Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 17 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 17

Chapter 17 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 17
seek common ground while reserving differences
Small words and righteousness
Cree: Little things are auspicious.On the ninth day of the ninth day, regret death; if you lose a horse, don't drive yourself back; if you see a wicked person, there is no blame.There is no blame for meeting the master in the alley in [-].On June [-], when he sees Yu Yu, his ox is pulled;There is no beginning and no end.In September [-]th, I was lonely;Regret and death in the Sixth Five-Year Period; Jue Zong devoured the skin, where is the blame?Going up to Jiulonggu, see the hog carrying the paint, carrying ghosts in a cart, the arc of opening first, and the arc of talking later; bandits, marriage.If it rains, it will be auspicious.

Gua Gua symbolizes violation of the diaphragm.If you ask about small things, you will get auspiciousness.

The distress of the ninth day will disappear.If you lose a good horse, you don't have to search everywhere, because it will return by itself; if you treat the villain who is against you modestly, you will not bring disaster.

Jiuer ran into his master unexpectedly in an alley, and there was no misfortune.

Liusan saw the cart dragged along and struggled forward, the cattle driving the cart were restrained and unable to move forward, and the driver was also tortured with black ink and tortured.Although it was difficult at first, there will be a happy ending in the end.

When I was lonely and lonely in September [-], I met a kind person and communicated with him with an honest heart. Even if there was danger, there would be no disaster.

The June [-]th distress will disappear.If he eats soft meat with the people of his clan, and if he does something, what disaster will there be?

When Shangjiu was lonely and lonely, he saw an ugly pig covered in mud, and a cart full of evil spirits was speeding past. He first drew his bow to shoot, and then let it go. Go forward, and you will get auspicious when you encounter heavy rain.

Xiang said: Go up to the fire and go down to the marsh.The gentleman is different with the same.

The hexagram name "Cui" in "Guai Gua" is the meaning of violating the barrier.Naturally, the solution to "Kui" is also mentioned in "Kui Gua", that is, "Gentlemen are different with the same" as mentioned in the hexagram.

At the Bandung Conference in 1955, Premier Zhou put forward the idea of ​​"seeking common ground while reserving differences" for the first time, which played a miraculous effect and brought the feelings between the Asian and African people closer.So, what is "seeking common ground while reserving differences"?

The word "qiu" means to seek, and the word "cun" means to preserve and preserve.This idiom means to seek common ground and reserve different opinions.It is about achieving consensus without affecting the main aspects due to individual differences.

Life wisdom
Seeking common ground while reserving differences is not only a kind of thinking, but also a basic method of understanding problems and resolving contradictions.As long as we can apply it in communicating and solving problems, we will naturally achieve great success.

Jian Gua knows the difficulty and retreats
Small words and righteousness
Jian: Good for the southwest, bad for the northeast; good for seeing adults, Zhenji.On the sixth day, go to Jian and come to praise.Sixty-two kings and ministers Jian Jian, because of bandits bowing.Ninety-three goes to Jian, and comes back.June [-]th to Jian, to Lilian.Ninety-five major disasters, friends come.On the sixth day, go to Jian, come to Shuo; auspicious, benefit to see adults.

The hexagram Jian symbolizes difficulty in doing things.It is advisable to travel to the southwest rather than to the northeast; it is conducive to the birth of a person with great virtue and talent, and you will get auspicious fortune when you ask questions.

Although it is difficult to move forward on the sixth day of the lunar new year, it will surely win a good reputation when you return.

The courtiers of King Liu Er went through all kinds of hardships and dangers, and ran to help those in need, not for their own private affairs.

In [-], it was difficult to move forward, but it was just the opposite when it returned.

On June [-]th, going forward encountered difficulties, and when returning home, difficulties continued one after another.

It was very difficult during the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and friends and friends came to help.

On the sixth day, if you encounter difficulties when you go out, you can make great achievements when you return; it is very auspicious, and it is conducive to the birth of people with great virtue and talents.

Xiang said: There is water on the mountain, Jian.A gentleman cultivates virtue by self-reflection.

"Jian Gua" said "going forward, coming back" in the ninth third, it means that if you know that you will encounter danger when you move forward, it is better to retreat when you know the difficulty.It is undeniable that people have praised Wu Song's heroic spirit of "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, but walking on the mountains with tigers".However, after a closer look, we can easily find that Wu Song was full of confidence before he went to Jingyanggang, and with his kung fu, it is not difficult to kill a tiger.

But if Wu Song was replaced by someone else, even if he had this kind of courage, he would only die in vain if he went to Jingyanggang, and it would be nothing more than a tooth sacrifice to the tiger.Therefore, we say that retreating in spite of difficulties is also a kind of wisdom.

Life wisdom
If the time is not enough, blindly advancing forward will inevitably fail. It is better to restrain your edge, retreat temporarily, wait for the opportunity, and succeed in one fell swoop.

Interpretation of Gua Learn to Forgive
Small words and righteousness
Solution: benefit the southwest; if there is nothing to go, it will be auspicious when it comes;There is no blame on the sixth day.Jiuertian won the three foxes and the yellow arrow; Zhenji.Sixty-three negative and multiplied, leading to Kou Zhi; chaste and stingy.Ninety-four solution and thumb, friends to Sifu.Sixth Five-Year Gentleman Wei Youjie, Ji, Fu Yu villain.The upper six public shoot falcons above Gao Yong, and there is no disadvantage in obtaining them.

Jie Gua symbolizes relief; it is beneficial to the southwest; there is no need to continue to do things, and you can get auspicious by returning to the original place to live in your place.If you make a move, go there as soon as possible, so that you can get auspicious.

There are no disasters on the sixth day.

During the [-]nd hunting, three foxes were captured and yellow arrows were obtained.

Liusan travels in a car with a heavy load on his body, which will inevitably lead to thieves and robbers; Zhanwen is difficult to do.

September [-]th is like untying a bound thumb to get rid of the entanglement of villains, so that friends will come to help with integrity.

If the six or five gentlemen are bound and freed, they will surely gain auspiciousness.Can influence the villain with integrity.

The princes of Shangliu shot and killed the big falcon on the high city with a sharp arrow, and if he hit it with one arrow, he caught it and caught it, without any disadvantage.

The elephant said: "Thunderstorm makes, solve."The gentleman forgives his sins by pardoning his mistakes.

There are differences and contradictions in any interpersonal relationship, and this is often the main reason for the deterioration of the relationship between them. Therefore, we often hear that a certain two people have a good relationship, and they are almost enemies because of a disagreement.The reason for this is that these people do not know what forgiveness is, let alone how to forgive.

What is forgiveness? The hexagrams in "Jie Gua" say: "A gentleman forgives his sins by forgiving his faults." A gentleman treats other people's faults with an understanding and accommodating heart to resolve conflicts.Of course, what we call forgiveness does not mean that what has happened is unimportant, but that it means giving up punishment or taking revenge on others. It hopes to let others realize their mistakes, realize their shame and be brave.

Life wisdom
If we can take the initiative to give way and be tolerant during the journey of life, it will save a lot of trouble and reduce our troubles and pains; forgiveness will also increase our personality charm and obtain unexpected gains.

Do what you can
Small words and righteousness
Loss: Youfu, Yuanji, no blame, chastity, profit and future.What's the use?Two Gui can be enjoyed.On the ninth day of the ninth day, things have passed, and there is no blame; it is considered to be damaged.Ninety-two Li Zhen, levy fierce; Eph profit and loss.If six, three or three people act together, one person will be lost; if one person acts together, one will gain his friend.June [-]th harmed his illness, which made Trent happy, and there is no blame.Sixth Five-Year or the tortoise of the ten friends of benefit, Fuke violated, Yuanji.The upper nine is the profit and loss; there is no blame, Zhenji, there is a future, and the minister has no home.

The loss hexagram symbolizes loss.With a heart of integrity, good luck, no disasters, you can ask questions, and it is advisable to take action.What is used to reflect the way to reduce losses?It is enough to use two baskets of light food to worship the gods and dedicate to the venerable.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, stop your own work and help others as soon as possible, there will be no disaster, but you must use your discretion.

Ninety-two is conducive to accounting.But there are dangers in raising troops to go to war. Don't detract from it, but gain it.

When six or three people travel together, one person will leave because it is difficult to work together; if one travels alone, you will gain friends because you are dedicated to seeking harmony.

The June [-] mitigating mistakes should be dealt with as soon as possible. In this way, there will be joy and no disaster.

On June [-]th, if someone donates a precious tortoise worth ten friends and does not disobey his refusal, it will be auspicious.

The upper nine should not be reduced, but enhanced, so that there will be no disasters, and luck can be obtained by divination, so it is advisable to do something.

Xiang said: There is luster under the mountain, but it is damaged.A gentleman uses punishment to suffocate desire.

"Sun Gua" takes "Shang" as its name, which means loss and injury.Its hexagram says: "A gentleman punishes anger and suffocates desire"-if a person cannot restrain his impulsive and extreme behavior, he will inevitably suffer losses and injuries.This sentence has now been deduced into a kind of wisdom that does what it can.

In May of the 35th year of Ming Taizu Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang died of illness in Nanjing, and the emperor's grandson Zhu Yunwen succeeded to the throne, known as Emperor Jianwen in history.

At the beginning of Emperor Jianwen's succession to the throne, he imitated Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty and vigorously cut down the vassals. The vassal kings were successively arrested and sent to the capital, and deposed as common people.However, in the process of cutting the vassal, Emperor Jianwen was most afraid of the powerful Yan Wang Zhu Di, so he didn't dare to do it rashly, so he wanted to cut his "wings" first and gradually.

Of course Zhu Di was not stupid, he had already known Emperor Jianwen's intentions.However, he was not willing to sit still, and secretly discussed countermeasures with his confidant, Monk Daoyan.A basement was built in the back garden of the palace, where soldiers and horses were trained, weapons were forged, and money was minted privately.

Although their actions were very secretive, they were still known by the court.In the name of defending the border, Emperor Jianwen transferred all the elite officers and soldiers of the three Yanshan guards under Zhu Di's command from the King of Yan, and replaced all the officials of the Commander, Chief and Procuratorate of Beiping with his own cronies. To control Beiping City and monitor Zhu Di's movements.General Song Chang was also sent to guard with heavy troops, ready to quell Zhu Di's possible mutiny at any time.At this time, Zhu Di is like a turtle in a urn, easy to catch.

Seeing that the situation was critical and suffering from insufficient preparation, Zhu Di wanted to take the risk and put all his eggs in one basket.Monk Daoyan dissuaded him, claiming that his strength was insufficient and his geographical advantages had been lost, and that raising troops rashly would only mean death, and offered him a secret strategy.

The next day, Zhu Di rushed out of the palace alone, and ran onto the street with disheveled hair.They robbed the stalls of small vendors on both sides of the street, and when they met passers-by with food in their hands, they grabbed it and ate it, so people in the capital rumored that the prince was driven crazy by the emperor.

Seeing this situation, the Beiping chief envoy hurriedly reported to the court, saying that King Yan was suffering from madness, and asked the emperor to instruct him to stop it.

The well-prepared Emperor Jianwen did not expect King Yan to make such a move. Although he was dubious in his heart, as an emperor, he could not do anything to a lunatic. Is it crazy.

The officials of the Third Department of Beiping knew that the matter was related to the royal family, so they dared not be extra cautious, so they had to be patient and observe carefully.

After that, the King of Yan pretended to be crazy in Mingli, kept his life in secret, and finally succeeded in the mutiny, and was known as Ming Chengzu in history.

When we can't do it, we have many ways to do it besides throwing all our eggs in one basket.Among them, doing what we can and gaining momentum are the most successful methods.

Life wisdom
When you are not capable enough to accomplish something, you should do what you can and do what you can.Don't blindly exaggerate your own strength, do things beyond your power, and humiliate yourself.

Yi hexagram sees good and moves, and if there is a mistake, change

Small words and righteousness
(End of this chapter)

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