so how about some conspiracy?Unfortunately, this person is favored by Li Shimin, and he can turn danger into good luck every time he is in danger.

To put it bluntly, rogue to the end.

And Inugamisanta finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Li Shimin handed over the issue of how to deal with himself and others to Honglu Temple.

Being slapped in the face by Luo Yan in the street yesterday has already made many people in the mission despise themselves as an envoy.If the mission falls into Luo Yan's hands, there is no telling how many people will jump out and fight against him.

Therefore, this is the first time that Inuami Mita has sincerely thanked Li Shimin for his kindness to him.

Of course, the old ghost would not think that Luo Yan just let him go.Right now, it is still necessary to find a strong backer in Chang'an, so that Luo Yan will not find fault with him every day.

After thinking about it, if Chaozhong himself can get on the line now, and he has a grudge against Luo Yan, the best candidate is Pangfengcheng.However, Pang Fengcheng himself was beaten to death by Luo Yan, so he could only use it as a springboard to find a more powerful task to control Luo Yan.

Inugami Mita, who thinks he can do it, laughed triumphantly.Presumably, if this matter is done, not only will he be able to consolidate his position in the mission, but he will also be able to make friends with a large number of Tang dignitaries.At that time, even if I stayed in Datang, I could live a good life.

Thinking of this, the old devil couldn't help humming the folk songs of the Wa country.

On the same day, Inugami Mita changed from his previous petty attitude, bought a lot of gifts in Dongshi, and quietly went to visit Pang Fengcheng's home.

After being treated by the imperial doctor, Pang Fengcheng finally walked out of the palace alive.But there was something wrong with this body, and it was still trembling at the moment.Hearing that Inugami Mita came to visit, he naturally knew that there was nothing good for this old ghost to come.

But since they are all Luo Yan's enemies, it's okay to meet them.

So Pang Fengcheng asked his servants to invite this old ghost in while trembling.

It didn't take long for Inugami Mita to walk to Pangfengcheng's resting room with a lot of gifts.Seeing the servant Pang lying tremblingly under the blanket and looking at him, Inugami Mita felt that the purpose of this trip was likely to be achieved.

Walking up to Pang Fengcheng, he held his hand like an old acquaintance, and the old devil said: "Knowing that Pang Shilang is in poor health, Quanshang specially bought a lot of nourishing holy products in Dongshi to visit Pang Minister, look, this is the old mountain ginseng from Changbai Mountain, which is already a hundred years old. This is deep-sea abalone. I heard that it is a food that the nobles of the Tang Dynasty have always liked. I don’t know much about it, so I brought a copy. .There are also snow clams, snow lotus, deer antler, etc. Please don't dislike Pang Shilang."

While speaking, he even nodded to signal his subordinates to open those gift boxes for Pang Fengcheng to have a look at them one by one.

Pang Fengcheng stopped trembling when he heard the presents. He straightened his upper body and stretched his neck to look at the gift boxes.Hey, everything is really good, and there is a small box in the end, which is full of all kinds of pearls and jades, making Pang Fengcheng's eyes shine with gold.

The money is touching, although Pang Fengcheng was a little angry at being humiliated by Luo Yan because of the involvement of this old devil at the beginning, but now his eyes are filled with these things, and he is cured of any illness.Even the trembling before stopped instantly.

After his mood calmed down, Pang Fengcheng asked: "Your envoy came here, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as visiting Pang." He didn't get dizzy because of the money. One percent of the property.It's good to take it in vain, but there is no free lunch in the world, and he knows this truth well.

"Pang Shilang is really clever." He bowed his hands to Pang Fengcheng, and the old devil was not polite, and directly explained his purpose.

"That Luo Yan is very hateful, but he is quite powerful in the court. I am a newcomer to a foreign land as a guest. I am afraid that I will have a hard time in the future if I am targeted by villains like him. Quan Shang came here today, just to ask Ask Pang Shilang to point out the way, so that I can wait for the past few years. If it can be done, the dog will have a big thank you."

Speaking of this, Inugami Mita stood up unexpectedly, walked to the opposite side of Pang Fengcheng, and bowed down to Pang Fengcheng.

"No matter what your envoy said, Pang is only a fourth-rank official in the court. If there is such a relationship, how can Luo Yan be so humiliated. It is really embarrassing for the envoy to invite Pang It's gone." Pang Fengcheng would not reveal his hole cards so readily just because of this small favor.

Putting a line in the court, to put it lightly, the little devil brought out today is not enough for him to support that person every month.At first, I thought it was for nothing, but now I heard that it is not worth the loss at all. Pang Fengcheng is not doing this kind of loss-making business.

Inugami Mita was in a hurry.If this matter can't be resolved, I will definitely not be able to return to Wa Kingdom alive in the future.But in Chang'an without the support of the Wa Kingdom, it is impossible to survive at all.At that time, he himself will also die.

Hardened, the old devil fell headlong in front of Pang Fengcheng's window bed, and kowtowed to Pang Fengcheng a few times: "Pang Shilang, I know that today's gift is a bit thin. But please don't worry Pang Shilang, I will bring it later. More gifts are coming. And in the future, as long as it is filial piety to the superiors, the dog will definitely not be without Pang Shilang."

The old devil's behavior really frightened Pang Fengcheng.He never expected that the old devil would be so willing to spend his money.In a hurry, he turned over and got out of the bed, quickly helped the old devil up, and said politely: "What did you say, Pang is the kind of person who is greedy for money. It's just that Pang's superior has a special position. If your envoy wants to see you, you have to wait for some time."

Standing up, the old devil knew that Pang Fengcheng had been persuaded, and immediately asked happily: "But why?"

Pang Fengcheng smiled wryly: "You don't know, my boss is His Majesty's beloved son, who is King Wei. King Wei is very favored by His Majesty, so he has been raised in the palace. Although he is the governor of more than twenty states, But it is still an official that has never been done. Even the establishment of the government and the establishment of teeth have never been done."

The old devil was overjoyed when he heard the words.

He didn't care what kind of support this thread could give him in the court, anyway, he was not a courtier of Datang.It is enough to use this name to allow the people who sent the Tang envoy team to act freely in Datang.

And during this period of time, he had also heard of this King Wei, but it was amazing.At the same time, he did not deal with Luo Yan.With such a backing, why hesitate.Holding Pang Fengcheng's hand, the old devil thanked him repeatedly.

On the way back to Honglu Temple, the old devil threw away all the joy before, and his face was full of gloom.It's not because of the embarrassment of Pang Fengcheng's family and Pang Fengcheng's greed.He had already prepared for this kind of thing long before he went.

To his displeasure, Pang Fengcheng was already difficult enough.Not to mention this Little King Wei.

If I can't come up with something they are interested in by then, I'm afraid that my efforts today will be in vain.

Pretending to be a grandson like this will end up accomplishing nothing, and he won't have to live if he is a dog.

Three days later, it was time for the officials to take a bath.Inugami Mitasu followed the Shaoqing of Nahonglu Temple and arranged a group of scholars in Guozixue.For Li Shimin's prince, the group of teaching assistants and doctors of Guozixue didn't bother them, and quickly solved all the problems of studying, accommodation and eating for a group of people.

After accomplishing one thing, Inuami Mita breathed a sigh of relief.I'm afraid Datang is full of unreasonable people like Luo Yan.

While discussing with the two deputy envoys about the next resettlement of monks, craftsmen and farmers, an official from Honglu Temple suddenly informed the old devil that Pang Shilang, Minister of Zhongshu, invited him to come over to explain.Under the envious eyes of the deputy envoy, the old devil laughed and walked out of Honglu Temple.

He knew that his previous efforts had finally paid off.

Walking into the Pang Mansion, one can see that the inside is heavily guarded.This all the more confirmed the old devil's idea.Smiling, the old devil straightened his clothes, and followed the servant to Pangfengcheng's study.

The servant handed the old devil to the two guards at the door of the study, then turned and left.But the old devil was pulled by the two guards, felt his whole body, and saw that there was nothing entrained, so he opened the door and let him in.

Just as soon as he entered the door, the old devil saw a ten-year-old boy sitting on the main seat, and several courtiers stood beside him.His old acquaintance Pang Fengcheng was impressively listed.

Immediately he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to the child dog San Tianxuan and said, "The Japanese dog San Tiansu pays homage to King Wei."

"You are so clever. Come on, get up and talk." It was the first time someone from Fanbang kowtowed to him, and Li Tai felt very comfortable in his heart.After Inugami Mita stood up, he went on to say: "Pang Shilang has already told me what you asked for, but, that Cheng Guogong is the confidant of the father, even my face, he has some It doesn't work."

Inuami Mita thought to himself that all the children of Tang Dynasty have grown up.Then you know how to handle people.But the body bowed to Li Tai respectfully, and said: "The dog has heard that the father and son of the monarch and his ministers are human relations. No matter how pampered Duke Cheng is, he would not dare to make trouble in front of the king. It is said that Tang Su is good at military exploits. If the Tang Dynasty attacks countries like Goguryeo and Silla in the future, His Highness King Wei might as well write a letter. I, His Majesty Shu Ming, will be willing to help His Highness. Thinking about having these credits, Duke Cheng would not dare to rely on them You made a mistake in front of King Wei."

Sure enough, they are all a group of honest gentlemen. If Luo Yan was present, he would definitely scold a group of fools.I dare to believe this little devil's promise, he really has no brains.

But Li Tai and the ministers around him asked with a look of surprise: "Really?" After seeing Inugami Mita nodding, they laughed and told the old devil: "The next time I sleep, my king will be there." The Furong Garden hosted a banquet to entertain the envoys."

Inugami Mita was overjoyed when he heard the words, and after thanking him a thousand times, he chatted with Li Tai and others about the things they just promised, and then they all left happily.

 On the public memorial day, don't forget the national humiliation.I wish I could hold a bouquet of white flowers in honor of the dead in Jinling.

(End of this chapter)

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