Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 22 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 22

Chapter 22 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 22
Jiu San suppressed the twisting of the waist and hips, so that the tenderloin was torn, the danger was like a fire, and it made people worry.

On June [-]th, restrain the upper body so that it cannot move rashly, and there will be no disaster.

Sixty-five restrain the cheeks so that they can't speak nonsense, speak in an orderly manner, and have no disasters.

On the ninth day, restrain evil desires and evil thoughts with honest virtues, and you will get auspiciousness.

Xiang said: Jianshan, Gen.A gentleman can't think of his position.

Everyone knows that every player has his or her place on the football field.Take the defender as an example, his duty is to help the goalkeeper defend.If he runs into the penalty area and holds the ball with his hands like a goalkeeper, it is naturally not allowed. This is what people often say "not in his position, not seeking his own affairs", but this is what people often make.And the hexagram in "Gen Gua" says: "A gentleman can't think of his position", which is the same truth.

"If you are not in the position, you will not seek the government" has another meaning. It means that we should not do things that we should not do; we should not manage things that we should not manage.If you go too far and manage too much, disasters will surely occur.

In 559 BC, Duke Xian of Wei summoned his minister Sun Linfu and Ning Huizi to have lunch one day.For this reason, Sun Lin's father and Ning Huizi put on court clothes early and quietly waited for Wei Xiangong's arrival in the palace.

But at noon, Wei Xiangong was still shooting swan geese in the back garden for fun.The eunuch reminded him, but Wei Xiangong said: "I don't have my best time, I don't care about big things, let alone just a banquet? Let them wait."

It was getting late, Wei Xiangong was still having fun.When he learned that Sun Lin's father and Ning Huizi were fidgeting, he laughed wildly.He said to his entourage: "These two people usually take credit for their pride, and I want to use this to kill their vigor. The widow is the king, and they are the ministers. What can they do to the widow if they are dissatisfied?"

Sun Lin's father and Ning Huizi were so hungry that they found the back garden. He didn't want Wei Xiangong to treat him coldly and never mentioned the banquet. , is there such a thing?"

Wei Xiangong had a stern attitude and stared intently, the two had a cold war and quickly argued.Seeing the anxious appearance of the two, Wei Xiangong laughed again, and said casually, "You know that you are afraid, so I will not pursue it. I just want you to know that your affairs cannot be hidden from my discerning eyes."

Sun Lin's father and Ning Huizi were humiliated repeatedly, and they were very angry.They came out of the palace and said at the same time: "such a foolish king, what do we expect from him?" Furious, Sun Lin's father returned to his hometown to gather his fellow villagers and resolutely attacked.He led the team to the capital, and many people who hated Wei Xiangong joined in one after another.

In a panic, Wei Xiangong sent his three sons to make peace with Sun Lin's father, but Sun Lin's father refused: "I was forced to turn against me, and I was prepared to die; people like you, how can I let you go?" People believe it?" Sun Lin's father killed Wei Xiangong's three sons and continued to march.Wei Xiangong fled and almost died.

Confucius said: "If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government." Zeng Zi said: "A gentleman cannot think about his position." All he said is that a person should do what he should do and not think about what he should not think about.Although Wei Xiangong was a king, he went beyond the way of being a king. The officials forced the people to rebel. How can the people not rebel?
Life wisdom
"While in his position, seek his own government." We should not do things that are neither in etiquette nor within our responsibilities, otherwise we will encounter disasters and endanger our lives.

gradual hexagram
Small words and righteousness
Jian: Female Guiji, Lizhen.On the sixth day of the lunar new year, Hongjian was more active, the boy was harsh, he had words, and he was innocent.On June [-], Hongjian Yupan, eating and drinking, good luck.Ninety-three Hongjian landed in Lu, the husband's conquest was gone, the woman was infertile, and it was fierce; it benefited the imperial bandits.The June [-]th Hongjian fell to the wood, or got the jue, there is no blame.Ninety-five Hongjian Yuling, the woman was infertile at the age of three; in the end, Mo won, auspicious.Shangjiu Hongjian landed on the land, and his feathers can be used as instruments and auspicious.

The hexagram Jian gradually symbolizes progress.When a woman gets married and the wedding is gradually going on, she will get auspiciousness, which is conducive to fortune-telling.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, the swan geese flew gradually to the bank of the river, indicating that the child would be in danger and rumors would blame him, but there was no disaster.

The six-two swan geese fly gradually and land on the boulder, enjoying food, happiness and joy, and they will surely get auspicious.

The nine-three swan geese fly gradually and land on the top of the hill, which indicates that the husband will never return after leaving for the expedition, and the wife will lose her virginity and become pregnant without a face and give birth to a child, which must be dangerous.Good for defending against thieves.

The June [-]th swan geese flew gradually, some fell on the big trees, and some fell on the wooden rafters, and there would be no disaster.

The nine-five swan goose flies and lands on the mountain, which indicates that the wife will not conceive for three years, but foreign things will not win in the end, and will be auspicious.

The swan geese in Shangjiu fly gradually and land on the top of the mountain. Their feathers are very beautiful and can be used for ceremonial decorations, which is very auspicious.

Xiang said: There are trees on the mountain, gradually.A gentleman is a virtuous person who is good at customs.

All beginnings are hard.The first step of action is difficult to take. Many people are obsessed with comprehensive planning and detailed consideration.Dig out all kinds of difficulties together, and then think about various ways to overcome them in my mind. As a result, new difficulties arise, and more and more threads are drawn.Eventually overwhelmed by the complexity and magnitude of the difficulty, giving up before taking action. The original meaning of "Jian" in "Jian Gua" is gradual and gradual.In this hexagram, the use of a woman's marriage as a metaphor for progress needs to be gradual.

The purpose of "sequential" is "gradual", and the result of "gradual" is success.Only by following a certain method and gradually "gradually" can we succeed.

Life wisdom
On the road of life, we should not stop just because we are moving slowly.You must know that you cannot move forward even if you stop by one centimeter.

Guimei hexagram will always know the disadvantages

Small words and righteousness
Guimei: There is no profit in the levy.On the ninth day of the ninth day, my younger sister Yidi, who can walk with a lame, is auspicious.Ninety-two can be seen, benefiting people's chastity.Liusan returned to Yixu, a younger sister, and returned to Yidi.In September [-]th, my sister returned to the wrong date, and sometimes I returned late.Sixty-five emperor Yi returned to his younger sister, and his king's coat is not as good as his younger sister's; a few months, auspicious.The upper six women carried the baskets, but there was no substance; the scholars smashed the sheep, but there was no blood.No profit.

Guimei hexagram symbolizes marrying a girl.Going forward is bound to be dangerous, and there is no benefit.

A girl in the ninth day of the ninth day is married, and her younger sister is a concubine from her marriage, just like a lame man strenuously moving forward; it is auspicious to start an army and fight.

Ninety-two is blind and reluctant to watch, which is conducive to divination and questioning.

Six or three girls get married, and the elder sister is married as a concubine, but the husband's family sends the younger sister back to her natal family instead.

Girls from the Fourth Movement of [-] repeatedly postponed their marriages, delaying their marriage in order to bide their time.

Emperor Yi of the Sixth Five-Year Period married a daughter, but the clothes in the main room were not as luxurious as the younger sister who married with him; the date of marriage was chosen on the day that was expected, which was very auspicious.

The six maidens hold dowry baskets in their hands, but there is no dowry to hold; the groom kills the sheep, but does not bleed, which is of no benefit.

Xiang said: "There is thunder on the lake, return to my sister."A gentleman knows the disadvantages forever.

Judging from the hexagrams of "Guimei Gua", it mainly tells about the marriage of men and women. "Guimei Gua" is based on this, thinking that it is normal for a man to marry a woman, but it cannot be contrary to common sense.It is against common sense for the elder sister to marry the younger sister to dowry.

"Guimei Hexagram" points out in the hexagram: "A gentleman will always know the disadvantages." A gentleman should abandon wrong views and ideas, cultivate himself, keep himself clean, try his best to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and do not do things that are contrary to common sense. Prevent problems before they happen.

When Peng Ze was young, his family was poor and he studied hard. In the third year of Hongzhi Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty, he passed the Jinshi examination.

When Peng Ze's daughter was about to get married, Peng Ze used his salary to make dozens of lacquer boxes as dowry, and sent officials to send them home.Peng Ze's father was furious when he saw it, and immediately burned the lacquer boxes, and traveled thousands of miles to Huizhou with his luggage on his back.

Peng Ze heard that his father came suddenly, and he didn't know what happened at home, so he rushed out of the yamen to meet him, but he saw his father's face was full of anger, and he didn't say a word.When Peng Ze saw this, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. Seeing his father's dusty face and luggage, he winked and asked his servants to pick up the luggage.Peng Ze's father was even more angry, untied the luggage, threw it at Peng Ze's feet, and said angrily, "I have carried it for thousands of miles, can't you carry it for a few steps?" Peng Ze He was so scolded that he was speechless and couldn't lift his head, so he had to carry his luggage and invite his father into the government office.

After Peng Ze's father entered the room, he neither drank tea nor sat down. Instead, he ordered Peng Ze to kneel in the hall.All the officials in the government stepped forward to intercede for the magistrate, but to no avail.Peng Ze had no choice but to kneel in front of his father, but he didn't know why.

Peng Ze's father scolded Peng Ze: "You are a descendant of a poor family. Now that you have been an official for a few days, you have completely forgotten the family traditions of your ancestors. The emperor asked you to be a magistrate. You don't want to make the people live and work in peace, but you are like a corrupt official. If you move the belongings of the officials to your own house, you will become a corrupt official who harms the people in the long run!"

At this moment, Peng Ze knew what his father was furious about, but he didn't dare to defend himself.The government officials defended him by saying that the things were bought by adults with their own salary, not official money.

But Peng Ze's father said: "In the beginning, I used my own salary and silver. If the salary is insufficient, I will use official money. Now it is just dozens of lacquer boxes, but in the future it will be dozens of carts of gold and silver. Corrupt officials and thieves are always the same. It started from a young age, and the officials in the mansion are also members of the imperial court, not your servants, yet you send people thousands of miles away to deliver the dowry for your daughter, is this also reasonable?"

Peng Ze kowtowed and pleaded guilty, and the Manchu government officials begged for mercy, but Peng Ze's father was still angry and puzzled. He beat Peng Ze again with the crutches he was using, then picked up the luggage that had not been untied on the ground, and went out of the mansion. , And walked thousands of miles back to my hometown.

Peng Ze was blamed for this, not only was he honest and self-disciplined, he did not accept bribes, but he no longer cared about family affairs, and devoted himself to government affairs in the government.When the imperial court reviewed the performance of officials, the government of Huizhou had the highest performance.

Peng Ze's father traveled thousands of miles just to warn his son to "know the evil forever".And Peng Ze is also very upbeat, not only did not go astray, but also made achievements.

Life wisdom
In the world, people should cultivate morality and propriety, and pay attention to their own inner character, so as to avoid unfortunate things from happening.

The Feng Gua is in the middle of the day, and the moon is full.

Small words and righteousness
Feng: Heng, the king is false; don't worry, it is suitable for the middle of the day.On the ninth day of the ninth day, when I meet my partner, although there is no blame for ten days, there is still a way to go.Sixty-two Fengqi, seeing fights in the middle of the day, often suffering from suspicious diseases;lucky.Ninety-three is full of abundance, and there is foam in the middle of the day.There is no blame for breaking his right arm.In ninety-four abundance, there will be battles in the middle of the day; if you meet the barbarians, it will be auspicious.Sixth Five-Year Chapter, there is a celebration, auspicious.Go to Liufeng's house, his house, spy on his household, steal him without anyone, and don't meet at the age of three, which is fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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