Chapter 229

This is not being imprisoned, if it is not in the dungeon, people will believe that it is a fairy life.

The eunuch coughed a few times in embarrassment, intending to remind Jiang Lu to pay attention to his arrival and to control his behavior a little.

Unexpectedly, General Lu just looked back, and then continued to sprint like no one else was there.

"This time it's an eunuch again." Jiang Lu understood, as long as he didn't complain, no matter what he did, even if he yelled at the envoy's nose, nothing would happen.

As for the eunuch's signal, Jiang Lu directly ignored it.

It wasn't until after the matter was over that Jiang Lu came before the two eunuchs.

"Young Master Jianglu, the two of us are here to ask you a word at the king's order."

"I know what you are going to ask, I did it all, I plead guilty." An eunuch just started to ask, but was interrupted by Jiang Lu directly: "After asking, leave quickly, don't disturb my noble spirit!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and sat sideways beside the prostitute, caressing her tender body carefully, and ignored the two of them.

"You two noble envoys, do you think we should leave here first." Neishi An interjected from the side.

"Let's go!" They didn't want to stay in this place that hurt their "man" dignity too much.

As soon as they left the dungeon, an eunuch complained, "Why didn't Anneshi tell me about the two of them earlier?"

"As I said earlier, it might not be convenient for Mr. Jianglu to come here. I just want to come here early to let you pay attention, but the two angels insist on coming here immediately." Nei Shi'an also said a little aggrieved.

Nei Shi'an's words immediately caused the two eunuchs to look at each other in blank dismay. At first, they thought that the reason why Nei Shi'an wanted to make him wait outside was to go in and collude with a confession.

Looking forward to finding some clues to solve this big case, the two hurriedly wanted to go in to see what happened.

Who would have thought that the young master would spend his days and nights in the prison!

"But how can a female concubine enter the prison?" The eunuch continued to ask.

"Mr. Lu insists on asking for it, how dare An not obey..."


After returning from the prison, the two eunuchs immediately returned to King Qin's bedroom to report what they had seen and heard to King Qin.

Out of Jiang Lu's anger at their insult, the two of them naturally exaggerated Jiang Lu's desolation, immorality, and extravagance in the prison.

"Mr. Jianglu confessed to the crime he committed, and he has no intention of asking for help."

"Ridiculous!" After listening to the two eunuchs' reply, Zhao Zheng couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, and the veins on his hands were exposed.

"The general is absurd, and this Nei Shi'an also followed suit!

Order Neishi An to remove the prostitute. "

"Thank you!"


"My lord, these are all the letters seized from Jianglu's mansion." After the palace envoy left, Nei Shi'an was naturally the first to report to Ziying.

Qin Wang's envoy also checked, and Nei Shi'an saw that the situation must be settled and there will be no more changes, but Ziying still didn't intend to stretch his brows.

As long as the young master is not dead for a day, there are endless possibilities for this matter, and we must not take it lightly.

After contemplating for a while, Ziying ordered Neishi An to smuggle over all the seized letters written by Lu Shou.

Although he didn't understand what Ziying was thinking, but Neishi An, who was caught by Ziying a long time ago, and now he was wearing a rope with him, had no choice but to obey obediently.

After receiving the letter, Ziying first carefully read all the letters to get familiar with Jiang Lu's writing tone, and then carefully studied Jiang Lu's handwriting.

After reading everything, regardless of the darkness of the night, Ziying ordered: "Go to the prison."

The tightly wrapped Ziying followed Neishian to the dungeon, and quietly sprinkled some white powder into the fine wine given to Jiang Lu.

"Go, send someone to take you there."

These white powders are naturally the mandala pollen that Ziying has been tricked into before. Ziying has tried this stuff and it is absolutely colorless and tasteless, and it is difficult to taste it in wine. Over time, I naturally brought some.

And strictly speaking, this is not poison, it just makes people fall asleep and lose strength temporarily, and the existing technical means can't detect it at all.

After Nei Shian received the order from the King of Qin to take the prostitute away, he was about to die and there was no channel to vent, and Jiang Lu was obviously exhausted. Occasionally, when he calmed down, he would directly paralyze himself with wine. Good wine is always available.

After receiving the jug of fine wine with added ingredients, Jiang Lu raised his head and poured it all down his throat without any hesitation.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lu to lie crookedly in the cell.

At this time, Ziying and Nei Shi'an just walked over.

"My lord, is this what you want?" Nei Shi'an asked in confusion, if he wanted to kill someone to silence him, he would just kill him directly, why bother to use these magic|drugs to fascinate Jiang Lu.

"It's not too late. I'll take off his clothes, you untie his belt, and we'll act together." Ziying said hastily.

"Ah!" Ziying's words made Neishi An stunned for a moment, Chang'an Jun didn't look like a good person like Long Yang.

While Nei Shi'an hesitated for a while, Ziying had already started to take off Jiang Lu's shirt, seeing that Nei Shi'an hadn't moved, he pulled out Jiang Lu's belt by himself.

Then spread Jiang Lu's coat on the ground.

"Bring the sword," Ziying ordered.

Just as Neishi An took the long sword, Ziying suddenly said to himself, "No, it should be bitten through."

After speaking, he bit Jianglu's index finger and bit a wound. Jianglu frowned slightly due to the pain of the finger, but after all, the effect of mandala pollen was at its peak at this time, and Jianglu's drunkenness was reduced a little. Pain.

Didn't wake up because of it.

Ziying took Jianglu's fingers and wrote on the tiled blouse with gushing blood: "How unfair is the father! Can't I sit and enjoy the world and embrace the beauty? Ziying is just a wild son, helping Su Wei There are pedantic and benevolent, and light is extremely hypocritical, why can't I compare with these three? Why is the father and king partial to this.

If Jiangshan is with me, I will surely be able to protect my great Qin Dynasty for thousands of generations, so why don't my father believe it.Although I did the treasonous thing, it was still persecuted by everyone. If I didn’t do this, what would I have left? The country is in the hands of others, and the beauties are not in my hands!
Such a place, I am unwilling! "

Due to too many words written, Ziying bit his face and bit his three fingers before he could finish writing the blood |, and Ziying copied Lu's handwriting after studying it, and wrote it on his coat. Blood|book must be slightly different from writing on bamboo slips.

At this time, Ziying's handwriting is enough to confuse the real one.

Ziying wiped some blood on Jianglu's mouth and teeth, then passed Jianglu's belt through the wooden bar on the top of the prison at the place facing the case, and tied it in a knot.

Seeing here, Shi Anna still didn't understand what Ziying was thinking, so he and Ziying helped Jiang Lu up and put his head on his belt.

Then he kicked over the case, and the two let go at the same time.

Although the medicinal properties of datura flowers are strong, under the suffocation of death, Jiang Lu woke up for a while, but it was useless. Once this moment came, even people who hadn't drunk | The head was freed from the belt, not to mention the general who didn't have much strength at all.

Waving his hands weakly, the blood was all over the belt tightly around his neck, and he fell silent after a while.

"After a while, report to the palace."

Ziying ordered.


Zhao Gao only used one trick to kill Li Si, but Ziying used three tricks in order to kill Li Si seamlessly. After all, the current Qin King is not comparable to the later Qin II.

First, the same strategy was adopted to make Jiang Lu confess his crime to the envoy of King Qin.Moreover, in order to avoid King Qin's suspicion, Jiang Lu was specially guided to prostitute himself day and night in the cell.

After all, to be able to tolerate Jiang Lu's actions, the internal history must be responsive to Jiang Lu's requests, so King Qin would not suspect that Jiang Lu was beaten and coerced.

It stands to reason that after finishing these things, you're done, and you can just wait for Lu Chu to be beheaded, but Ziying is still unsure.

After all, the current king of Qin is the emperor of all ages in history. His mind is really unpredictable, and it is not uncommon for the king to change his mind at the last moment when he went to the execution ground in history. Ziying has to guard against it.

Hence the action of this night.

The news of Jiang Lu's suicide|suicide, as soon as it was reported, immediately caused a thousand waves of waves.

Although Jiang Lu was sentenced to death, he was still a son, so it was natural to find out the cause of his death just like that.

The furious king of Qin temporarily suspended Nei Shi'an, who was in charge of supervision, from his post, and then ordered Xia Wuqi, the imperial physician who had saved his life, to investigate the cause of Jiang Lu's death.

Although Xia Wuqiu is a medical officer, he has a high status in the palace because he saved King Qin's life.

After receiving King Qin's order, Xia Wuqie led a group of imperial physicians to the prison, and after carefully inspecting the scene in the prison and the dead body of the general, they returned to the palace.

"Reporting to the king, I and all my colleagues carefully inspected the body of Mr. Jianglu, and concluded that Mr. Jianglu should have committed suicide." Xia Wuqi replied cautiously.

Although Zhao Zheng had always been very polite to him because he had saved King Qin, the one who died this time was Zhao Zheng's own flesh and blood.

Seeing King Qin standing there still motionless and without saying a word, Xia Wu continued to explain: "I carefully checked the fingers bitten off by the young master, and they were all white and bloodless. There is a slight difference, it can be seen that the blood | book was written by the young master himself.

In addition, the young master's teeth also have blood stains from when he bit his finger. Looking at the young master's appearance, his tongue sticks out, he is incontinent, his eyes are white, and he breathes out when he unties the rope, which is like a sigh.

The constriction groove on the son's neck is peppery, and the constriction grooves do not intersect, and gradually become shallower from the front to the back neck. Damage marks.

To sum up, we believe that the young master Jiang Lu must have committed suicide by hanging himself.

Ziying's anti-reconnaissance work was done flawlessly, and even the imperial physicians didn't see any flaws.

After hearing Xia Wuqie's explanation, Zhao Zheng immediately believed that Jiang Lu hanged himself.

In fact, Zhao Zheng believed [-]% of it when he got Jiang Lu's blood | book. After all, the handwriting of this blood | book contained resentment, which was clearly written by Jiang Lu himself.

"Go down first!" Qin Wangzheng said a little tiredly.

"Your Majesty, I would like to express my condolences, and the ministers will leave first." After Xia Wuqi finished speaking, he bowed to King Qin and withdrew.

When all the imperial physicians left the hall, Zhao Zheng held the "Jiang Lu's Blood | Book" in his hand, and his expression suddenly became sad.

"Fool! How could the father be willing to kill you, and why are you so short-sighted."

Zhao Zheng murmured that it was as expected by Ziying. Zhao Zheng originally planned to issue a royal decree to pardon the general before he went to the execution ground. Just be a rich man.

Who ever thought it would end like this.

Zhao Zheng, who was extremely strong in front of the courtiers and the world, burst into tears like other fathers who lost their sons in the corner of no one at this moment.


Although it was finally proved that Jiang Lu committed suicide in fear of crime, An, as an internal historian, was responsible for negligence, but it should be a great achievement to crack the big case of the young master Jiang Lu's treason, and the merit outweighs the fault.

However, An was still transferred to be in charge of the palace and other civil construction. Although they are all officials with two thousand stones, the internal history controls Xianyang and surrounding counties in Gyeonggi, which is equivalent to the existence of the governor of Zhili in later generations. Although an official in charge of building the palace was "transferred at the same level", anyone with a discerning eye could tell that King Qin must be dissatisfied with him.

At this time, an exciting news came. General Wang Ben took advantage of the freezing of the Donghe River and the Jier River to avoid the army of Qi State hoarding in the western border, and marched all the way without a single soldier. Linzi, the capital of Qi, was besieged.

At this time, Linzi, the capital of Qi, was empty of troops, and the frontline army had no time to return to aid. King Jian of Qi led his subjects out of the city to surrender on Hou Sheng's suggestion. So far, Qi, the last powerful country among the six eastern countries, perished.

The great Qin finally unified the whole country for the first time.

The demise of Qi State cannot but be said to be a tragedy. As a veteran and powerful country, Qi State naturally belongs to the superior among the Qixiong in terms of national strength.

However, the ostrich policy in a corner made Qi sit back and watch each country being destroyed by the strong Qin, and it didn't wake up until there were only two countries left in the world, Qin and itself, but it was already too late.

During the more than 40 years of Qi Wangjian's ruling, it was also the 40 years when Qin State's long-distance and short-term attack strategy was realized. If the king of Qi State can take a long-term view, at least it can greatly delay the time for Qin State to rule the world, and Qi State will not be so useless. .

(End of this chapter)

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