Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 20 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 20

Chapter 20 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 20
At the same time, [-] kilometers away from Stalingrad, the troops commanded by the famous Red Army general Vadudin stubbornly prevented the German attack on the periphery, and the German army actually built fortifications on the spot. The trend of war.The fighting here pales in comparison to Stalingrad.This abnormal contrast quickly attracted the attention of General Vadudin.He realized that the purpose of the German army was to stall his troops so that they could not reinforce Stalingrad.

Seeing that the German army is mobilizing to Stalingrad in batches, the city is in danger, what should we do?

After thinking about it, General Vatudin decided to adopt the tactic of scaring the enemy, forcing the German army attacking Stalingrad to withdraw its troops.

He first sent planes to drop bombs on the German army every night, and hover over the German army during the day to harass.This kind of action did not cause much reaction from the German army at first.However, after a few days, the German army was disturbed.I couldn't sleep well at night, and I didn't dare to come out to bask in the sun during the day, and I stayed in the bunker all day and didn't dare to move.However, there was still no large-scale mobilization of troops by the German army.As a result, Vadudin simply organized a large-scale attack.He sent troops around behind the German army, suddenly launched an attack on the enemy one night, and occupied the German rear position.

As a result, the German army was a little confused about the strategic intentions of the Soviet army. Coupled with the continuous bombing by Red Army planes in the past few days, they thought that the Red Army was going to carry out a strategic general offensive from their rear positions, and immediately reported to the front-line headquarters saying: "The Red Army To launch a counterattack from the rear, please deploy reinforcements quickly." So the German army hastily dispatched a large number of troops from Stalingrad to fight.The troops guarding Stalingrad took the opportunity to launch a real counter-offensive, thus winning the battle of Stalingrad.

The battle-tested General Vadudin has rich experience in the way of marching and fighting.When faced with many difficulties, he did not panic, but deployed the army calmly, which made the German army suffer.

Life wisdom
It is not terrible to encounter difficulties, what is terrible is not having the mind and determination to deal with difficulties.Only by carefully analyzing the difficulties when they come, it is not difficult to find a solution to it and solve it easily.

Jing Gua is too much
Small words and righteousness
Well: Change the town but not the well, no loss, no gain, go to and from the well, even if the well is not reached, and the bottle is broken, fierce.On the sixth day of the sixth day, the well mud does not eat, and the old well has no poultry.Ninety-two shoot fish in the well and valley, and the urn leaks.Nine three wells do not eat, it is my heart; it can be drawn, and Wang Ming will be blessed by it.There is no blame for the June [-]th well tunnel.Ninth Five-Year Well cold, cold spring food.The upper six wells are harvested, not to be screened; Youfu, Yuanji.

Well hexagram symbolizes water well.Villages change, but the well cannot be moved. It is drawn every day, and the well water will neither dry up nor be full.People come and go to draw water from the well without stopping. When the water reaches the mouth of the well, the water bottle will overturn before the rope leaves the mouth of the well, which will be dangerous.

On the sixth day, the bottom of the well was silted up with sludge, the water in the well was no longer edible, the trees in the well were dead, and the birds no longer came to roost.

Jiu Er shot small fish in the hole in the well and broke the water tank.

The dry well in Jiusan has been cleaned and there is still no one to fetch water for drinking, which makes people feel sad and sad; the well water is already edible, so you should come to fetch water as soon as possible, the king is wise, and share the blessing with his subjects.

The June Fourth well is being repaired, so there will be no disasters.

The water in the Jiuwu well is clear, and the clean cold spring water is edible.

The work of repairing the well on the sixth day has been completed, and there is no need to cover the well head.

The elephant said: There is water on the wood, a well.The gentleman persuades the prime minister by laboring the people.

The hexagram of "Well Gua" says: "Well: change the city but not the well, there is no loss and no gain. If you go to the well and the well, you will never get to the well. If you lose the bottle, it is fierce."——People draw water from the well too much and eventually lead to the well destroyed, without water to eat.You must know that everything is extreme and must be reversed. As long as there is a degree, things will not go to the opposite side; if you do not grasp this degree, you will definitely suffer disasters.

During the reign of Emperor Xizong of the Jin Dynasty, Tu Shangong became the governor of Taiyuan.Tu Dangong, who became the prefect, once hired a painter to draw a Buddha statue for him.Soon, Tu Dangong summoned his officials and said: "I have seen Buddha Tathagata several times, and it is exactly the same as the Buddha statue in the painting. Isn't this a good omen?"

None of the officials believed this to be true, but they dared not refute it, so they congratulated him and said, "Buddha is coming, this is the blessing of my lord, and my lord will have a great future."

Tu Dangong took advantage of this again and ordered his prefectures and counties to pay money to cast a golden Buddha statue.Officials in various states and counties apportioned expenses to the people for this, and the people suffered so much that some were forced to flee to other places.Tu Dangong took the money collected by force as his own, and did not cast a golden statue. The local people hated him deeply.Later, Wanyan Bingde, the minister of the court, heard about this and wrote a letter to impeach Tu Shan Gong. Jin Xizong was also shocked, so he dismissed Tu Shan Gong from office and questioned him severely.

In 1149 AD, Hailing King Wan Yanliang launched a coup, killed Xizong, and proclaimed himself emperor.When the whole country was in shock, Tu Dan Gong was ecstatic because of no other reason, only because Tu Dan Gong's daughter was the first wife of King Hailing, and she was named queen.

As the head of the state, Tu Dan Gong immediately became imposing.He was immediately reappointed and soon became chancellor.

Tu Dan Gong didn't know much. In order to show his brilliance, he often pointed fingers at the court system and made frequent changes, causing great confusion.Someone reported this to King Hailing, and King Hailing questioned Tu Shangong, saying: "The court system was established by the emperor's capable man, and it has been in use for a long time. How can you change it immediately? You are not familiar with political affairs, and you are talented in literature. You are not outstanding, you try your best to show yourself, are you not afraid that people in the world will laugh at you?"

Tu Shangong showed no remorse. He said: "I share the worries of the country, reform the evils and bring forth the new. Only when someone opposes the minister, will you frame the minister. Your majesty must not be fooled. The minister is your majesty's close relative, and no matter what you do, you will do it for your majesty." For your own sake, you don’t care about your own honor or disgrace.”

King Hailing did not punish him because of his sympathy.

Tu Dan Gong restrained himself for a few days, but soon his old illness relapsed, causing disaster.When King Hailing learned the details, he immediately reprimanded Tu Shangong and said: "You have never changed your mind after repeated admonitions, and you pretend to be smart. If I let you go again, you will cause even greater disasters!"

All the ministers begged for mercy, but Tu Shangong wailed and begged for mercy, and King Hailing reluctantly let him go.After being frightened by this, Tu Dan Gong fell ill and died soon after.

Laozi has a saying that "when misfortune comes, blessings rely on it; I know it. The saying that the virtuous should surpass it, and the unworthy should not surpass it” all warn people not to overdo things.

Life wisdom
In life, there are many good things and good things that make us greedy and envious, but we should not "over" them.Because, if the heat is overdone, it is better to under-fire.If the fire is too short, you can add more fire, but if it is too hot, it will be irreversible.

Ge Gua Think Twice Before Acting

Small words and righteousness
Ge: Siri Naifu, Yuanheng, Lizhen, regretted their deaths.In the ninth day of the first day, the leather of yellow cattle was used.On the [-]nd, it is the day of the revolution, and there is no blame for the auspiciousness.Ninth three, attack fierce, chastity;Ninety-four Regret death, Youfu changed his life, auspicious.In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, adults changed from tigers to tigers, and did not occupy Fu.Upper Six: The gentleman changes, the villain changes his face;

The Ge hexagram symbolizes change.When the time comes, make up your mind to change.Good luck, good fortune, and troubles will disappear on their own.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, he was firmly tied with a yellow leather rope to prevent rash actions.

On the [-]nd of June, reforms will be resolutely implemented, and there will be auspiciousness in raising troops and fighting, and there will be no disasters.

Jiu Sanxing's military campaign will inevitably lead to danger, and Zhanwen will be dangerous.Change requires deliberation, deliberation before action, and integrity in doing so.

The distress of September [-]th will disappear by itself.With a heart of integrity, resolutely change the destiny, and implement a change of dynasty, you will surely get auspicious.

People with great virtue and great talent during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period are as mighty as tigers at the time of change.He has a heart of integrity without asking.

The upper six gentlemen act as swiftly as leopards when they are changing, and the villains also change their former appearances; at this time, if they continue to change without stopping in time, there will be dangers; but if they stay at home and guard the middle, they will get auspicious.

The elephant said: There is fire in the lake, leather.A gentleman governs the Ming Dynasty.

I have heard a very thought-provoking motto: "When things are imminent, it is better to think twice, and one forbearance is the highest." Of course, what we appreciate is not the "forbearance" in "One Forbearance is the highest", but the "forbearance" after "the event is imminent". Think twice". "Ge" in "Ge Gua" means revolution and change.When making changes, it is natural to "think twice before acting" to be effective.No wonder the hexagrams in "Ge Gua" say "a gentleman governs the Ming Dynasty".

Great figures throughout the ages are not daredevils.Even if they are extremely smart, they are methodical in doing things and dare not be careless.

During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the treacherous official Yan Song was in power and persecuted the ministers who disobeyed him.Xu Jie was very famous in the court, and Yan Song tried to frame him many times.Xu Jie pretended to be deaf and dumb, and never had any disputes with Yan Song.

Xu Jie's family couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Xu Jie many times: "You and Yan Song are both important ministers in the court, but Yan Song has harmed you again and again. You only know how to back down, and you will be killed one day. You should ask The emperor appeals!"

But Xu Jie said to his family: "How do you know the current situation, you only know to make up your own mind. Now that the emperor favors Yan Song, will the emperor listen to me? If I sue Yan Song, it will be me instead of him!"

In order to punish Xu Jie, Yan Song ordered his son Yan Shifan to be rude to Xu Jie.Once, Yan Shifan humiliated Xu Jie in front of civil and military officials, but Xu Jie was not angry at all, and kept apologizing to Yan Shifan.

Someone defended Xu Jie and wanted to impeach Yan Song, but Xu Jie hurriedly stopped him.He said: "It's all my fault. It's too late for me to feel ashamed. What do I have to do with others? It is for my own good that Yan Shifan can point out my fault. You have misunderstood him." Xu Jie said to Yan Song on the surface. Very obedient, he even married his granddaughter to Yan Song's grandson.

Later, Emperor Jiajing ordered Yan Song to retire, Yan Shifan was arrested, and Xu Jie personally went to Yan Song's home to comfort him.

Xu Pan, Xu Jie's son, did not understand his father's behavior. He said to Xu Jie: "Yan Song and his son have been convicted and resigned, and my father should stand up and testify against them. Have my father been wronged for so many years, have he forgotten?"

Xu Jie said: "Yan Song has been favored for many years, and the emperor likes to do things repeatedly. If things change, I can have a way out by doing this. I dare not be negligent, because this matter is related to the lives and deaths of many people. Let's see it again." It depends on the situation."

When the matter of Yan Shifan's rebellion became an iron case, Xu Jie relieved his worries and wrote a letter to report the fact that Yan Song and his son wanted to be emperor.Emperor Jiajing made up his mind, and Yan Song and his son were eradicated.

(End of this chapter)

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