I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 176 Sacrificial God King Level Dao

Chapter 176 Sacrificial God King Level Dao

Fraxinus, command room.

"Kinri, what are they going to do?"

Wuhe Shidao looked at the elves below through the monitoring screen and kept carrying various things. It seemed that they were building a large building, and he was a little puzzled.

Wuheqin, who was wearing a dark red military uniform on his shoulders, still had a lollipop in his mouth, squinted at him, and said, "Shidou, is your comprehension ability already that bad?"

"Do you want me to make an appointment for you in a nursing home?"

Wuhe Shidao scratched the back of his head, and said awkwardly: "Too many things have happened recently, and my mind is already in chaos."

"Even if you said you want me to attack some elves, they don't seem to have brought any misfortune."

Wuhe Kotori raised his chin a little, put his arms around his chest, made a gesture of looking down, and said:

"Isn't it that you are too useless?"

"Every time, I was preempted by the nightmare."

Itsuka Shidou scratched his head in embarrassment.

His sister was right, there were space quakes in Tiangong City several times in succession, according to their previous strategy, Wuhe Shidao should attack the elves, and then seal their spiritual power.

But no matter which time, before he had time to be dropped from the ship, Tokisaki Kurumi had already disappeared into the shadows with the spirit.

"So what are we going to do today?"

Wuhe Shidao glanced at the screen again, the elves that appeared on it were all elves that they had missed before.

Wuhe Kotori fell into deep thought, she was thinking about whether there is any point in letting Shidou attack the elves now.

After all, Elliot Baldwin Woodman created Fraxinus to help elves integrate into human society.

But now Tokisaki Kurumi did not know what method he used to allow the elves to freely control the spirit crystals.

Whether it is to enhance the power of the elves, or to put it away, to be like an ordinary person, to return to the ordinary... all things can be done.

Then in this way, the Raiders lost their meaning.

What's more, now she also wants to see what the buildings built by the elves are, and what they are going to be used for.

After a brief silence, Wuhe Kotori issued an order.

"Watch what happens."

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was located at the top of the DEM building, seemed to have a feeling in his heart. He looked up at a certain place in the sky, and there was an unexplained smile on his lips.

Sisters Nana and Yawu walked towards this side with a woman in a white display device, and the woman was obviously unconscious.

"San San, the mission is completed!"

Tokisaki Kurumi turned his head and smiled at them, "Thank you for your hard work!"

The woman the two of them knocked out was none other than the director of the Second Executive Department of the DEM Society, Ailian Mira Mathers.

At the same time, Eileen is also the strongest magician in the world... well, of course, just claiming to be.

When Tohka said that Aileen escaped successfully, Kuangsan was not surprised at all, because she knew that Aileen and Artemisia would eventually be used by her as sacrifices to the gods.

This is the effect of the rants of the angels in this article.

You only need to write the pen worn by the spiritual outfit on the blank page of the angel, and the recorded things can be turned into a real "future record".

Especially after Hontiao Erya recited the sacrificial oration, not only were all the injuries she suffered over the years healed, but her spirit crystallization even became stronger than before.

Even powerful magicians like Eileen and Artemisia still couldn't resist what was written in the chapters.

After a while, Tokisaki Kurumi's avatars captured all the staff in the building.

And the huge altar made purely by machinery was also built at this moment.

"You elves, what do you want to do?!"

"Let me go! I'm just working for humanity to become stronger!"

"I'm not wrong! It's the world that's wrong!"

"Oh! Elves, you are destined to pay the price for today's actions!"


Countless Kuangsan raised their hands at the same time, aiming at the staff on the altar.

"Bang bang bang!"

Intensive gunshots sounded at the same time, and everyone collapsed powerlessly on the altar.

Tokisaki Kurumi walked to the chief altar, and next to him were Eileen and Artemisia who were still asleep.

With a serious face, she recited the sacrificial oration reverently and loudly.

The seven sins, eight dances, ten incenses and other elves surrounding the side began to chant as if they had received the signal.



Spirit world.

"It's finally starting over there..."

Su Chen looked a little puzzled.

Tokisaki Kurumi has been in the group for a long time, and several people after her have already performed sacrifices at least once.

However, Su Chen is not in a hurry about this. Anyway, the resources he obtained through sacrifices these days have been in a state of being digested.

Moreover, even if Kurumi does not perform sacrifices, group members from other worlds will perform sacrifices.

Therefore, he doesn't need to pay special attention at all.

"Ding! It has been detected that the dating world has started to sacrifice, and it has successfully triggered a ten-thousand-fold increase..."

"Ding! 330 strands of the power of faith have been detected, and a ten-thousand-fold increase has been triggered. The successful increase is 330 million strands..."

"Ding, your believer blood sacrificed a magician, you have successfully obtained the power of any domain!"

"Ding, your believer blood sacrificed a scientific researcher, you have successfully obtained..."

"Ding! The sacrificial Daughter of Destiny, Ailian Mira Mathers, has been detected, and you have triggered a ten-thousand-fold increase!"

"Ding! All the conditions of Ailian Mira Messers have been improved ten thousand times in all directions! Ding! Ailian Mira Messers is in the process of sublimation, and her ability has been greatly improved..."

"Ding! The sacrificial Daughter of Destiny, Artemisia Bell Ashcroft, has been detected, you have triggered a ten-thousand-fold increase!"

"Ding! All the conditions of Artemisia Bell Ashcroft have been improved ten thousand times in all aspects! Ding! Artemisia Bell Ashcroft is in the process of sublimation, and her ability has been greatly improved... ..."

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining the way of god-level magic!"

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining the Dao of the God-King Level Domain... It has been detected that your realm is a god...

Part of the power of the Dao has been suppressed, and the Dao of the domain that you can currently exert is at the level of a god..."

Su Chen paused for a moment, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Aileen and Artemisia are both holy spirits? !

It was something he hadn't thought of at all.

However, it is understandable if you think about it carefully.

Ailian is one of the reasons for the appearance of the initial elves, and to a certain extent, it has created history, which is no longer covered by great luck... The daughter of destiny is really normal.

As for Artemisia, she is currently the second strongest magician, and she is also the deputy head of the executive department of the DEM club... Strong in strength and high in status, she fully meets the conditions.

What surprised him even more were the two complete avenues.

Although Su Chen now has quite a few avenues, the more avenues, the better.

The complete law of the Dao, for ordinary gods, even if they are lucky enough to encounter a broken world, they may not be able to obtain the complete Dao.

The power of the Great Dao can only be slowly improved by relying on the joint understanding of oneself and the gods.

And he directly obtained two avenues, the lowest one was still at the level of a god, and the other one reached the level of a god king.

With this god-level avenue, it is also extremely beneficial to remind Su Chen of other avenues!
Although the avenues are different, many things between the avenues are interlinked.

The speed of understanding other avenues can be increased by at least three times!
A lot of thoughts flowed in Su Chen's mind, and he looked at Tokisaki Kurumi through many worlds, "Then I will reward you well..."

(End of this chapter)

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