Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 15 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 15

Chapter 15 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 15
More than ten years later, the war between Egypt and Israel ceased, and a large number of merchant ships in the West stopped moving.Many smart "ship lords" in the west who took a chance began to suffer. They had to spend huge sums of money to repair and manage these out-of-service merchant ships, and their operating conditions were shrinking day by day.In stark contrast to this, Yu-Kang Pao's shipping company is firmly established in Southeast Asia, and its business is growing day by day.

Bao Yugang's business method, on the surface, seems to have little profit for a while, but it has made steady and local profits for a long time.Therefore, he can leap to the throne of the world's shipping king today.

The things of "eating a fat man in one bite" and "reaching the sky in one step" are always out of reach, so we can't expect success in life and career in one step.Everyone who is committed to success should keep in mind the saying "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry".

Life wisdom
We must not be eager for success in doing things, we should make progress on a stable basis, this is the way to success.

Salty hexagram lips and teeth depend on each other
Small words and righteousness
Salty: Heng, Lizhen; take female auspiciousness.The sixth day is salty.Sixty-two is salty, fierce, and lucky.Ninety-three salty its shares, hold on to its followers, and be stingy.Ninety-Fourth is chaste and auspicious, regretting death;Ninety-five salty, no regrets.The upper six are salty and its auxiliary cheek tongue.

Xian hexagram symbolizes induction.Prosperity is smooth, which is conducive to accounting.Marrying this woman as a wife will bring good luck.

The mutual induction on the sixth day is in the thumb, which moves according to the situation.

If the six-two mutual induction is in the calf, there must be danger; but if you stay at home, you will get auspicious.

Nine-Three mutual induction is in the thigh, obsessively follow others blindly, and it is difficult to act if you do something.

You will get auspiciousness by divining and asking in September [-]th, and the distress will disappear; although your mind is uncertain and your thoughts are endless, your friends will eventually follow your thoughts.

If the ninety-five mutual induction is on the back, you will not encounter distress.

The upper six phases are induced in the mouth and tongue, and the gums, cheeks, and tongue are all moved according to the momentum.

The elephant said: There is luster on the mountain, and it is salty.A gentleman accepts others with nothing.

The hexagram of "Xian Gua" says: "Xian: Heng, Lizhen", the "salty" in it is used here as a "feeling", the "feeling" of induction.Shang Liushang also said, "Xian Qi Fu Cheek Tongue", and believed that the lips and teeth are mutually inductive, and there is a relationship between them.Therefore, people have the conclusion that "the lips are dead and the teeth are cold".

We all know that we need others to help us on the road to success, and we need others to help us in times of disaster. Without friends, we cannot move forward.However, some people can't figure out the truth of "dead lips and cold teeth", and often take actions of "crossing the river and tearing down the bridge".

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Chen Youliang followed Xu Shouhui to rebel.Because of his daring to fight and kill, he was promoted to general soon.

At that time, Ni Wenjun, who was under Xu Shouhui's staff and had a higher official position than Chen Youliang, looked down on him and insulted him at every turn, saying that he took credit for himself.Chen Youliang held a grudge and wanted to kill Ni Wenjun.

Chen Youliang's confidants advised him to open up. He said, "Ni Wenjun is right about your problem. He is also doing it for your own good. Besides, he is not your boss. You shouldn't have the intention to kill him. You have to be careful when doing big things." Be generous, if you can't bear this little thing, I'm afraid people won't convince you." Chen Youliang couldn't listen to it, so he found a chance to kill Ni Wenjun and annexed Ni Wenjun's army.This greatly increased Chen Youliang's power, and made him even more contemptuous of others.

Another general, Zhao Pusheng, could not understand Chen Youliang's arrogance and kept a distance from him.Chen Youliang wanted to attack him, and someone persuaded him, "You attack from all sides, everyone wants to kill, and no one will really work for you. If we kill each other, others will take advantage of it, and we will be defeated without fighting." At this time, you should make friends and not make strong enemies." Chen Youliang still refused to listen, and planned to kill Zhao Pusheng.All the soldiers under him felt chilled.

What's more serious is that Chen Youliang even killed Xu Shouhui.For a while, the morale of the army plummeted, most of the soldiers fled, and their strength was obviously weakened.In the end, Chen Youliang was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang and died.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang's strength is not as good as that of Chen Youliang, and it was Chen Youliang who destroyed the Great Wall by himself, which led to such an ending.He rejects dissidents everywhere and is ruthless, but he doesn't know that his "lips" are dead, and his "teeth" will be frozen.

"Three Kingdoms?Wei Shu?"Bao Xun Biography" said: "It is because Wu and Shu depend on each other with their lips and teeth, and relying on Yin mountains and rivers, there is a tendency that is difficult to pull out." It is precisely because Wu Shu understands the principle of "dead lips and cold teeth" that he was able to resist the powerful Wei army and achieved victory. Victory at the Battle of Chibi.

Life wisdom
Treat those friends who are close to us with sincerity.At any time, don't do things like destroying rivers and bridges for your own selfish desires, so that our interests will not be lost.

Heng Gua perseveres
Small words and righteousness
Heng: Heng, no blame, Lizhen, profit has its way.On the sixth day of the sixth day, Junheng, chaste and vicious, has no profit.Ninety-two regrets death.Nine three not to perpetuate one's virtue, or to inherit one's shame; chaste and stingy.Ninety-four fields have no poultry.Sixty-five constant virtues, chastity; women are lucky; masters are fierce.The upper six vibrations are constant, fierce.

Heng hexagram symbolizes permanence.Prosperity is smooth and there is no disaster; it is good for accounting and taking action.

On the sixth day of the sixth day, there is something to pursue, but if it lasts too long, there must be danger in divination, and there is no benefit.

If you get this line in the [-]nd divination, the distress will disappear.

Jiusan cannot maintain virtue for a long time, and sometimes suffers disgrace, and Zhanwen has difficulty in doing things.

Ninety-four hunting did not capture animals.

Sixth, if you maintain virtue for a long time, you may get auspicious if you ask about women, but it will be dangerous if you ask about men.

The upper six vibrations are restless and changeable. If you can't persevere and keep virtue, there must be danger.

The elephant said: Wind and thunder, constant.It is not easy for a gentleman to stand.

"Heng Gua" focuses on revealing "constant", the "constant" that perseveres.Jiusan said: "If you don't persevere in your virtue, you may inherit your shame", thinking that if you can't persevere in maintaining your virtue, you will be humiliated and humiliated.

As the saying goes: "If you are not afraid of slowness, you are afraid of breaking." Xunzi once said: "If you persevere, you can carve gold and stone; if you persevere, you will not break rotten wood."They all tell us to persevere in pursuing the right things in order to achieve success.

Comrade Mao Zedong once commented on Comrade Lei Feng, saying: "It is not difficult for one person to do a good deed, what is difficult is to do good deeds for a lifetime." It is Comrade Lei Feng who perseveres in doing good deeds that he will be respected by people.

Life wisdom
People are precious and eternal.When doing things, as long as you have a concept of "perseverance" and work tirelessly, you will definitely make a difference.

Hexagram to retreat at the right time

Small words and righteousness
Escape: Heng, Xiao Lizhen.On the sixth day of the sixth day, chase the tail, Li, don't use it to go.Mo Zhisheng said that Liu Er Zhi used the leather of yellow cattle.Nine three lines escape, there are severe illnesses; animal ministers and concubines, auspicious.September [-] is easy to escape, a gentleman is good, but a villain is not.Ninth Five Jiadun, Zhenji.Shangjiu fat escape, no disadvantages.

The escape hexagram symbolizes retreat.Prosperity is smooth, which is beneficial to the weak and small.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, if you can't retreat in time, if you fall behind, there must be danger, and it is not appropriate to take actions and display your talents for the time being.

Liu Er was tied up with a yellow leather rope, and no one could break free.

Jiusan has a love in his heart, and if he can't escape in time, he will be infected with illness and will be in danger; while raising male and female slaves and maidservants will be auspicious.

September [-]th likes to hide away, so the gentleman can get good luck, but the villain will not be lucky.

Choose the best time during the Ninth Five-Year Plan, avoid in time, and you will get auspicious fortune by divination.

Shangjiu Gaofei went far away, retreating completely, no disadvantages.

There is a kind of Majia fish that grows in the deep sea. When the season is suitable for mating, they will go up the river in groups to mate and lay eggs upstream.What is puzzling is that even when they encounter fishing nets intercepting them in the process of upstream, they still go forward bravely and do not know how to retreat, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of Majia fish and the fate of being on the verge of extinction.

During Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty, Chen Hao rebelled. Wang Yangming put down the Chen Hao rebellion, arrested Chen Hao, and imprisoned him in Zhejiang Province.At that time, he was catching up with the emperor's southern tour and was stationed in Liudu.The Zhongguan tricked Wang Shouren into letting Chen Hao go back to Jiangxi, and then captured him when the emperor personally went to conquer.Zhongguan sent two eunuchs to Zhejiang Province to convey his orders.Wang Shouren accused the Zhongguan of this behavior, but accepted his order.Because the Zhongguan was afraid, the matter was dropped.

Jiang Bin and others were jealous of Wang Shouren's achievements and spread rumors, saying that Wang Shouren conspired with Chen Hao at the beginning, and only after hearing that the imperial court's army went out to fight, they arrested Chen Hao to absolve themselves.They wanted to arrest Wang Shouren and take the credit for themselves.Wang Shouren discussed with Zhang Yong that if he followed the emperor's will, it might be possible to save the situation.If you don't listen to the imperial court's will, but resist them, it will be in vain to arouse the resentment and anger of those villains.So he handed over Chen Hao to Zhang Yong, and then won the table.Attributing the credit for capturing Chenhao to the governor's army and asking the emperor not to go to Jiangxi, Wang Shouren himself claimed that he was recuperating in Jingci Temple.

Zhang Yong returned to the capital and praised Wang Shouren's loyalty in front of the emperor, as well as his way of avoiding disaster by making meritorious deeds.The emperor realized right from wrong, so he stopped the accusation against Wang Shouren.

As the saying goes: "A gentleman does not suffer from immediate losses." It is the behavior of a wise person to avoid disasters at the right time.Don't be impulsive and bring unnecessary disasters.

Life wisdom
When dealing with the world, you should adapt to the situation, retreat when you retreat, and be brave when you are brave.Don't do stupid things that are inappropriate and foolhardy.

The Great Zhuang Hexagram

Small words and righteousness
Da Zhuang: Li Zhen.On the ninth day of the ninth day, it is stronger than the toe, which is fierce; there is Fu.Ninety-two Zhenji.Ninety-three villains use strong, gentlemen use weak, chaste and strict.When the sheep touches the feudal domain, it looses its horns.Ninety-four Zhenji, regretted death; Fan will never be weak, stronger than Dayu.Sixty-five lost sheep in Yi, no regrets.If the upper six sheep touch the vassal state, they cannot retreat, they cannot succeed, and there is no profit; if it is difficult, it will be good.

The Da Zhuang hexagram symbolizes strength and grandeur.Good for accounting.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, the toes are strong, and there must be dangers when going out for battle; at this time, you should hold yourself with integrity.

Ninety-two Zhanwen will be auspicious.

Ninety-three villains rely on their grandeur to show off their strength, while gentlemen use inaction to conduct themselves in the world, and there must be danger if they ask questions, just like a ram strengthening a fence, its horns are bound to be entangled by ropes.

Ninety-four divination questions will surely bring auspiciousness, and distress will disappear on its own, just like a fence breaks open but the horns are not entangled, and it is like the spokes of a big wheel are strong and applicable.

There is no need to regret when Liu Wu lost a sheep by the field.

The upper six rams resist the fence and can neither retreat nor advance. There is no benefit.

The elephant said: Thunder is in the sky, big and strong.The gentleman acts indecently.

From "Book of the Later Han Dynasty?"Ma Cheng Zhuan" "eight feet long, strong and powerful" and "Xunzi?In "Self-cultivation", "the old and strong will return", it is not difficult to see that the "big strong" in "Da Zhuang Gua" has the meaning of robustness and strength.

(End of this chapter)

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