Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 26 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 26

Chapter 26 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 26
You must know that "sit quietly and often think about your own mistakes" is a kind of reflection, that is, the ability of self-criticism.If we can calm down from time to time and think about whether there are deficiencies in our work or dealing with others, we will naturally have less complaints and accusations against others. "Xiao Guo Gua" said in the hexagram: "A gentleman's deeds are more than respectful, mourning is more than mourning, and use is more than frugality", which also implies this meaning.

Frequent self-examination and self-awareness are of more significance to some people in high positions.Because if a person in a high position has made a mistake and cannot examine himself, others cannot persuade him.Things will develop in a worse direction, and it will get out of hand.

When Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty ascended the throne, the Ming Dynasty had come to an end, with chaos and military disasters.Chongzhen was determined to bring order to chaos. He said to his officials: "The misfortune of the world is all due to improper employment and indiscretion. I will not tolerate your arrogance, inaction, and indifference to state affairs. I will punish you for your mistakes."

The imperial court has accumulated malpractices for a long time, and the officials are also used to being lazy, so they don't take Chongzhen's words to heart.One day, Chongzhen personally inspected the court room and found that a minister was not on duty.Chongzhen was furious and immediately ordered the minister to be arrested and beheaded.Someone interceded and said: "Your Majesty, you can't act too hastily in trying to govern. What's more, this person is usually diligent, and it is an accidental crime."

Chongzhen did not obey, and beat the pleading man with a stick.He said bitterly: "You argue with everything, no wonder there are so many disasters in the court. I don't want to be a subjugated king, first of all I want to get rid of you subjugated ministers!"

In the second year of Chongzhen, there was a severe drought in the world, and Chongzhen became more worried. He said to his officials: "The disasters from heaven must be caused by your faults. Do you still want to delay?"

Qian Xiangkun, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, said: "It is not surprising that there are natural disasters and human disasters. Your Majesty should not take too much responsibility. Your Majesty's most urgent task is to try to rescue the disaster. Punishing ministers will only make people's hearts fluctuate, and it is not conducive to achieving great things." Chongzhen reprimanded Qian Xiangkun, and then ordered the officials to reflect on themselves.The officials were dissatisfied and had many opinions in private.

Chongzhen was suspicious of his officials, and no one could satisfy him.He often lamented that unscrupulous ministers were available, so that the extremely talented Yuan Chonghuan could not get the necessary trust and power, and was wronged and killed in the end.

During the 17 years of Chongzhen's reign, fifty great scholars and fourteen ministers of the Ministry of War were changed.Chongzhen was arrogant and assertive, and often said: "I am eager to seek governance, how can I allow mediocre people to occupy the position for a long time? Now is a time of trouble, and it is difficult for non-great sages to save them. I dare not neglect anything."

All the ministers were in a state of panic all day long, trying to think of a wise way to protect themselves.

One day, when the battle ahead was urgent, Chongzhen summoned a group of ministers to ask for advice.Chongzhen asked several times, but none of the ministers answered.Chongzhen was furious and said: "The country is in danger and there is no need to delay. Is this how you are loyal?"

The ministers replied: "The ministers are stupid, please let your Majesty express everything."

Chongzhen was furious, so he had to make up his own mind.Afterwards, the eunuchs around Chongzhen said to Chongzhen: "Your Majesty has never been dissatisfied with the officials. How dare they speak? If Your Majesty can get the help of the officials, you should be more tolerant of them."

Chongzhen sneered and said, "It's the country's misfortune that my ministers are incompetent, so I have to shoulder the burden myself."

Chongzhen blamed his ministers until his death. He said: "The ministers have misunderstood me. The monarch died in Sheji. Once the world has been abandoned for 277 years, it will be the fault of treacherous ministers, so that's the case."

People often say: "Be good at criticism and self-criticism." Anyone can criticize people, but there are very few people who can and dare to do self-criticism.However, these pitiful few people have become the best in all walks of life. This is all the achievements of self-examination.

Life wisdom
Daily self-examination is a must-do homework for successful people. This will not only prevent deficiencies and make up for omissions, but also increase their personality charm and benefit themselves and others.

Ji Ji Hexagram to plan ahead

Small words and righteousness
Ji Ji: Heng, Xiao Lizhen; the beginning of auspiciousness and the end of chaos.On the ninth day of the ninth day, there is no blame for pulling its wheel and wet its tail.Sixty-two women lose their lives, don't chase them away, and get them in seven days.Ninety-three Emperor Gaozong's method of attacking ghosts was suppressed for three years, and villains should not use it.On June [-]th, there are clothes and flails, which are guarded all day long.Ninety-five The killing of cattle in the east is not as good as the sacrifice of elm in the west. It is really a blessing.Shangliu humiliated his head, Li.

The Ji Ji hexagram symbolizes that the work has been accomplished.Prosperity is smooth, which is good for accounting and asking small things.It was auspicious at first, and finally dangerous.

Chu Jiu dragged the wheels forward, and the water wet the rear of the car, but there was no disaster.

The six-two woman lost her jewelry, don't look for it, it will be found within seven days.

In Ninth Three, Emperor Gaozong of Yin launched an army to crusade against the Kingdom of Guifang, and it took three years to defeat it;

The June Fourth costumes are about to become tattered, so we should be on guard all day long to prevent disasters.

During the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the slaughtering of cattle by the neighboring countries in the east was not as blessed as the relatively simple sacrifices held in the neighboring countries in the west.

If Shangliu water wets the front of the car, it must be dangerous.

The elephant said, "Water on fire is good."A gentleman prevents it by thinking about it.

"Ji" in "Ji Ji Gua" symbolizes the success of things, and the combination of the two characters "Ji Gua" means success.

The hexagram of "Jiji Gua" says: "A gentleman thinks about troubles and prevents them", which means that a wise person can realize the hidden dangers lurking in the things that have been successful, so when he is not in trouble, " Thinking about troubles" and taking precautions to protect the "early auspiciousness" and prevent the "final chaos".To use an idiom to explain, it is "planning for a rainy day".

Life wisdom
Taking precautions is the attitude of a wise man.Only when you are aware of the existence of danger when there is no danger, can you raise your vigilance and save yourself from danger.

Weiji hexagrams are valuable and self-knowledge

Small words and righteousness
Weiji: Heng; the little fox Qianji, humiliating his tail, has no profit.On the sixth day of the sixth day, I am stingy.Ninety-two pulling its wheel, Zhenji.June [-]rd is not in good shape, and the evil is levied; the benefit involves the great river.Ninety-four Zhenji, regretted death; Zhen used the method of cutting ghosts, and rewarded the big country for three years.Sixty-five chastity, no regrets; the light of a gentleman.There is Fuji.Shangjiu If you drink alcohol, there is no blame; if you wet your head, you will lose your right.

The Weiji hexagram symbolizes unfinished business.The little fox almost succeeded in crossing the river, but his tail got wet, which was of no benefit.

If the tail is wet on the sixth day, difficult things will happen.

Ninety-two pull the wheel backwards, and you will get auspicious when you ask questions.

If the June [-]rd incident has not been accomplished, if you are eager to make progress, there will be dangers.But it is good for wading through huge rivers.

Ninety-four Zhanwen will be auspicious, and distress will disappear.Raised troops to crusade against the country of Ghost Fang, and won the victory in three years and was rewarded by the Great Yin Kingdom.

Sixty-five divination questions will result in auspiciousness and will not encounter distress.The brilliance of a gentleman lies in his loyalty and faithfulness, and having this virtue is very auspicious.

There is no disaster for Shangjiu to drink moderately with sincerity in his heart, but to drink too much and get drunk, although he is honest, he is not right.

The elephant said: "The fire is on the water, and it is not enough."A gentleman lives by carefully distinguishing things.

We have already mentioned the explanation of "Ji" in "Ji Ji Gua", and "Wei Ji Gua" just means that the career failed.So, why can't the business succeed?There are many reasons, but one of them is the hexagram in "Wei Ji Gua": "A gentleman should carefully distinguish things and find his way." Then act reasonably.People often say that "people value self-knowledge" is the truth.

During the reign of Liu Yilong, Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, the young and knowledgeable Kong Xixian served as the servant of Yuanwai Sanqi.However, Kong Xixian was dissatisfied with being under others, and often complained about it, thinking that he was underappreciated for his talents.

Once, Kong Xi first discussed literature with his boss, but the boss pretended to understand and made many mistakes.Kong Xi first bluntly said to his superior: "Being an official is different from studying. To be an official is to conform to your wishes and be adaptable, while to be a scholar must be rigorous and correct. Knowing what you know is what you know. In the eyes of subordinate officials, adults should only be officials and should not involve Study together." Kong Xi's words were sarcasm first, and his boss held a grudge, so he added a lot of blame to him.

Kong Xixian was angry in his heart, but he couldn't vent it, and he was miserable all day long.One day, he was drinking with his friends. After a few drinks, Kong Xixian said with red eyes: "A man is in a humble position, not as good as a pig or a dog. How can I, Kong Xixian, be content to be under others? I think it over, a man is a big deal, even if he dies It's better than this." His friend thought he was drunk, so he didn't argue with him.Kong Xixian cut off relations with his friends because they refused to go along with him.

Kong Xixian couldn't get a promotion for a long time, and the resentment accumulated day by day, and he actually had the intention of treason.The first step he took was to win over Fan Ye who was then General Zuowei and Prince Zhan Shi.Because Fan Ye was reprimanded by Emperor Wen of Song Dynasty, he made some complaints, and Kong Xixian did everything possible to please him.After the two got close, Kong Xi first said to Fan Ye: "Your Excellency is by no means inferior to others, why would you be inferior to some incompetent people?"

Fan Ye thought for a while and said: "There are many traitors in the imperial court who always make trouble out of nothing. The emperor was deceived by them." Kong Xixian sneered and provocatively said: "Without the emperor's acquiescence, those traitors would not dare to make things difficult for you. On the surface, the emperor I'm close to you, but I don't want to intermarry with your family after all, this is a clear distrust, you don't want to be confused anymore." Constantly provoking and wooing, Fan Ye finally fell into the trap and joined Kong Xixian's camp of rebellion.

Kong Xixian's father, Kong Mozhi, used to be the governor of Guangzhou, but was demoted to prison for embezzling and breaking the law.Liu Yikang, the king of Pengcheng, released Kong Mozhi on bail so that he would not be punished.Kong Xi first remembered this old incident, and openly used Liu Yikang's name to recruit people secretly to prepare for the rebellion.

However, Kong Xixian and Fan Ye were arrested because someone informed them.Kong Xixian did not deny the matter of treason, he said angrily to the officials who interrogated him: "My talent can be used as a chancellor, but I am only a small official on horseback. Why don't I rebel?" The officials reprimanded him: " You don't even know how many bowls of dry rice you have to eat, and you still want to pay homage to the prime minister, just wait to be beheaded!" Soon Kong Xixian and his accomplices were punished.

Everything in the world has its own strengths and weaknesses. However, it is not easy to know your own strengths and weaknesses.In fact, this kind of "self-knowledge" is discovery, the ability to discover one's own excellence and defects, recognize one's own strengths and weaknesses, and then decide what to do and what not to do according to one's own conditions.Choose an end or ideal with a rational strategy, and its chances of success are much higher.

Life wisdom
Correctly evaluate your own ability, neither overestimate yourself, have high-sightedness and low-handedness; let alone underestimate your own ability, overqualified.Only by doing what we can do will contribute to the success of our career.

(End of this chapter)

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