Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 229 I Was Trapped By The System

Chapter 229 I Was Trapped By The System
From Chang'an to Jinzhou, it only takes two days.

When they returned to the state school, the masters reacted to a situation that stunned Luo Yan for a long time-the state school needed to enroll students.

This stunned Luo Yan, and he kept asking: "There were not many people who didn't pass the scientific examination last year, so why are they still recruiting students? It's so difficult that many people won't come this year?"

Tao Fuzi who came to report to him said with a smile: "Dr. Luo, in the past few days when you were away, we held another monthly exam. Although all the students' levels have improved a lot this time, overall speaking, there are still some problems. People are much worse than others. According to the previous regulations, those who were at the bottom of the monthly exam for three consecutive times will be deprived of the qualifications of state student members. I checked in detail, and this time five were expelled. A few students felt that they were too old and could not learn more in the state school, so they quit spontaneously, and there are more than a dozen places."

Hearing Master Tao's words, Luo Yan was really dazed, he didn't expect so many.

"Since this is the case, let's recruit some. But, shouldn't this matter wait for another ten days and a half month. This recruitment, it is best to be able to draw in a group of students with the best background in Jinzhou." Luo Yan didn't tell these people that he could only stay in Jinzhou for a year at most, but he just wanted to teach a class of students well, it's best to give a few more exams during the scientific examination, so that no matter in Shilin, or in front of Li Shimin, had an explanation.

It's also good to let them see that my doctor of state studies in his early twenties is not trying to gain fame.

It took only one day for the news of the state school to recruit students to spread throughout the Golden State.Because of the existence of Luo Yan, plus better benefits and treatment than other places, Jinzhou State School is also a favorite.I heard that the state school actually recruited a dozen students at once this time, which is definitely a big deal.

The students in several counties under the Jinzhou rule are going crazy.Those scholars who were a little bit sure rushed to Zhoucheng.

And when this news spread to other places, it really made scholars in other states and counties envious.The biggest benefit of Jinzhou state school now is Luo Yan's lectures. Every time these state scholars don't have to come early to occupy seats like other scholars.Moreover, Luo Yan studies in the state every day, so it is inevitable that he will talk about something in his daily life.From the innovation of poetic style to teaching a poetic talent a month, plus the content of the lectures in the past few months, many scholars are yearning for it.

But in the end I couldn't do what I wanted.

Sighing with regret, many people could only wait for the announcement of Luo Yan's next lecture.

This time, the state school admissions test questions were written by Luo Yan himself. Whether it is the content or the format, they are all in the form of scientific examinations.The masters also knew Luo Yan's style, especially after Master Tao told them about Luo Yan's selection of the best scholars, he knew in his heart that the topic this time would not be easy.

Sure enough, the expressions of many scholars who came to take the exam changed when they got the questions.I thought to myself, when did the threshold of this state school become so high.Those scholars who have participated in the scientific examination are even more depressed. This kind of state school is better than Guozi school.

But what made these scholars a little happy was that Luo Yan clearly stated in the official document that there was no shady plot in this enrollment.For any scholar who wants to enter the state school, as long as you have real knowledge and reflected it in the process of this exam, then there is a high probability of being selected by him.The most important thing is the last sentence, these papers are all reviewed by him himself, and he will not pretend to be someone else.

Anyone who has heard Luo Yan's lectures knows Luo Yan's personality. He has no relatives or reasons in Jinzhou, and he treats scholars in the same way.There is no possibility of bias at all.At the same time, given the governor's attitude towards him, he wouldn't have anything to do with him.

Fairness and justice, these two things are hard to come by nowadays.But he happened to appear in the process of this exam.How can this not make many scholars happy.Therefore, after getting the test questions, all the students sighed and then quickly entered the state and answered carefully.

While many scholars were writing vigorously, Luo Yan was in a daze solemnly.

That's right, at this moment he is in a daze, and the reason for the daze is the first round of tasks for the lovers to get married.After playing around in Chang'an, as time went by, the prestige value finally reached 5000 million.After turning in so many reputation points, Ying'er's marriage can be suspended.

After staying in Chang'an for a total of one month, Luo Yan did not see the close contacts between the Lu family and the Confucius family.Although he felt a little strange, Luo Yan still decided to complete the first phase of the task first, so that he would have enough buffer time.

When Luo Yan handed over the 5000 million prestige points in hand with great anticipation, there was a wailing sound immediately.If it weren't for all of this being Luo Yan's inner activities, then the wailing would definitely attract the attention of everyone in the state school.

What do you think, it turned out that when Luo Yan handed over the reputation points, the system gave the result: "Host, please note that Yinger was originally an unmarried person. Due to the interference of the mission, this round will let Yinger's Marriage will not come until the age of 20. Lovers will finally get married. The second round: five scientific examination Jinshi will be cultivated. It is not limited to Jinshi and Mingjing."

Whoever says a scholar is not lying.In many cases, scholars not only love to deceive others, but can also deceive others around.Just like this old master Lu, you said he was in his seventies or eighties, but this one sentence deceived Luo Yan to such an extent.Not to mention the other things, Luo Yan's heartache is at most self-inflicted, but it's a pity that all the 5000 million reputation points are thrown in like this.

Full of heartache, Luo Yan shook his head helplessly.I am still too tender.Not only is it easy to be emotionally affected by others, but you can also lose your mind because of losing control of your emotions.If you observe more yourself, it will be easy to find that there is a fraud.

After being depressed for a while, Luo Yan still turned his attention to the second round of tasks.Although the first round had screwed me over, if the second round could not be completed this year, I am afraid that once Li Shimin recalled him to Chang'an, he would never have the chance to complete it again.

After reading the mission carefully, Luo Yan began to think.

Five scientific examination Jinshi, counting, is indeed a lot.With the further improvement of the scientific examination system, there have been fewer and fewer Jinshi in each subject in recent years.Of course, the quality of Jinshi is correspondingly much higher.However, since it is said that it is not limited to Mingjing and Jinshi, then it is also counted in Mingfa and Mingfa.

Of course, it is no less difficult to train a Jinshi who understands the laws and calculations than the Mingjing and Jinshi subjects.

For example, in the first subject of Mingfa, during the scientific examination, not only must scholars be asked to silently write the entries of law books, but also the ability to judge cases will be tested.When the Ministry of Officials takes this exam every year, it will find a large amount of prison materials from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple. Through continuous research and review, many controversial cases will be taken out, and they will be specially placed in the final exam of the Ming Law Department. Now, let everyone describe their views on this case in detail.

If it's just one question, it's fine, but if you're unlucky, you have to answer five questions.Once all such difficult questions are answered correctly, the Ministry of Officials will directly hire them and recommend them to the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple.

And Ming Suan is even more powerful. Every time there is a scientific examination, the court will find those math masters to come up with questions.And these people are not here to play around, the questions are more difficult than the next, and some of them have no answers, so they can write them out as questions.One can imagine how difficult such a scientific examination is.

The same goes for the rest of the subjects.In Jinzhou, there is a government-run institution that specializes in teaching these things, and of course it is also under the management of his Ph.D.It's just that doctors have always been masters of Confucian classics, and they are not very proficient in law and arithmetic, so they can only manage it by themselves.But now it seems that Luo Yan has to take care of these two aspects himself.

Thinking about the advantages I have now, that is, I have more knowledge accumulation and advanced thinking awareness.As for teaching, there is a heaven-defying halo bonus, and the simplest one should be Mingjing.However, the other subjects cannot be relaxed. To guarantee the quota of five, we must cast a wide net.

It's just that, in this way, I need more assistance from the system.Obviously, now the problem is back to the original point - Luo Yan has no reputation points.

Luo Yan wanted to cry when he thought of this.When did this system become so cheated, no, it should be said that it has always been cheated, but I have no memory, and I am willing to be cheated every time.

Sighing, I thought to myself that fortunately, with some previous things as a foundation, my reputation will increase every day in the future.

It's just that if there are other things, this prestige point is still not enough. There must be more channels to earn prestige points.

Thinking of this, Luo Yan cheered up and started his new round of journey.

(End of this chapter)

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