Qin Emperor Ziying

Chapter 203 Uncertainty

Chapter 203 Uncertainty
The development of the matter was as expected by Qing'an. At night, when the sky was dark, there were more than ten Dongou troops, either with their families or in groups, sneaked out of the main city of Dongou and surrendered to Minyue.

Roughly counting the number of people has reached thousands!

Luo Tian had no other way to do this besides sending more people to patrol. After all, the wall of the village had no more loopholes than the wall of the city if he wanted to sneak out.

"Young master, my grandpa invites you to come over." Just after you hour, before Ziying went to bed, Luo Tian sent his grandson Luo Guang to invite Ziying to talk to each other.

Following Luo Guang, Ziying came to Luo Tian's residence again with ease.

Seeing Luo Tian, ​​Zi Ying seemed unable to believe that Luo Tian could age so much in just one day, and now Luo Tian looked completely haggard, like an old man at the end of his life.

"The situation is already so serious!" Seeing Luo Tian's expression, Ziying wondered inwardly.

Seeing Ziying approaching, Luo Tian gave Ziying a weak look and said, "I just came to report that Great Wu Chang Fengling has surrendered to Minyue with his family and three hundred cronies!"

One of the four main generals of Eastern Ou, the Great Martial Commander, has surrendered to Minyue, so it's no wonder Luo Tian is so lonely.

This old man who has a deep affection for Dongou no longer has much confidence to support the crumbling ship of Dongou.

"That's great, I think you should remove the patrolling guards, just take this opportunity to weed out all the dissidents in the tribe." Ziying said nonchalantly.

Ziying's casual attitude made Luo Tian's decadent eyes suddenly startled.

Seemingly looking at Ziying in disbelief, he said, "The one who died in Qin State this time is Lord Chang'an!"

Luo Tian thought that even if this son was Wang Jian's son, he might not be able to survive the death of a lord alone. Who would have thought that Ziying would act like a normal person.

Ziying knew what Luo Tian was thinking, but he didn't know how to explain it. If he directly said that he was Lord Chang'an, no one would believe him.

One is that under the preconceived notions of the Yue people, including the great witch doctor Luo Tian, ​​they all think that Mr. Chang'an is a bad old man who steals high positions by relying on his identity.

The second is the news that Lord Chang'an is dead that Minyue swears, in the eyes of Dongou, Minyue must be very sure that he is waiting for the arrival of the Qin army so calmly.

If he directly said that he was the dead Lord Chang'an of the Qin State that Minyue said, maybe the Dongou people thought that he had lost his mind and went insane.

But fortunately, it seems that the great witch doctor Luo Tian thought that he was a high-ranking officer of the Qin army, and this could be borrowed.

He said with a smile, "You don't have to worry too much about Qin Jun's matter, the big witch doctor, just leave it to Xiao Ke."

Seeing that Luo Tian was still frowning, Ziying went on to say: "I came with Lord Chang'an earlier, so I will naturally know who attacked the Qin army.

Dongou is nothing more than an outsider. It must be with Qin Jun. My words are more credible. Don't worry about the big witch doctor. "

Hearing this, Luo Tian revealed a look of sudden realization, no wonder this "General Wang Ben" would appear in the territory of the Yue people, and it turned out that he came here with Mr. Chang'an.

Although Minyue asked Qin Jun to help him in the name of Dongou killing Lord Chang'an, but with the testimony of "Qin Jun high-level" Wang Ben, Qin Jun would definitely not believe Minyue's words in comparison.

It wasn't until this time that the great witch doctor Luo Tian was completely relieved.Standing up respectfully, he saluted Ziying and said: "On behalf of the ancestors of Dongou, Luotian thanked you for your kindness."

"I don't know what happened to Feng Bi, Chief of David, and Zhang Hu, Chief of the Great Guard?" Ziying suddenly asked after thinking about it.

Luo Tian was a little puzzled by Ziying's question.He said honestly: "I have sent people to find out that the two of them had nothing to do with the death of the late emperor, and they had never been connected with Minyue. It's just a pity that they took a wrong step at that time."

From Luo Tian's point of view, Feng Bi and Zhang Hu had no second thoughts about the tribe, but they were tempted by Zou Ping's huge profits when the former king died suddenly and Zou Ling disappeared, so they supported Zou Ping to succeed the new king.

It's just that the situation got deeper and deeper. After Zou Ping's actions were exposed, the two were convicted because they were too deeply involved with him.

"These two are brave men of the tribe, but it's a pity that they made a wrong move!" Luo Tian said regretfully.

"Since you are loyal to the tribe, there is a lot to do."


Among the Minyue tribe, Wuzhu was in a very good mood at the moment, and at Qing'an's suggestion, he acted out a play about Qianjin City's horse bones in the morning.

Sure enough, as soon as it got dark, people from Dongou came to seek refuge one after another, among them was Minyue's great warrior Feng Ling and his [-] Dongou warriors.

You must know that the biggest problem that plagues the development of the Yue people is population. There are not many generals like Dawu Chang Fengling in a tribe, and his son Feng Yu is also one of the leaders of the younger generation of the Yue people. one.

After inquiring about Qing'an, Wu Zhu also knew clearly that this Feng Ling was one of the Dongou generals who were leaning towards Minyue in the palace that day, and since the collapse of Dongou was imminent, Wu Zhu naturally had no choice but to surrender him. Suspect.

Overjoyed, Wu Zhu held a banquet that night in honor of all the Dongou generals, big and small.

At this moment, Dongou is like a leaky ship, just waiting for death, and it will be wiped out when the Qin army arrives.

Now that I came to the Minyue Department, I was very happy to see that Mr. Minyue really had a lot of use for them, and it was so hilarious when you came and went to each other at the banquet.

"I don't know, Brother Feng Yu, why are you so dull?" The only person who is out of place is Feng Yu who has been drinking dull wine. Not a week?"

"Eldest son's love, Feng Ling and his son are very grateful!" Seeing Wu Zhu asked, Feng Ling hurriedly interjected:

"The eldest son doesn't know, but the little girl and that lowly maidservant Zou Ling have had a crush on each other since she was a child, but the little girl Zou Ling fell in love with a wild man brought from outside the tribe. Forgive me, my lord!"

"Apologize to Eldest Young Master!" Feng Ling reprimanded.

Now that my father and son are defecting to Minyue, those who are not familiar with the place must hold Wuzhu's thigh tightly so that they can have a place to stay.

Feng Yu listened to his father's scolding, and immediately realized the situation he was in now. Although Wu Zhu seemed to be respectful to his father and son, if he offended him, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

At that moment, he stood up flatteringly, and held up his wine bottle to apologize: "Feng Yu is rude, I hope Eldest Young Master will forgive me!"

After hearing this, Wu Zhu couldn't help smiling, it was just for a woman.Drunken and hazy, he said: "A man should make contributions and make a career, so why worry about not having a wife!"

"When the city of Dongou is destroyed, if this little girl, Zou Ling, is lucky enough to survive, I will tell Qin Jun to give you Xiang Yier as a slave."

(End of this chapter)

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