Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 24 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 24

Chapter 24 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 24
Ninety-five divination questions can obtain auspiciousness, distress will disappear by itself, and there will be no disadvantages.Even if it didn't go well at first, it went smoothly in the end.The time should be the first three days of Geng Day and the last three days of Geng Day. If you do things in these seven days, you will get auspicious.

Shangjiu is too obedient and lives under the bed, and loses the help of money and the defense of the ax as a result; Zhanwen is dangerous.

Xiang said: Follow the wind, Sunda.A gentleman acts according to his orders.

"Xun" in "Xun Gua" symbolizes obedience.It is undeniable that most people like others to obey themselves.Since ancient times, emperors and generals have believed in the saying "Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish". However, in the ninety-two and ninety-three of "Xun Gua", it is said: "Xun is under the bed, and the history and witchcraft are like auspicious. blame", "frequent sundae, stingy", warning people not to obey the arrangement of fate too weakly.If that is the case, it will be difficult and nothing will be achieved.

Your own destiny should be in your own hands. The hexagram in "Xun Gua" says: "A gentleman acts according to his destiny" is the truth.As long as we fight against fate, we can overcome the so-called theory of fate and create a sky of our own.

Mr. Wilson is a successful entrepreneur.He started as an ordinary clerk in an office. After years of struggle, he finally owned his own company and office building and was respected by people.On this day, Mr. Wilson came out of his office building and just walked to the street when he heard the sound of "clicking" behind him, which was the sound made by a blind man hitting the ground with a bamboo pole.Mr. Wilson froze for a moment, then turned around slowly.

The blind man sensed Mr. Wilson's presence, so he cheered up and stepped forward and said, "Dear sir, you must find that I am a poor blind man, can I take up a little of your time?"

Mr. Wilson said: "I'm going to meet with an important client. If you have anything to say, just say it."

The blind man fumbled in a bag for a long time, took out a lighter, put it in Mr. Wilson's hand, and said, "Sir, this lighter only sells for one dollar. This is the best lighter. Please help me and buy it!"

After hearing this, Mr. Wilson sighed, reached into his suit pocket, took out a banknote and handed it to the blind man: "I don't smoke, but I am willing to help you. Maybe I can give this lighter to the guy who drives the elevator."

The blind man touched the bill with his hand, and it turned out to be one hundred dollars!He stroked it repeatedly with trembling hands, and expressed gratitude: "You are the most generous gentleman I have ever met! I pray for you! God bless you!"

Mr. Wilson smiled and was about to walk away.The blind man grabbed him and chattered again: "You don't know, I was not blind from birth. It was the accident in Bourton 23 years ago! This is really cruel to me."

Mr. Wilson was startled and asked, "Did you lose your sight in that chemical plant explosion?" The blind man nodded excitedly as if he had met a bosom friend: "Yes, you also know about that explosion? It's no wonder, then 93 people were killed in the sub-light bombing, and hundreds of people were injured, but what a headline!

The blind man wanted to impress Mr. Wilson with his unfortunate experience, hoping to get more funding.He went on to say: "I'm so pitiful! I'm wandering around, lonely, eating and drinking, and no one knows when I die!" The more he said, the more excited he was, "You don't know the situation at that time, and you suddenly caught fire. Come out! It's like coming out of hell! The fleeing crowd is crowded together, I finally rushed to the door, but a big man behind me shouted: 'Let me get out first! I'm still young, I don't want to die !' He pushed me down, stepped on my body and ran out! I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was blind, what an unfair fate!"

Mr. Wilson said coldly: "I'm afraid that's not the case, is it?" The blind man was startled, and stared blankly at Mr. Wilson with empty eyes.

Mr. Wilson said word by word: "I was a worker there at the time, and you stepped on me! You are taller than me, and I will never forget what you said!"

The blind man stood for a long time, and suddenly grabbed Mr. Wilson and burst out laughing: "This is fate! Unfair fate! You are inside, and now you are ahead; I ran out, but I became a useless person." blind!"

Mr. Wilson pushed away the blind man's hand, raised a delicate palm cane in his hand, and said calmly: "Do you know? I am also blind. You believe in fate, but I don't."

Life wisdom
Those who accept misfortune and submit to fate will eventually become slaves of fate.Even if you encounter misfortune, you can actively challenge misfortune, and those who do not yield to fate can succeed on the basis of misfortune.

Dui Gua should treat people with a pleasant face

Small words and righteousness
Exchange: Heng, Li Zhen.The ninth day of the ninth day is Hedui, auspicious.Ninety-two Fudui, auspicious, regretted death.Six to three to exchange, fierce.The ninety-four business exchange was not peaceful, and there was joy in Jieji.Ninety-five Fu Yu stripping, there are severe.On the sixth quotation.

Dui Gua symbolizes joy.Prosperity is smooth, which is good for accounting.

The ninth day of the ninth day treats people with a pleasant face, which is very auspicious.

Jiu Er has integrity and a happy face, which is very auspicious, and distress will disappear by itself.

Liusan came here to flatter and please, and there must be danger.

In September [-]th, there was no peace in thinking about joyful things, and there must be joy in curing evil diseases.

Ninth Five, it is dangerous to win the trust of the dishonest by giving sincerity.

The sixth is to seduce and please others.

Xiang said: Li Ze, Dui.A gentleman teaches with friends.

"Dui" in "Dui Gua" means joy and pleasure.On the ninth day of the first lunar month, it said: "Handui, auspicious", thinking that treating people with a pleasant face will inevitably bring auspiciousness.The most direct way to communicate with people is through language. Therefore, the hexagram in "Dui Gua" says: "A gentleman teaches with friends." The "training" here refers to a kind of speech.

The prerequisite for treating people and dealing with things in a pleasant manner is to pay attention to speaking skills and speak appropriately, which will naturally make us appear pleasant and easy to be accepted by others.If there are language problems, even if we want to be pleasant, we will not be able to do so.

Carnegie, a famous speech artist, once lived near a forest park in New York City.He often takes his Reese, a Boston Bulldog, for walks.Since they rarely meet people in the park, he often leaves Reese on a leash or a mask.

One day they met a mounted police officer in the park who seemed impatient to assert his authority. "Why do you let your dog run around without putting it on a leash or a muzzle?" he snapped. , "Don't you know it's illegal?"

"Yes, I know," Carnegie replied softly, "but I don't think it would bite here."

"You don't think? The law doesn't care what you think. Your cute puppy can bite other animals, even children, you know? I won't pursue it this time, but if you show me next time If the puppy is in the park without a leash or a mask on, you're in trouble."

Carnegie politely agreed to do so.

Life wisdom
As the saying goes: "One sentence makes people laugh, and one sentence makes people dance." Why can't we think more about the way we speak, and give people a pleasant feeling?
The icing on the cake is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow
Small words and righteousness
Huan: Heng, Wang Jia has a temple, which benefits Dachuan and Zhen.On the sixth day, it is used to save horse Zhuangji.Ninety-two Huan ran to his machine and regretted his death.Liu San Huan bowed, no regrets.On June [-]th, there were many groups, Yuan Ji; when there were hills, it was unbelievable.Ninety-five Huan Khan's big name, Huan Wang's residence, no blame.There is no blame for Shangjiu Huan's blood to go out.

The Huan hexagram symbolizes the flow of water.Prosperity goes well.Holding a sacrificial ceremony, the king personally goes to the ancestral temple to worship the ancestors, which is conducive to crossing the huge river and occupying the question.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, it is very auspicious to ride a strong horse to rescue people in distress.

The [-] torrent scattered and rushed to a safe place to pray to the gods for help, and the distress would disappear by itself.

If the six or three major floods hit you, you will not encounter distress.

The June [-]th massacre dispersed the crowd, good luck.The flood rushed up the mountain, and the water was turbulent. The situation was not what one can usually imagine.

In the Ninth Five-Year Period, like sweating, the edicts of the kings are issued without repeating, and the wealth accumulated by the kings is dispersed to help the people of the world, and there will be no disasters.

The flow of the upper nine great waters can eliminate worries and fears, and there will be no disasters.

The elephant said: "Feng travels on the water, Huan."The former kings enjoyed themselves with the emperor and set up temples.

"Huan Gua" symbolizes the flow of water.At the same time, it also symbolizes that our cause has suffered difficulties.At this time, it is not difficult for us to distinguish who our true friends are - some friends can only add to the icing on the cake and share the blessings; while some friends always give us help when we need it, and accompany us to endure hardships.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang, a foreign relative, usurped power and proclaimed himself emperor, which caused the people to live in dire straits, and people everywhere raised their flags to rebel.In 22 AD, Liu Xiu, the clan of the Han Dynasty, raised troops in Wan County to respond to the Lvlin Uprising Army.

When Liu Xiu led the rebel army through Yingyang, the local Wang Ba called some friends and resolutely joined the army.Liu Xiu warmly accepted them, and then moved to various places.Liu Xiu was resourceful, brave and good at fighting, and won many battles.Wang Ba participated in the battle with the army, killed the enemy bravely, and made military exploits.Soon, Wang Ba bid farewell to Liu Xiu and went home to serve his father because his father was old, weak and sick.When parting, Liu Xiu gave Wang Ba a lot of gold and silver, and asked him to serve his father at home with peace of mind.After Liu Xiu saw Wang Ba off for a while, the two parted with tears.

Later, Liu Xiu led the army to Luoyang, passing by Yingyang on the way, and went to visit Wang Ba in person.Wang Ba was deeply moved, and begged his father to let him leave home with Liu Xiu.His father said: "Since General Liu is so benevolent, righteous and affectionate, and he values ​​you so much, you should repay your kindness. You go, participate in major national affairs, and assist General Liu well, don't give up halfway!"

At that time, Liu Xiu was not yet the supreme commander. Liu Xuan, who was embraced by the rebels as Emperor Gengshi, was very suspicious of Liu Xiu, who was resourceful and capable of fighting.In order to avoid the disaster of killing himself and preserve his strength, Liu Xiu asked Liu Xuan to let him go to Hebei to appease the rebels in various states and counties, and Liu Xuan agreed.So Wang Ba went with Liu Xiu.

After a long journey, people are tired and horses are exhausted, and they are very tired.Many of Liu Xiu's generals were worried that Liu Xiu would not be able to achieve great things and that he would suffer in vain, so they all left without saying goodbye.But these did not shake Wang Ba's will, he still loyally protects Liu Xiu.Later, more and more people left, and the number of people gradually decreased.After crossing the Yellow River, Liu Xiu looked around and saw that there were only Wang Ba and a few of his own soldiers around him, just a few people.Liu Xiu patted Wang Ba's shoulder, and said deeply: "You are the only one who came out from Yingchuan to follow me, you are really a grass with a strong wind!"

(End of this chapter)

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