The first cancer in the world of immortality

Chapter 295 Proud human beings will never lower their heads!

Chapter 295 Proud human beings will never lower their heads!

"Hey hahahaha——"

Rampant and sharp laughter sounded.In front of everyone, three figures descended from the sky.

Two of them were the Ghoul King and the Abomination King who escaped earlier.The other one was a zombie wearing a black robe, holding a bone longbow, and an extremely withered face.

The corners of his mouth kept overflowing with dark green blood, and his body was trembling, and his steps were stilted.But his laughter was full of complacency.

"My natal arrow, ahem... sure enough, it didn't let me... ahem, disappointed!"

"Foolish king, in the end you died in the hands of my zombie king, Naocan Sand Dagger!"

Zombie King Naocan Sand Dagger, one of the 36 commanders!

"Hmph, since you've exhausted all your strength, then just hide behind."

Another two figures descended from the sky.Feeling the powerful aura on them and the coercion that belongs to the king, Ye Zijin's face was ugly and authentic: "Are there two commander-level powers again?"

"Counting the three in front, a total of five commander-level powers have come here. Damn, this dark legion's handwriting is not small."


One of the leaders looked in Ye Zijin's direction: "Did I hear it wrong just now? I actually heard this human being speaking the language of the undead?"

"Don't worry about it so much." Another commander said with a sneer: "Hurry up and kill, I can't wait anymore! Hehe, hehehehe!"

All the human soldiers couldn't understand what the commanders who descended from the sky were saying.But the death of the king was like a sky crash.Their backbone, the pillar of their hearts, has collapsed.

Confusion and fear about the future arose in everyone's heart.

"Cheer up, warriors of the kingdom!"

A young voice suddenly came from a certain direction.A handsome young man with short light blue hair and also wearing armor suddenly shouted: "Now the whole army obeys my orders and maintains formation. The infantry follow and maintain the shield formation!"

"Father is dead, but I, Dorant Karoina, are still here. The warriors of the Osloni Kingdom will never admit defeat, and will never be afraid!"

"Although the king is gone, his spirit will last forever! Proud human beings will never lower their heads!"

"For the glory of the kingdom—"

The burly man with an ax and beard was the first to respond loudly: "For the glory of the kingdom—"

"For the glory of the kingdom - kill -!!!"

Ye Zijin glanced at this handsome young man with short blue hair.

Very good, the mission target has been found.Dorant Karoina is obviously the prince of this country.

"His Royal Highness, to make a long story short."

The undead leader in the sky was still looking down jokingly, and the surrounding undead also started a large-scale mobilization.Obviously, this is completely a trap that has been pre-volted for a long time.

The purpose of this group of undead is to lure the human legion out of Lingshui City, and then wipe them all out!
After telling Prince Dorant quickly and simply his reasoning, Ye Zijin said anxiously: "Your Highness, please order to withdraw to Lingshui City."

"I reject."

The prince of Dorant clenched his long sword tightly, his hands were already stained with blood: "The warriors of Osloni will never retreat, but will die heroically on the battlefield."

"Behind us is Lingshui City. Behind Lingshui City is the entire human alliance."

Looking around and realizing that it was Ye Zijin who had quietly transmitted the voice to him, Prince Dorant said loudly: "For the sake of my father, for the kingdom, and for the sake of the entire alliance, I will not choose to back down!"

"But I have a way to keep you alive!"

Ye Zijin was really convinced, why are people from the Osloni Kingdom so stubborn?

Susanna is like this, King Molly is like this, and Prince Dorant is still like this now.

Don't you know how to work around?

Prince Dorant frowned slightly, did he survive?
His father is dead, and he has long put his own life and death aside after losing his dear one.But these soldiers around them all have their own relatives.

And if he could survive and defeat more enemies on the battlefield in the future, who would be willing to die in vain?

On the periphery of the human legion, armored infantrymen holding swords and shields have surrounded Prince Dorant and the guard cavalry in front.

They raised their shields and waved their swords, blocking the undead who were constantly attacking from the outside.

This time, the undead army that besieged them was much stronger than before, both in terms of quality and quantity.Many high-level undead also intervened in the battlefield, madly rushing towards the interior of the human soldiers.

Beside Prince Dorant, the three seventh-order human powerhouses did not act rashly.They all stared at the five commanders standing above the army.

And the five undead leaders looked at the struggling humans below with great interest.It seems that they want to consume the combat power of the strong human beings first, and then launch an attack.

After all, the opponent is three powerhouses of the same level.If you are not careful, there is also the risk of falling.

"This way, that way, that way."

Ye Zijin quickly whispered to the prince: "This is the general plan, do you understand? If you understand, go back to the city quickly, don't hesitate!"

"If you continue to hesitate, wait for the undead from other directions to gather, and we will all be finished!"

Prince Dorant gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Indeed, this is the only feasible way other than dying in battle."

After making up his mind, he raised his sword and pointed: "All soldiers obey orders!"

"The imperial guards lead the way, and the infantry maintain the shield formation to follow, don't love to fight, return to Lingshui City quickly!"


Now Prince Dorant has become the backbone of everyone.His orders, all soldiers without complaint.

The infantry fighting fiercely on the outermost edge retreated a few steps and made way for some openings.The besieging undead immediately seized the opportunity, trying to rush into the protective circle of human soldiers from these cracks, and kill Prince Dorant in the center.

But soon, iron hooves sounded.The iron cavalry of the Imperial Guard charged again, and the lances in the hands of the knights also began to kill mercilessly.

Only this time, the army of undead is no longer in the previous mode of releasing water, but in a violent mode of killing all.


A dirty hook and chain came from the side, and directly pulled a guard cavalry off the horse.The undead "Abomination" who threw out the hook and chain threw himself on the cavalry with a grinning grin, and brutally cut him open.

A few more ghouls launched a flying pounce, and one of them happened to pounce on a cavalryman.The sharp claws slid across, and a blood hole was dug out of the cavalry's throat.

In addition, there are black iron zombies with extremely hard bodies, blocking the charge of the imperial guards together.The gargoyles in the sky also recovered, screaming and falling from the sky, grabbing one knight after another.

But almost every knight will let out a hoarse cry before dying.

The cry at the last moment of their lives seems to have become their unwavering belief and eternal glory.

"For the glory of the kingdom—"

"For the glory of the alliance—!!"

(End of this chapter)

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